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Did Trotsky Point the Way to Socialism?

Public debate: 'Did Trotsky Point the Way to Socialism?' 'Yes' - Hillel Ticktin, editor of 'Critique' 'No' - Adam Buick, The Socialist Party  Hillhead Library, Glasgow, 24th January 2009

Part One of Two

From This Months Socialist Standard

Editorial: Neither London nor Brussels, but World Socialism

NO WEALTH is produced in The City. It is a place where the proceeds of working-class exploitation transformed into rights to a property income are the subject of trading, speculation and gambling. Around this has grown up a whole range of “financial services” – wheelers and dealers of one kind or another – vying for a share. In short, it is entirely parasitic on those parts of the world economy where wealth is actually produced by those working there.

Whitlow & Boyle (Engineers)

Mr Whitlow kept me waiting while he made a couple of phone calls and wrote something down in a ledger. I was used to this, it was deliberate, it happened every time I went for a job interview. I was beginning to understand the psychology behind it.

"So you want to work here do you?" he asked at last. Of course I didn't want to work there, but I had to work somewhere, so I nodded. He picked up a piece of paper from his desk and handed it to me. "You've worked a capstan lathe before, you say, draw me one." Astonished I told him I wasn't very good at drawing, but he insisted. "Draw me a capstan lathe."

About ten minutes later I handed the piece of paper back to him, and he studied it for what seemed like ages, turning it one way and then another, even upside-down. "This doesn't look anything like a capstan lathe."

"Well, as I said I'm not very good at drawing."

Debate: Did Lenin Distort Marx?

Debate: Did Lenin Distort Marx?
'Yes' - Steve Coleman, SPGB
'No' - Monty Johnstone, CPGB & 'Marxism Today'

Venue: Islington Central Library, London

Thursday, 11 November 1982

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Interview with Paddy Shannon on V-Radio

Venus Project inspired V RADIO interview Paddy Shannon, from the World Socialist movement and one of the film makers of the movie "Capitalism and other kids stuff".

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

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Gibraltar: the geopolitical stake

On 17 November the government of Gibraltar is holding a referendum over the Rock's continued status as a British Crown Colony. This move is prompted by the noises made by the British government, about beginning to share official sovereignty over it between themselves and the Spanish government.

The Socialist Party's latest pamphlet

What's Wrong With Using Parliament?

This pamphlet comes at a time when many people are questioning the destructive effects of capitalism, and also with it a rejection of leaders and the traditional left.

This is something that can be encouraged. The aim of the pamphlet is to show that there is another view of social change that may be a blind spot with those who get involved with anti-capitalist, activist or/and anarchist politics.

Price: £1.50