Monday, 16 January 2012


Chakk, from sheffield are an early 80s "industrial funk" band consisting of Alan Cross, Mark Brydon, Dee Boyle, Sim Lister, Jake Harries, Jon Stuart,they where around from the early 80s till around 1987,over the years various members have run various studios and been in various bands such as  mark brydon who appeared in the great moloko and dee boyle who played with the longpigs, im not to up on this band although i do remember them from the 80s however it was a period that i lost interest in music so they kind of bypassed me, heres the peel sessions not an excellent recording but still worthy, the band recorded one album which was called "10 days in an elevator" which i hope to upload shortly!


Tuesday, 10 January 2012


i first came across the killermeters years and years ago one night at a small club in the suburbs of sheffield, namely the KGB club which at the time played a lot of northern soul tunes, this night however it was a mod night and as usual around this time there where was loads and loads of scooters parked outside it was truly a great little venue,what i heard was there single twisted wheel which was a song that was basically about what was happening the KGB at the time! the b-side was SX225 which was a great scooter song,so here we are  back in 2012 and i was hunting thru some cd's and came upon this great comp of just about everything they recorded all together on one great cd,the later tracks are from when the band changed there direction and became soldiers are dreamers(yes i know) got to see the killermeters couple of years ago and the band gig every now and again, theres not much chucked about on the internet about this truly great band apart from the usual myspace stuff,im sure they would benefit from a proper website eh?

Monday, 9 January 2012


Here's some great tunes that fell on my (email) doormat at the beginning of December,many thanks to DOT DASH from the USA for sending these great tunes, and my apologies to the band for not posting them sooner! this has been mainly down to family illness and a busy work schedule over the Xmas period,Here's the bio the band sent me regarding there great music

"Dot Dash is a post punk pop band from Washington D.C.

If this bio had one of those “RIYL/Recommended If You Like” sections, it might drop names like THE JAM, JOY DIVISION, or THE BYRDS… or perhaps it would bring up an apparent appreciation by Dot Dash for the ancient sounds of the POSTCARD, WHAAM and early CREATION labels…
But those kinds of judgments can really only be made by you, the listener.
As is often the case, Dot Dash has a whole “they are ex-members of” thing going on:
Guitarist/singer Terry Banks and bassist Hunter Bennett were in punky power poppers JULIE OCEAN.
Before that, Terry was in a bunch of jangly guitar bands, including THE SATURDAY PEOPLE, TREE FORT ANGST, GLO-WORM and ST. CHRISTOPHER.
Guitarist Bill Crandall was in the mod/pop band MODEST PROPOSAL.
Drummer Danny Ingram began musical life in Dischord-label punks YOUTH BRIGADE before moving on to STRANGE BOUTIQUE and, later, U.K. guitar-wranglers SWERVEDRIVER.
Dot Dash plays shows, mostly around D.C., but occasionally out of town, whenever they can. In the recent past they’ve opened for Urge Overkill, The Godfathers, The Trash Can Sinatras, and The Capstan Shafts, among others."

So thats the score! here's some tracks for you to indulge in,which are
i'm going home and tragedy-destiny 
and hopefully a visit to our shores

Wednesday, 28 December 2011


I started off with the great idea of taking a photo a day thru November but alas due to the usual not enough time chestnut it never really got off the ground,so what I'm going to do is post at the end of the month various photos that have been taken over the month,plus my usual musings (bull)
These photos are my son's bedroom door, he was playing on the PlayStation and suddenly grabbed a pen and dashed upstairs where it all went quiet for a while,the above is his list of the contestants of "I'm a celebrity get me out of here" which i had to put up with watching (like you do)
here's some more and according to this bit of "banksy" mum is a "super spassy mong" maybe this is down to a 9 year old watching too many repeats of the "young ones" of which i can clearly blame his mum!
there's various stuff all over the door now, and it shows how imaginative his mind is,he is always on the go with something,always doodling or drawing something, we never stop him,after all it wipes off doesn't it!!

A previous photo i had taken which was part of the failed picture a day in November was off one of our cats,well heres the other one,here's Fred sat in his favourite position atop the side gate to the grounds (garden) Fred came from the RSPCA and is a lovely cat,no trouble at all, likes his own space and is quite content to sit on your knee for a snooze or disappear upstairs somewhere for hours on end, likes a stroke does fred however he tends to dab you if you go to far,or if you are near him when he is in certain places,such as sat on the window sill or the edge of the table, he rags the moo all over when they are fighting which the moo usually starts!

