
Gary Younge | The Nation

Gary Younge

Author Bios

Gary Younge


Gary Younge, the Alfred Knobler Journalism Fellow at The Nation Institute, is the New York correspondent for the Guardian and the author of No Place Like Home: A Black Briton's Journey Through the Deep South (Mississippi) and Stranger in a Strange Land: Travels in the Disunited States (New Press). He is also a contributor to The Notion.


News and Features

His rise and fall are instructive about the way race, sex and class operate in presidential campaigns.

It’s not surprising that  Greece’s proposed referendum elicited such outrage. Europe doesn’t work like that.

Whatever the spark, social unrest is the predictable result of conditions like poverty, discrimination and police brutality.

Racism, not multiculturalism, poses the real threat to Europe’s future.

As the massacre in Norway shows, the real threat to European democracy is not multiculturalism and Islamic militancy. It’s racism.

In Europe and America, the clothes you wear, the language you speak, the way you worship, have all become grounds for dismissal or inclusion.

Obama's inauguration broke racial barriers, but today most black Americans are worse off than before.

The one thing I never thought I’d have to explain to Americans is why monarchy is a bad idea. Apparently, I’m wrong.

Libya is not Iraq. And yet the flaws in logic, strategy and morality remain the same.

Why is Haley Barbour so eager to turn Mississippi into a civil rights tourist attraction?


The process of the handover from Prime Minister Tony Blair toChancellor Gordon Brown has long been scripted. Act I began with the...
So much for freedom of speech, let alone thought. The play My Name Is Rachel Corrie, directed in London by actor Alan Rickman anddue to...