Steal This Radio w/Mitchel Cohen

An Hour of Mayhem, Music and Ecology

Podcasts for 'Steal This Radio w/Mitchel Cohen'

Steal This Radio with Mitchel Cohen #102

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

Mitchel Cohen’s article, “Toxic Wastes and Haiti,” is the topic of this week’s show. We also discuss the misrepresentation in the U.S. media about Cuba’s very important role in saving lives in Haiti through over 900 medical personnel it has sent to that country. Mitchel Cohen also reads his poem for Daniel Simidor and Dennis Brutus — heros of our movements who died (both of them, and Howard Zinn too) within the last few months. (Also songs performed by Harry Belafonte, Judy Collins.)

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Steal This Radio with Mitchel Cohen #101

Friday, February 12th, 2010

Mitchel Cohen interviews Professor of Anthropology Chaia Heller (Mt. Holyoke) on Social Ecology, Anarchism and Feminism. Chaia discusses her close friendship with Murray Bookchin, as well as her forthcoming book on the new peasant movement in France. Also, listen anew to Patti Smith’s “Ghost Dance” (”We Shall Live Again”) and Iris DeMent’s “Living in the Wasteland of the Free.”

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Steal This Radio with Mitchel Cohen #100

Friday, February 12th, 2010

Mitchel Cohen interviews David Wilson, co-editor of Weekly News Update on the Americas, who just returned from Haiti.

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Steal This Radio #99

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

Mitchel Cohen and Shaune Velazquez interview Haiti Emergency Coalition activist Marty Goodman, about the history of Haiti and the role of the U.S. there following the devastating earthquake.

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Steal This Radio #98

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

Tribute to South African freedom fighter and world class poet Dennis Brutus, Nov. 28, 1924 – Dec. 26, 2009. A great wide-ranging interview with Mitchel Cohen and Shaune Valezquez, in which Dennis Brutus recites several of his poems and talks about the early years of the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa and the fight against corporate power today, there as well as here.

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Steal This Radio #97

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

Guests: Richard & Jenny Greeman

Music by Marie Cherrier

Mitchel Cohen lambastes the U.S. government vis a vis the so-called Swine Flu “epidemic”.

Check out Townsend Letter with Suzanne Somers, talking about alternative anti-cancer treatments.

Richard Greeman talks about his book, “Beware of Vegetarian Sharks”, the overlapping economic and environmental crises, and Richard’s work in translating the novels and essays of Victor Serge.

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Steal This Radio #96

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

Featuring the music of Kongo! from Haiti

What’s happening in Yugoslavia? Clinton unvails statue in Pristina …. to himself!

What’s happening in Honduras? The U.S. role in the coup in Honduras.

The latest Civil Rights case in U.S. courts. (Glenn Greenwald’s blog)

And, Ellen Brown’s latest on the Financial Crisis, and the advantage of State-owned banks (such as North Dakota’s).

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Steal This Radio #95

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

October 2009 – Capitalism is War!

Brian & Marcy sing their songs LIVE in the studio, most from their new album “Capitalism is War”:

“Don’t sleep through the Revolution”

“American Zero”

“Ode to the Power of Protest”


“Capitalism is War”

and they join Mitchel Cohen in his sarcastic “holiday” song, “Gimme that Ol’ Time Religion”

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Steal This Radio #94

Friday, October 9th, 2009

Mitchel Cohen interviews Brian Tokar, and they take us on a tour de force of Climate Justice movements and the issues underlying Global Climate change, coal sequestration, mountain-top mining, the increasing corporate influence over UN policy, carbon-trading, nuclear power, and greenhouse gas emissions. A great and informative interview.

*** Also, the first broadcast of Long Island activist Brian O’Hare’s new song “Thanks to the Banks”.

Follow the Climate Justice movement at the following websites:

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Steal This Radio #93

Friday, October 9th, 2009

First aired on September 22, 2009

Interviews with actor/director Elizabeth Ruf Maldonado and actor Louis Williams, whose play — “The Iron Heel” (from the novel by Jack London) — opened on September 24th at the Theater for the New City in Manhattan.

Also, the WBAI radio Local Station Board elections are underway, and Mitchel Cohen writes the following to all WBAI members:

Ballots must be returned and received by the station’s post box by October 15th.

If you are a member but have NOT received a ballot and the mailings of various groups of candidates, please email immediately,  include your name and mailing address, and cc me as well. It again appears that hundreds of people have not received ballots.

Here are my preferred candidates and the order in which to vote for them. If you’d like me to discuss the very important issues involved, feel free to write to me directly at You can also read more about the issues at .

Please be sure to rank ALL of these candidates, with #1 being your favorite, #2 your second choice, and so forth. It is very important that all of these be ranked. Here goes:

#1 Mitchel Cohen

#2 Alex Steinberg

#3 Austin Kelley

#4 Elizabeth Brown

#5 Frank LeFever

#6 Andrea Katz

#7 Lionel Legros

#8 Ken Laufer

#9 Andrew Aaron

#10 Teresa Palmer

#11 Shanti Rica

#12 Manijeh Saba

#13 Chris Farrell

#14 Jeff Peress

#15 Sam Weinreb

#16 Arun Aguiar

#17 Jonathan Asculai

#18 Linda McDonald Carter

#19 Andrea Fishman

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