One Million Blogs for Peace
To End the Iraq War

[Concept] [Pledge] [Who's Eligible] [Sign Up!] [Timeline] [Guidelines] [Help] [The Blogs] [Our Blog] [Promotional Link Buttons] [Tuesday Topics] [Virtual Rallies] [OMBFP Merchandise] [YouTube Challenge]

The Concept
Between 20 March 2007 and 20 March 2008 (the fifth year of the war), we will attempt to sign up One Million Blogs for Peace. By signing up, a blogger is stating his or her agreement with The Pledge below. They will then be able to participate in various challenges launched by One Million Blogs for Peace. They will also be listed on this website with a link to their blog.

Bloggers who took The Pledge before the launch date of 20 March 2007 are known as "Inblogurals" (Inaugural Blogs).

The Pledge
I believe in the immediate withdrawal of all foreign combat troops from the nation of Iraq. I believe in using my blog, in whole or in part, as a tool toward this end.

Who's Eligible
There will be two counts (toward 1,000,000). For one, a blog must be based in the home country of a nation currently engaged in the Iraq War. As of now, those nations are: Albania, Australia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America.

The second count will include all bloggers worldwide, whether or not their countries are involved in the conflict. The importance of keeping separate counts is explained
Sign Up!
Blog Name:
Blog URL:
Blogger's Name:
Blogger's E-Mail:
City, Country:
How You Heard About OMBFP:

By clicking "SIGN UP" above, I am stating my agreement with the following statement:
I believe in the immediate withdrawal of all foreign combat troops from the nation of Iraq. I believe in using my blog, in whole or in part, as a tool toward this end.

Please note that we will not post your name to the website, only your blog & URL. We may also sort by region. Your e-mail address will be used to confirm interest.

You may also sign up via e-mail to
17 February - 19 March 2007:   Sign-Up Period for Inblogurals
20 March 2007:Official Launch of One Million Blogs for Peace
20 March 2007:First Tuesday Topic
28 March - 4 April 2007:First Virtual Rally
1-31 May 2007:First Challenge (Refer New Blogs)
1-31 August 2007:Second Challenge (TBA)
1-31 October 2007:Third Challenge (TBA)
1-31 January 2008:Fourth Challenge (TBA)
20 March 2008:Deadline for One Million Blogs
21 March 2008:Announcement of Future Vision for the Movement

-Spam blogs ("splogs") will not be permitted to sign up.
-If you actively maintain more than one blog, you may choose to sign up each one of these blogs. Please, however, only do this if the blogs in question are actually active.
-You may choose to create a blog for the purpose of signing up. Please, however, only do this if you intend to blog actively.
-We may add advertising to this portion of the
Blue Pyramid to help raise money for prizes for the challenges.

How You Can Help Further
-The best way you can help is to spread the word. Tell everyone you know about One Million Blogs for Peace!
-Participate in
Tuesday Topics and Virtual Rallies to lend your support!
-If you happen to have spare money available, please consider donating to The Blue Pyramid, which is entirely responsible for this project. In so doing, you may make a special note to earmark the donation toward this project and we will honor this request.

-When the challenges begin, we will allow individuals to offer their own prizes for the challenges, either to runners-up, random participants, or in certain possible cases to the grand-prize winner.

What is the Blue Pyramid?