Lee Pritchard & Media Music Now

December 3, 2006

We have moved!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Royalty Free Music Info @ 9:23 pm

Hey everyone

I have moved this blog into Media Music Now.

Please come and visits is there.


Best Regards

Lee Pritchard

October 27, 2006

I am being played on local radio, I should join PRS! Right?

Filed under: Music Licensing,Your Questions — Royalty Free Music Info @ 6:35 pm

I have been in many discussions about the role of PRS I have been asked the following question numerous times by new composers and bands.

When should I join PRS?

In short I would say it is a judgement call on your part. In my experience, there are certain old school managers / music industry advisers that will have you believe it is the first thing you need to do in order to get paid. This is not strictly true!

PRS collect money from performances and broadcasts of your musical works. However, due to the huge task of monitoring this, PRS use a system of census that actually means that your music can be played yet missed by the census.

I think PRS do a great job for many composers / artists, but I do not think joining up should be the first thing you consider doing. In my opinion, I think it is worthwhile paying the admin fee and joining if you know that your works are being broadcast on major Terrestrial TV channels. If you are just being played on local radio for a few weeks a year, it is extremely unlikely that you will get any revenue. If you do it probably won’t recoup your admin fee.

So, in short, don’t join because somebody that apparently knows the industry tells you to.

Do some research, get the facts and join only when you think you will benefit financially.


This guy knows what he is talking about and has a detailed article about royalties.

Also, I have a two part article about copyright and licensing

This is cut and paste from the www.prs.co.uk…

Methods of using performance data for royalty distribution

census – full returns of all music played.

Where revenue is sufficient, PRS will distribute it to all the works performed. While it is the Society’s desire for this to be applied to all performances, at present it is only achieved for national terrestrial broadcast performances and certain major concerts.

sample – a subset of returns of all the music played.

In many cases the cost of collecting and processing details of all performances would be more than the revenue available. In these cases PRS collects information about some of the performances and uses that to represent all of them. These samples might be certain days in a broadcasters schedule, or certain concert events and are selected at random to reflect their overall value.

projection – returns of music from one source used to distribute another source

There are many uses of music, such as CDs and tapes for background music in shops and restaurants, where the actual value of each performance is probably only a few pence. In these cases it is too costly to create an effective sample. Instead PRS creates a statistical calculation of other music data based on a small survey of actual performances.

October 21, 2006

Media Music Now – The Podcast

Filed under: Uncategorized — Royalty Free Music Info @ 8:45 pm

Media Music Now is planning to launch its own podcast and we need your help.

In order to make the Podcast useful to you, we need to hear about your experiences with music and media.

  • What do you want to know about?
  • Who do you want us to interview?
  • What would be useful for you?
  • Do you want to hear new music?
  • Do you want us to interview composers?

Please let us know and we will do our best.

October 12, 2006

What an aggregator does for an independent band / artist / label

Filed under: Media Music,Uncategorized — Royalty Free Music Info @ 5:41 pm

This is my take on it… any other opinions / knowledge on this subject are welcome.

An aggregator acts a bit like an agent, putting bands music into other people’s libraries on behalf of the artist. The aggregator takes a percentage on sales but often does not even sell from his own site.

This can be useful for an unsigned band because it means that the aggregator takes care of getting their content into all the relevant online retailers.

An aggregator has the contacts and knowledge of how to get bands / labels music into the right online retailers and can generate a revenue without having to develop and promote an eCommerce site of their own.

Aggregators tend to put a band’s / label’s music anywhere it has a chance of being sold, whether a big download store such as itunes and Tunetribe or in any of the numerous independent websites. Aggregators have been known to provide catalogue to ringtone sellers and other media industries.

August 11, 2006

Telephone Audio, Getting the Most from IVR and On Hold Marketing

Filed under: Telephone Audio,Uncategorized — Royalty Free Music Info @ 5:21 pm

IVR is short for Interactive Voice Response, an automated system that uses a touch response telephone to direct your call. You will have one of these if you have multiple departments with lots of incoming calls.

60% of callers put on a silent on-hold hang up within 40 seconds and callers put on-hold with information and music will stay about 3 minutes longer.

55% of communication is lost over the phone (body language), leaving us with 38% through tone of voice and just 7% through words.

As you can see from the statistics, giving the wrong message in the wrong tone could actually damage your sales and your reputation.

Many companies spend time and money on their visual branding (logo and leaflets) but neglect their telephone audio. “Your sonic branding is as important as your visual branding!”

This article looks at some of the common mistakes made with IVR and on-hold marketing. It also outlines some good techniques to use.


August 3, 2006

A Question About Podcast Licensing And BMI Royalty Payments

Filed under: Music Licensing,Your Questions — Royalty Free Music Info @ 4:59 pm

The Question…

Hello Mr. Pritchard,
I read your article on Music Licensing in the latest issue of the Galaris newsletter. My concern is, I am a songwriter/publisher member with BMI. I’ve had several of my mp3 music tracks performed or featured on various podcast productions but I haven’t seen any royalty payments from those performances. All of the songs featured or performed are registered with BMI. I appreciate the exposure but should BMI send me a royalty check for those performance of my music? What am I’m doing wrong? I look forward to your reply.


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Lee Pritchard’s Answer…
Hi Gregory

Thank you for your question.

The BMI Internet Music license covers usage of any BMI music in podcasts. Once the podcaster has a license BMI request music usage reports identifying all of the music works used. As I understand it, it is not clear how royalties are calculated and paid out to BMI songwriter / publisher members.


July 26, 2006

Music Licensing – The Basics

Filed under: Media Music,Music Licensing,Uncategorized — Royalty Free Music Info @ 12:53 pm

Using music in your multimedia, website or business project has legal implications and requires a music licensing agreement. Do you know what is covered? Do you know what entitlement you have to use the music?

The link takes you to a two-part article that explains the basics and looks at your possible options.

Music Licensing – The Basics – Part 1

Music Licensing – The Basics – Part 2

Please feel free to comment or ask additional questions.

July 21, 2006

Your Quesions Answered

Filed under: Your Questions — Royalty Free Music Info @ 2:07 pm

Through my experience I have become knowledgeable on a number of issues
surrounding music. Feel free to ask any questions about licensing,
copyright, royalty or any other concerns over music use. I can also help
you with a number of production questions regarding music qualities etc.
I will do my best to answer your questions and if I can’t, I will point
you in the right direction.

Just email me your question through the on-line form link at the bottom
of this page.

I will post your question and answer on the blog and email you directly
with an answer.

I am happy to include your company details and web address too, it is
good for your search engine ranking and also helps me. If you prefer to
remain anonymous please let me know in your message.

Give me a try!

Ask Your Question


July 16, 2006

Why Media Music Now?

Filed under: Media Music — Royalty Free Music Info @ 5:01 pm

By Lee Pritchard


This article explains why I created Media Music Now and why I took the decision to sell directly rather than through royalty-collecting societies.



Filed under: Uncategorized — Royalty Free Music Info @ 2:26 pm

lee_pritchard-rs-82x107.jpgWelcome to my blog. Feel free to join in!

This blog is mostly about original music for media uses including licensing and legal issues, composition and production.

If you have any opinions, comments or topics for discussion I will be more that happy to see you bloging. Also, if you have any questions I am either myself or someone on here can help.

Theme: Rubric. Blog at WordPress.com.