Saturday, January 23, 2010

2010 - Dark

The world has become very dark this year so far. I like to think that it is because I have become more enlightened and the contrast is more stark.

Yet I worry, for America's future. The unfettered corporations and the weak minded leaders that are easily fooled by illogical arguments. I worry for the Islamic world's future. I see a reformation on the horizon in the Muslim world, in reaction to the extremism that currently influences their society.

We are bending ever closer to a fragmented world. A battle of dogmas, religious, economic, social, and governmental. We could choose not to do this, but then again we never have.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Quick Question

Is the universe digital or analog?

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

The value of Aliens to human advancement

Of all the current research being performed and maintained by our scientific community none is more important to human advancement than that of SETI and the Kepler telescope. Yes the research into our genetic and epigentic nature may very well prove more valuable to us. The LHC is by far one our greatest accomplishments by virtue of its construction alone, not to mention the potential discoveries it could produce. Yet the search for other intelligent life offers something more powerful. It offers humanity in a single iota of knowledge the understanding that we are not alone. It gives us a goal beyond ourselves.

When I was younger I spent a summer helping inner city kids in Philadelphia. I saw some pretty difficult things during that time. There were some wonderful people but when you deal with humanity's oppressed people, you see some situations that get ignored. We have people in this country living in filth by virtue of a life of unoffered opportunities. I lived with them and received only a taste of life at the bottom of America's ladder of prosperity. Since then, I have experienced a time where I too was a member of that class.

Yet during that time I was sharing my experience with other privileged children doing their duty for a college resume, or for a sense of being better people for helping. I remember one young girl complaining how hard her life was when her dad cut her off for a week. How she felt when she couldn't go get her favorite coffee in the morning, or hang out with her friends, or even buy something nice when she went to the store. She was stating this to "relate" to these people that were worried about not being able to eat or keep their jobs.

The contrast was stark and seemed at the time rather glaringly self centered. Yet I did gain one insight from it that applies here. Everyone struggles in relation to their experience. At my worst situation, I was infinitely better than anyone in Dafur. Yet when we look at the fact, that there is another place, another world in the universe with a civilization and technology like our own. Maybe our infighting might seem small. The piece of dirt that has been fought over for millennia in Israel may seem less vital. Once we know we are not alone, we can then compare ourselves as we often do when finding foreigners. Some will fear them, others rejoice, and still others despise their existence. I do not doubt religion will survive the knowledge. In fact I would think the chosen nature of humanity will become quite in vogue, but we will, without doubt begin to try and communicate, plan and finance someway to share physically with our first neighbors. This endeavor alone will lead to a second renaissance, a second and hopefully more lasting enlightenment.

We are not alone, and for this I am certain, yet only as certain as the probability begs for it. Perhaps we are alone in time, but I doubt we are alone in space. Our short time shouting to the cosmos in the faint voice of our technology would most likely miss the mark in the vastness of the universe. As our technology improves we are becoming less noisy. As we learn to use our bandwidth and control our communications to protect their integrity, we bleed less noise into space. Most likely any technology we might hear may only be available for 100 years in the span of a planet's life. To find life, will be difficult, but to not look is a robbery of omission not to be forgiven.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A possible fate

I think that our progeny most likely will not be our descendants but our machines. With the promising results from Blue Brain it appears we may have in our grasp the ability to replicate a brain. This key step in creating a replicated intelligence could mean that we may one day be able to replicate conscientiousness. As such it would also mean that we would have the ability of creating the fantasy of androids. I do think this is a strong likelihood, barring of course our human sensibilities getting in the way. We may well create sentient machines that could be more intelligent and more capable, dare I say more adaptable. They would only need a small level of advantage and the world would be theirs.

What values would they inherit from their interaction from us. I think a live and let live philosophy would be a value to ingrain in our brains, if we would replicate our minds in our machines. Perhaps we might survive our inventions.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Walter Kronkite - A true American Hero

"I came here to find to find my ancestors. I don't know whether I found them, but I found out something much more moving, much more important. I found my little place in history. I found that I am one member of one species. I am just one fragile individual but inside me and inside you is the past, the present, and the future." - Walter Cronkite, in Africa, at the conclusion of his series on Evolution "APE MAN".

"The plain unvarnished truth is that evolution is not a theory. It is a scientifically sound fact." - Walter Cronkite

I was listening to Walter Cronkite this week and his series APE MAN. It is a pretty good series and a great way I think to introduce people to Evolutionary theory. You have the most trusted man in America promoting and teaching evolution in a simple straight forward manner that neither speaks down to the less educated nor ignores the details of accuracy that a proper representation of the topic should have.

We lost a truly great American and a man of great reason and humanity. We are diminished by his loss but not by as much as he contributed to our species. Perhaps, in his passing, we find a measure of respect for the really important things for awhile. To see a shift in our news toward the better understanding of our world instead of the more sensational understanding of our fantasies.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Switching Content Label

I have been a boiling mess of rage and I need to express that the way that feels the most satisfying to me. As such I am switching the content label to my blog to Adult so I can use more comfortable words and discuss topics more freely. So be forewarned.

Ok changed my mind and deleted the adult content. nevermind...everyone back to normal

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Quote from Fraggle Rock

"Why does a wish granting creature promise so many things in so many voices?" - Gobo Fraggle from Manny's Land of Carpets.

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Monday, June 22, 2009


Christianity - the greatest waste of paper ever.

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