Harp seal pupClimate changes outlook for seals

Warming oceans and melting sea ice may have a major impact on harp seals, the doe-eyed animals that are the prime target for Canada's annual seal hunt. BBC News

Baby zebra shark'Virgin birth' for zebra shark Watch

A lone zebra shark in a Dubai aquarium has prompted scientific interest after laying eggs for the fourth year in a row which hatch into healthy offspring. BBC News


  • Fluffy monkeyCreature count Watch

    Keepers from London Zoo begin the tricky task of the annual animal stock take.

  • Tickled orangutan (M Davila-Ross)Ape tickling

    Scientists study footage of tickled animals in a bid to shed light on laughter's evolution.

On TV and Radio

Frozen Planet Season

Are the paranoid and self conscious shark not in this family also?

Mick Gates discussing the requiem shark family on Facebook

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