
The Nation

Santorum's Empty Rhetoric of Economic Populism

Santorum's Empty Rhetoric of Economic Populism

Liberals should not fall for Rick Santorum’s phony presentation as someone who cares about—or would do anything for—working-class Americans. 

Posted January 5, 2012

Sweet Victories: Lessons for 2012

Sweet Victories: Lessons for 2012

Paid sick leave fights could benefit from Occupy Wall Street's support, and help shape its direction.

Posted January 5, 2012

Guantánamo: Ten Years and Counting

Guantánamo: Ten Years and Counting

With Obama's signing of the National Defense Authorization Act, the prison becomes a permanent fixture.

Posted January 4, 2012

Books and the Arts

Books by four poets about big modern systems whose results and failures seem inescapable.

A critic of pop’s retro turn can’t shake his own strain of pop nostalgia.

Stephen Daldry’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Wim Wenders’s Pina.

News and Analysis

Mitt Romney

Awash in Super PAC money, defined by negative TV ads, degraded by dumbed-down media and poisoned by voter suppression—this is not what democracy looks like.

How US Policies Fueled Mexico's Great Migration

Impoverished by NAFTA, residents of Veracruz crossed the border to work in Smithfield’s Tar Heel slaughterhouse. Now, they're condemned as “illegals.”

Barack Obama

How much are the Democrats counting on the profits and jobs generated by arming the world in the coming election?

US Capitol

Time to stop being cynical about corporate money in politics and start being angry.

A Walmart employee

Organizers have found a new approach to promoting workers’ rights at the retail giant. And it seems to be working.

With the signing of the National Defense Authorization Act, the president has brought Guantánamo-style justice to the United States.

Pro-choice protest in Mexico

In just two years, half the country’s states have passed extreme fetal-rights amendments.

The libertarian, anti-war candidate is surging in the GOP primary. Is this something progressives should cheer? Robert Scheer, Ben Adler and Katha Pollitt offer three views.