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Day Trip To Bangor


Many of us will have heard of Shell to Sea and Rossport Solidarity Camp by now. We have seen fleeting glimpses of this proud community and their fight to safeguard their health, safety, livelihood and environment. We have seen stories of decent local people being jailed for refusing to cooperate with the destruction of their community. We have heard accusations and counter accusations regarding the sinking of a fishing trawler and stolen diesel. We have seen Micheal D Higgins, later to become our proud president, praising the actions of this campaign as essential to democracy. Less than a week later we saw the infamous baton charge by hoodlum gardai against peaceful demonstrators trying to protect their community and more recently, the threats, by gardai, to rape members of the camp.

I was shocked to realise that this struggle has been going on for eleven years.

Having read an article recently on regarding an environmental disaster involving the release of untreated effluent into the bay and breaches in building regulations at the Shell compound in mayo, I was moved to join them in their struggle. I had heard about a day of Solidarity that is a regular thing at the camp, and decided to go to the beautiful county of Mayo to offer my support.

Posted Date: 
17 January 2012

Shell's tree cutting disrupted for second day running

JC - RSC - Indymedia

Disruption to the felling of the Coillte woodland for Shell's planned onshore pipeline (along with the stopping of haulage trucks to the Aughoose compound), continued today as protestors intercepted a specialist 8-track tree felling machine between the Aughoose tunnelling compound and Leenamore forest.

  Truck & tree-cutter
Truck & tree-cutter - (and protestor on the arm!!!)

Posted Date: 
11 January 2012

First Shell blocking of the New Year

C - RSC - Indymedia

Yesterday saw the first disruption of Shell's work of the New Year with a quickly organised protest called for 10am outside Bellanaboy. Overall Shell's work yesterday was stopped for 2 hours and in a further protest today (Saturday), work was stopped for a further 2 & 1/2 hours.


Posted Date: 
7 January 2012

Ecuadorian Court Confirms $18 Billion Chevron Damage Award

Environment News Service

LAGO AGRIO, Ecuador, January 4, 2012 (ENS) - A court of appeals in Ecuador has upheld an $18 billion damage award issued by a lower court in February against U.S. oil giant Chevron for contamination of the Ecuadorian rainforest by its subsidiary Texaco Petroleum.

After reviewing the 220,000 page trial record for 11 months, the three-member appellate panel in the Provincial Court of Justice of Sucumbios in Lago Agrio ruled Tuesday that laboratory results confirm that pollution existed at Texaco's former well sites hundreds of times higher than permissible norms in Ecuador.

Chevron purchased Texaco in 2001, so the plaintiffs consider Chevron responsible for Texaco's liabilities incurred prior to the purchase.

"This decision confirms what we have been saying for years," said Pablo Fajardo, the lead Ecuadorian lawyer. "Chevron is guilty of extraordinary greed and criminal misconduct that has created a humanitarian crisis in Ecuador that puts thousands of people at risk."

Posted Date: 
5 January 2012

Shell Claus

black betty - santa claus appreciation society - Indymedia

[Shell to Sea] Happy New Year everyone. May 2012 be our year.

Shell Claus the black pariah of the Claus family is out to take rather than to give. Santa's younger brother has often been compared to Lucifer the dark angel. Rather than give presents, Shell Claus comes to take away what you have and destroy it. His betrayal of the spirit of thanksgiving often brings Santa to tears. In Ireland, Shell Claws has come to visit all the houses in the Erris area, offering false gifts to seduce people, but then afterwards betraying even those who give him their trust. 
The Real Santa Claus                        vs                    Shell Claws (widely suspected to be John Egan)

Shell Claws is a master of disguise and sometimes can actually be mistaken for Santa Claus. He offers gifts, but only in the hope of taking away more and ultimately destroying what you have.

Posted Date: 
22 December 2011
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