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“Venezuela Analysis has been an essential tool not just for those trying to keep up to date with developments in the Bolivarian revolution, but also because it provides an invaluable space for critical discussion about the process. This is particularly important given the role that the media plays in opposing the advances of the people. For this reason alone, the Venezuelan revolution needs websites like this, which in turn need your support to keep going.”

Marta Harnecker
Chilean journalist, psychologist, and author of Haciendo el camino al andar: Experiencias de ocho gobiernos locales de America Latina


More than 87,000 senior citizens have signed up to the government’s new mission since registration began on December 20th last

More than 87,000 Senior Citizens Register in Government’s New Mission for the Elderly

The Venezuelan government has announced that since 20th December over 87,000 senior citizens have registered in the state’s new social program, the “Greater Love” mission, designed to tackle extreme poverty within the nation’s older generation.

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Opinion & Analysis

Daily Chronicles from the Consumerist Dictatorship in Venezuela

Arriving in Caracas during the Christmas period with images of the ex GDR [German Democratic Republic] or the USSR is a big mistake. The model mangers are everywhere, even in the military barracks. There’s no official government building without its mangers and its Christmas trees. In the metro stations of Moscow, sorry, of Caracas, Christmas songs are playing and there have even been some Christmas concerts – I’m serious – by the Venezuelan Orchestral System...

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Venezuela in images

The lead up to Christmas in Venezuela -  a strange mixture of good and ugly- of community, culture, and government subsidised traditional hallaca ingredients with consumerism and a small doss of madness..

Indigenous spokespeople, Venezuela (archive)

Indigenous Policy in Venezuela: Between Unity and Pluralism

In celebration of the Day of Indigenous Resistance on October 12th, the Venezuelan government announced numerous initiatives aimed at assisting and empowering indigenous communities. While such initiatives as well as rights guaranteed in the constitution have successfully come to fruition in many indigenous communities, they have faced obstacles in others.

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Economic Indicators

Chart graphic

This CEPR paper "The Chávez Administration at 10 Years" from February 2009 looks at some of the most important economic and social indicators during the 10 years of the Chávez administration in Venezuela, as well as the current economic expansion.

Demystifying Venezuela’s Inflation: The Opposition’s Red Herring
[Part I] One Interview, Two Voices: A Look at Venezuela Today
Venezuela’s Dreams and Demons: Has the Bolivarian Revolution Changed Education?


Elio Sayago, Worker-President of CVG Alcasa (Aporrea)

Workers’ Control, Challenges and the Revolutionary Government: An Interview with Elio Sayago, President of CVG Alcasa

In this important interview, Worker-President of aliminium factory CVG Alcasa, Elio Sayago, details the history of workers' control at the plant, the attempts made by government bureaucrats and politicians to sabotage the workers' control project there, as well as the workers attempts to consruct a post-capitalist order through changing the social relations of production.

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