Friday, June 04, 2004

Delusions of Grandeur

"And he came down to earth with a bump . . ."

And there was me getting to be too pleased with myself. The blog got a positive name check from Harry's Place a few days back, albeit a 'nice jokes, shame about the politics' type recommendation, and I was pleased to note that as a consequence of that hat tip there was a wee increase in traffic of visitors to the blog.

Being as I am, the old imagination went into overdrive (Walter Mitty, Billy Liar and Peter Mandelson are amateurs in comparison), with me thinking: 'Brilliant - this word has been used with the kind permission of the Respect Unity Coalition who have copyrighted the word for the duration of their election campaign - people will be visiting the blog, either finding out about the SPGB for the first time or at least it will help shatter a few myths about the Party from people already aware of us, and will mean they will look on the Party more favourably and the case for revolutionary socialism more seriously.'

Well that flight of fantasy has now gone right out the window after I had a wee scout of the site meter 'recent referrals' section. Noticing that a bloke - and it must be a bloke - visited the blog via a google search, I clicked on the meta data bit to see what brought him to the blog: Was it my mention of Clement Attlee and the SPGB? No. Reference to Anton Pannekoek - maybe a web surfing Council Communist stumbling across the blog? No. Okay - not politics. A culture vulture maybe? A Smiths fan? No. My long lost twin trying to find out why Tutti Frutti had not been on the telly in nearly twenty years? Alas, no.

No, it was someone typing in the words 'Kika Markham Nude' into the google search engine, and yes, if you do that, it appears this blog is the first link that appears on the page. Poor sod - instead of what he wanted he got a rant about Kika's husband, Corin Redgrave.

I guess i should look on the bright side. I'll keep a lookout for membership applications coming in where, to the question: 'How did you come into contact with the Socialist Party?' Someone replies: 'Looking for nude pictures of Kika Markham on the internet.' I can also use it as my opening line in my selling pitch next time I'm selling the Socialist Standard at a demo and I see Kika Markham selling copies of The Marxist, magazine of the Marxist Party.*

* I'm afraid I can't find an internet link for the Marxist Party. So, in keeping with the profile of its membership, I found the next best thing.


Laughing Boy said...

What's a Council Communist?