President Barack Obama

Obama vs. civil liberties

The U.S. military can indefinitely detain U.S. citizens without trial--that's the latest of our "inalienable rights" sacrificed by the Democrat in the White House.

Postal unions under the gun

Congress delayed a vote on legislation that could result in some 120,000 layoffs of postal workers--but plans for massive cuts remain.

Indiana's war on labor

Republican lawmakers are pushing legislation that would turn Indiana into an anti-union "right to work" state.

Occupying against Pittston Coal

The 1989 strike at Pittston Coal saw miners occupy company property in a long--and ultimately victorious--struggle.

Saying no to Israel's bonds

Activists from the Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign is suing the State Board of Investment to divest from Israel.

The Republican bigotry contest

Republican candidates Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul at a debate

The Republican primaries are getting underway--in a race in which the candidates have gone out of their way to take the most extreme right-wing positions.

The "conservative revolution"?

The Tea Party's appropriation of the rhetoric and imagery of the American Revolution is especially infuriating.

Christmas in the radiation zone

Angry that they have not received accurate information about the radiation threat, the people of Fukushima have taken matters into their own hands.

Featured in the ISR
International Socialist Review

Hopes and Prospects from Madison to Cairo | Noam Chomsky on the transformative events of 2011 around the world, and what they mean for the struggle--in an interview with David Barsamian. | Read more at

Defend Egypt's revolution

A coalition of U.S. organizations has come together to demand an end to the military's savage crackdown in Egypt.

Egyptian socialists answer the state's attack

Egypt's Revolutionary Socialists respond to a propaganda campaign aimed at whipping up a hysteria against them.

Egyptian army's iron fist

Egypt's military has carried out a horrific attack on demonstrators protesting the generals' continued hold on power.

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Occupy Wall Street and the unions

The year of revolt

From the Middle East and North Africa to Europe and the U.S., a worldwide resistance took shape in 2011 that will go down in history.

Our stand at the ports

West Coast ports were shut down or disrupted December 12 in a day of demonstrations by Occupy supporters to protest police attacks and union-busting.

The Feds put Islam on trial

Tarek Mehanna with his mother (

The guilty verdict against Tarek Mehanna is part of a climate of Islamophobia whipped up by the "war on terror."

Victim of the national security state

After more than a year and a half behind bars, Bradley Manning, the U.S. soldier accused of leaking classified information to WikiLeaks, faces a court date.

The struggle emerges in Russia

Mass protests against election fraud signal the beginning of wider struggles for social change, says a veteran socialist.

Seattle students against the cuts

Hundreds of high school students from all over Seattle walked out of class to protest another round of proposed cuts in education funding.

The corporate bankruptcy scam

An American Airlines plane (Marc Llopart)

Bankruptcy may be a disaster for the 99 percent, but it can be a wondrous thing for million-dollar corporations.

On the line at Cooper Tire

Locked-out workers are standing strong in Findlay, Ohio, with round-the-clock pickets at the Cooper Tire & Rubber plant.

Charters get mic checked

The Panel for Educational Policy got a visit from teachers, students and parents angry about New York City public schools.

The struggle of the port drivers

A group of port truck drivers issued an open letter linking the Occupy movement with their fight for justice on the job.

Behind Cuomo's tax plan

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been forced to impose higher taxes on multimillionaires. So why do business leaders support the deal?

Resisting the school closures

Unelected school boards in Chicago and New York are set to order the closure of supposedly low-performing schools--and open new charters.

The future of the revolution

An Egyptian socialist discusses the next phase of the struggle after the elections and the mass protests that came before.

The real aims of British unions

Now we know why Britain's public-sector unions held a general strike on November 29--because they hate mothers.

Nine important songs of 2011

This has been a year of revolt and revolution, and musicians and music are reflecting the electrifying times.

Coming to hate college football

For more than 25 years, I've tuned in to the bowl games to cap each college football season--but not this year.

Tactics and the port shutdown

A discussion about tactics and strategy has emerged after the successes of the December 12 West Coast Port Shutdown.

The death of Socrates

Hopefully, a new generation of Brazilians will pick up--on the field and off--from where the soccer great left off.

A new anti-choice capitulation

The Obama administration has overturned an FDA decision to ease young women's access to emergency contraception.

Occupy and women's rights

A debate has arisen within the Occupy movement about gender equality and how it relates to the interests of the 99 percent.

Defend the Charleston Five

In 2001, labor activists around the country rallied behind the Charleston Five--South Carolina longshore workers targeted for union activism.

Jesus the revolutionary?

Jesus casting money lenders from the temple

How close are the views of right-wing politicians who proclaim their Christian beliefs to the historical Jesus who opposed kings and oppressors?

Nuestra Opinión

Año de rebelión

Del Medio Oriente y África del Norte a Europa y Estados Unidos, el 2011 fue un año de resistencia mundial del que se leerá en los libros de historia.

Resistiendo Juan Crow

A pesar de los devastadores efectos de la racista ley anti-inmigrante de Alabama, los activistas muestran su determinación de organizar y resistir.

False promises in the drug war

Decriminalizing medical marijuana would be an important step in ending the "war on drugs," but it won't go far enough.

Views in brief

The importance of Longview | Boycotts and Christmas | The need for socialist ideas at Occupy | Speaking up against the 1 percent