QDB Admin Quote Database Home

Welcome! Browse away to your amusement, and feel free to add some quotes yourself.

If you like or dislike a quote, vote with the + and - links. If you feel that the quote doesn't deserve to be in the database at all, click its [X] link next to it; while the quote will not be removed from the database immediately, it will be resubmitted for review, and it is possible that it will be removed.

Questions? Comments? qdb@bash.org


Yes, we've been super lazy and detached lately. Yes, we deserve your ire and pokings fun of. However, rumor has it that our ol' faithful moderator and his awesome girlfriend are going to "get trashed and mod a shitload of quotes" this weekend. Barring a better offer, expect some movement over the weekend!

We're back, thanks to Idologic, more details to follow.

Managers: Ninety and Blaxthos
Moderators: Amanda, Blaxthos, Jestuh, vx0, Landus, catnip, kastein, GMP

20903 quotes approved; 101 quotes pending
Hosted by Idologic: high quality reseller and dedicated hosting.
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