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Don't feed the world? How food aid can do more harm than good

While the media again reports 'famine in the horn of Africa' caused by 'drought', Rasna Warah looks at the real reasons why people are going hungry

Economic democracy - the left's big new idea Peter Tatchell says the democratisation of the economy is the key to a fairer, more just society

Reclaiming the South African dream South African activist Vishwas Satgar looks at post-apartheid South Africa 17 years on

Niger Delta: a quiet resistance Sokari Ekine meets women’s movements in the Niger Delta and discovers that in this militarised country even small acts take courage

Libya after Gaddafi: 'The continuity is striking' The National Transitional Council’s ‘new Libya’ is all too familiar, writes Tommy Miles

After COP17: turning promises into action Peter Robinson on the Durban climate talks and the challenges facing climate activists.

From Dictatorship to Democracy: a manual for revolution? From Dictatorship to Democracy: a conceptual framework for liberation, by Gene Sharp, reviewed by Alex Nunns

Shack fightback: Bandile Mdlalose on Abahlali baseMjondolo
Bandile Mdlalose talks to Lorna Stephenson about Abahlali baseMjondolo, a radical poor people’s movement in South Africa

Aspiring to Tahrir
Justin Pearce asks when African hope will translate into real change

Winners and losers: The human price of Olympic gold
The metal for the 2012 medals will come from Salt Lake City and the Gobi desert. Richard Harkinson introduces activists fighting Rio Tinto plc’s hazardous mines

African awakenings: Hope for the future
Firoze Manji charts the revolts and rebellions that have been occurring not just in northern Africa but across the whole continent

A night at the multiplex: an interview with Mark Kermode
Sean Gittins talks to Mark Kermode about modern cinema and the role of the film critic

Toronto tales
Juliette Daigre and Tom Malleson guide us round Canada’s most radical city

Occupy Wall Street meets winter
Yotam Marom finds the Occupy movement hoping that the winter of austerity might give way to the flowering of real alternatives

Competition: Just Do It essay contest
Enter our short essay competition on direct action

The Camp is the World - An open letter to the occupy movement
Luis Moreno-Caballud and Marina Sitrin on connecting the occupy movements and the Spanish May 15th movement

The Real George Osborne!
Miriam Ross on a new online comedy with political bite

#nov30 - Striking back for all our futures!
On the next steps for the trade unions following the tremendous #nov30 walkouts

red pepper writers

One small Greek island's relentless struggle to get by Chris Jones on what Greece's crisis means for daily life on the island of Samos
Unfair cops: it's not about 'bad apples' After the News of the World scandal and the death of Mark Duggan, Val Swain asks ‘who will police the police?’
Mythbuster: The truth about the unions As the Tories and their pals in the press ratchet up the anti-strike rhetoric, Red Pepper knocks down some of the myths they throw at the unions
The Luddites: Everything you know is wrong! In a guest post, Dave King from Luddites200 takes a fresh look at this movement as it approaches its 200th anniversary
All work and no pay - the rise of workfare Anne-Marie O’Reilly and Warren Clark report on plans to extend ‘welfare-to-work’

Red Pepper is a magazine of political rebellion and dissent, influenced by socialism, feminism and green politics. more »


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