Tuesday, 29 November 2011


Here's something funny that happened on the motorway near sheffield,a great story amidst all the doom and gloom in the world!
A large-scale clean-up operation is under way after a tanker carrying more than 20 tonnes of yeast extract - believed to be Marmite - overturned on a busy motorway.
Police shut a section of the M1 in South Yorkshire at around 10.15pm last night following the incident, which saw the vehicle crash and spill its contents onto the carriageway.
The road remains closed in both directions between junction 32 and 33 near Sheffield this morning and is expected to cause delays for rush hour commuters.
A spokesman for South Yorkshire Police said the tanker overturned after being involved in a collision with a motor caravan.
The tanker driver was taken to hospital but their injuries are not believed to be serious, she added Some of the contents were spilled on the northbound carriageway and we are in the process of emptying the remaining contents of the tanker and clearing up the spillage before it can be moved and the road reopened.’

The crash caused amusement among those not caught up in the rush-hour jam, with many taking to Twitter.

One user, who goes by the name of pkfrancis, said: 'Marmite lorry crashes. Some people will love this news, others will hate it ..'Another, under the name drummerwhitey, added: '20 tonnes of Marmite spilled on M1 , suppose they've got to get rid of it somewhere.'While badgerwriting wittily added: 'Marmite motorway clean up begins on the M1? Makes a difference to jam..'

Monday, 28 November 2011


Here's something i found whilst "surfing" click the link below to take you to the post regarding this great piece of pistols memorabilia

Thursday, 24 November 2011


Oh dear! not got very far with this little project now have I? ok just not had time, busy busy busy! So here's  No 9,i love pizza's and i love making em, so heres one i made at the weekend, probably make em blindfold,what you need is
1000Gms strong white flour
650ml tepid water
2x 7gm sachet of yeast
tablespoon of sea salt
tablespoon of golden castor sugar
add the salts to the flour and tip on to a surface and make a well with the flour, then add your yeast and sugar to your water mix well and leave to stand for a couple of minutes,then slowly add to your flour whilst bringing in the sides of your flour into the mix with a fork,when your dough gets too heavy to bring in with the fork use your hands and keep adding your water to the flour until you have a nice mix,then need your dough by pushing away with your left and pulling towards you with your right, place in a bowl with some flour and cover with clingfilm for around an hour or until it has doubled in size,split your dough into 4 for large pizzas or 6 for medium,roll out until your base is around  3mm deep and then add your tomato sauce and cheese and whatever toppings you like cook in a hot oven for around 6-8 minutes and enjoy!!
For garlic bread i chop up a bulb of garlic and then razz it with a hand blender slowly adding a good glug of olive oil until its a nice paste,you can also add some herbs or chopped chilli's to give it a bit of a bite,then spread it on your rolled out base and cook,for 5 mins or so,we tend to add grated cheese and mushrooms to it so its more of a cheesey garlic bread! for pizza's i add chopped garlic to a teaspoon of olive oil and fry for around a minute being careful not to burn it,i then add chopped basil and  a 400g tin of tomatoes and slowly simmer whilst mashing the tomatoes with a spoon or fork,i may add tomato puree to make the sauce thicker some times,i then let it simmer until some of the tomato juice has thickened up, i then let it cool and spread on a rolled out base and then add lumps of mozzerella cheese and then toppings,you can add anything you want to pizzas as long as they dont take long to cook,and remember less is more!
My favourite is chilli's with herbs and an egg in the middle,and the one thing with this recipe is that the crust is still nice and soft!!

Friday, 18 November 2011


Pete Mckee has a couple of new paintings out,heres the one i like the other is for our friends in the red and white quarter of sheffield, here we have the class of 93, with from left david hirst,john sheridan,roland nilsson and chris waddle,i like what pete's done with the drinks not sure if  roland nilsson is drinking a half of shandy but hirsty's got bitter shezza's got guinness and waddle's got newcastle brown!
What a great lineup and im proud to say i watched this great bunch of players in there heyday!
and of course well done pete who is a an owl for this great painting, which he has used before for some of the greats from the sheffield music scene and of course all time musical greats,checkout his website at the link below

Thursday, 17 November 2011


From the seven hills many many thanks for all the views over the last year and a bit! the exact number up to now is

