How I Learned My Lesson: A Blog

Posted on December 26th, 2011 in 2009-2011, Life


happy christmas, chanukah, boxing day to everyone… have been doing my best to ride it on out like a white swan. each yeah, around this time, i find myself some weird hybrid of fonzi with the ravioli can and bartleby the scrivener; that’s a handsome and perfectly graceful hybrid, there. i’m on self imposed deadline [...]

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Posted on December 13th, 2011 in 2009-2011


I was tempted call call this blog post “everyone goes south every now and then.” I’ve been listening to much Billy Joel as I walk around in my new parka. It’s the headphones equivalent of comfort food, I guess. Used to be The Smiths. Sometimes still is. Basically perfect metaphor for my split personality. I’m [...]

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Posted on November 16th, 2011 in 2009-2011

Have not blogged in a while. Am wrangling a massive magazine story for early 2012 issue and it’s basically my third fucking book of the year (in addition to jagger and the memoir i wrote on spec) that just happens to be a feature. It’s a few months of casual telephone interviews followed by a [...]

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Posted on November 9th, 2011 in 2009-2011, Life


You cannot find peace by avoiding life. – Virginia Woolf (The Hours) I’m not sure if she actually said or wrote this or maybe even famously wrote this. I’ve never read Woolf. I only know she put stones in her coat and walked into the water. And that Nicole Kidman said it in a movie [...]

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Posted on October 25th, 2011 in 2009-2011

i am not usually the kind of person who takes pictures of shit on the street, or shelves but for some reason this struck me as beautiful. the part of the bodega shelf where nobody really shops. i never see any of these cans move, and i don’t suppose they’re strenuously re-stocked. the octopus and [...]

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Posted on October 25th, 2011 in 2009-2011, Life

I would be lying if I said that it crossed my mind every year around this time, but sometimes, circa Halloween, I think about River Phoenix and this is one of those times. I was in Los Angeles and very much addicted to drugs right around the time he overdosed. That Halloween night, I was [...]

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