Thursday, 10 November 2011


First time i ever saw the jam was way back in 1978,i was 14 years old and had been into the jam since the year before maybe july/august, as i had now got new school mates who where all into music rather then football,we couldnt believe our luck at seeing the jam had announced a tour and it was coming to sheffield!the poly actually which was a newish building,later to be renamed the nelson mandela building,which was located at the end of pond street,which at the time was a pretty dangerous place to be,if you where a punk or mod,this was due to the large amount of brain dead skinheads who hung around the area,usually in the amusement arcade which was further up pond street and overlooked the whole bus station in those days,nowadays the multi storey car park is still there,however the poly building is no more having been knocked down to be replaced by another state of the art building,anyway back to the tale!!!!
This event is  33 years old and obviously the few memories i have of this are jaded to say the least!im not quite sure if we had tickets or it was a pay on the door,but one thing is you had to be signed in,this was of course back in the days when the "students" where all a bit elitist,ie you had to be one to drink cheap cider in the students union bar even tho you had put fuck all in to the system,all that type of shit,keeping the riff raff out type of thing,it was a nightmare and as a 14 year old you can only stand being told to fuck off so many times,the thing with the students around that time was it was there kind of music circuit which was basically for them and nobody else like i mentioned earlier an elite club,so there we where me and jimmy and im not sure who else was with us,standing around trying our hardest when the man himself paul weller came walking down the steps in a parka,we managed to grab him and have a word about getting us in,but no chance there was nowt he could do as there was loads on the guest list,somehow one by one we managed to get in, and assemble at the bottom of the steps that went upto the concert hall,i remember there being a table selling tee shirts and stuff but not purchasing anything at all,on getting to the door that lead into the concert hall i can clearly remember the sound of patrik fitzgerald banging away on his guitar the song "safety pin stuck in my heart" i think we worked our way down to the front as all 14 year olds would do at the time! and next up where the dickies a great band from america who played everything at 100MPH, i already knew both artists from the peel show,so they where another 2 added to my slowly growing list of bands i had seen.
So showtime and to this day i can hardly remember anything about the jam playing this night, it was the 1st time i had ever seen the jam and hardly anything i can remember!One thing is, i went in as a 14 year big jam fan but came out a massive jam fan,this gig along with a few others put me on to a lifetime of listening to this great band and paul weller solo stuff and the style council and the future recordings of bruce foxton and rick buckler,why post this you may ask? well it's 33 years to the day that i saw this band which changed everything in my life after coming out of the now demolished sheffield polytechnic building things where different,these events in life may not really be important to a lot of us,however over the next  4 years i went on to see the jam 25 times,along that way i had some truly great times,met some great lads and lasses,and of course watched a truly great band just get better and better,would i swap this event for anything? NO! in fact i won't swap any of the 25 times i saw the jam,probably not even to see the pistols who are the only one of my favourite bands ive never got to see.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011


Another trip on the canal,just over a week from my last visit,the afternoon was dull and wet with lots of leafs dropping of the trees so it looks like winter is finally upon us,this photo was taken around 2ish in the afternoon and it features yet again the canal this time towards the bacon lane bridge which is probably  800 yards further up around the corner,this again is a great stretch of canal for fishing and although a bit wider  the far bank lily pads extend out 4 to 5 feet in the summer,i once had a great day on this part of the canal with having over 12LB of fish in 2 hours and it was very mixed with me catching roach,bream,skimmers,chub,and a couple of smallish carp,ive not fished the canal for years so maybe a trip next summer,although probably early next year i may take in the entire length and photograph it all.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011


And now for something completely different, as the pythons used to say! i was kind of stuck for something to photograph as the weather was crap and i just didnt feel like going out anywhere,as my list of places i wanted to photograph just wouldnt have looked right in this weather,so my good old M65 fishtail parka was hung on the wardrobe so i decided to take a quick snap of the badges ive got on it,i had an original fishtail parka back in 1979 when still at school which i bought with saved up dinner money!think i was the 1st kid in our school with one at the time, however thats a story for another day as time is very tight at the moment,back to the picture and the badges are some i designed and had made a few years ago, from the left the 1st is a design that was an old 80s paddy smith rally patch design for the isle of wight rally,all i did was alter the dates to 2007 as i thought it was such a great design,the next one is one made for the eastleigh spitfires scooter club, i did  a couple for this great club which they sold at the isle of wight,the next badge is another isle of wight scooter rally badge,this time for the 2007 rally,the final one is paolo di canio, the legend,one of my heroes,who was truly awesome when at sheffield wednesday,the design is based around an iconic photo of him scoring against lazios fierce rivals roma,thats todays photo please feel free to comment and please leave your name!

Monday, 7 November 2011


Bonfire night! we didn't have one this year instead  we went to the local pub instead who had a giant bonfire in the car park and an even bigger firework display to go with it! it was quite full and the fire was lovely and warm on probably the 1st cold evening we have had,we stopped a couple of hours as our lad wasn't all that interested once the fireworks had gone off and the hot dogs had been ate!plus he was halfway Thru the latest uncharted PS3 game!


Well wasn't Friday a mad day for the weather? i was working from 7 till 7.30 at night and for some reason our workplace seemed to have had a gas rebate and the heating seems to have been turned up to max,with it being very mild out as well it was hot and stuffy,so i had the shutters open where i work and around 6ish the heavens opened, and the rain absolutely bounced off the metal roof it sounded like a waterfall hitting the roof,so as i hadn't taken any pics today so a quick one of our loading bay yard and here we are at just after 6pm on Friday.