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28 People Arrested at 73 Precinct-Rally & Civil Disobedience in Brownsville via PMC-NY | via PMC-NY 1 Comments more...


Movement for Justice in El Barrio | On Monday, November 7th, we will share our stories of resistance and memories of victory, as we bring to life our dreams of a world of justice, dignity, and democracy. 2 Comments more...

Gaza-Bound Humanitarian Flotilla Reaches International Waters

The Center for Constitutional Rights/PMC-NY | US House Effort to Turn International Solidarity Into Terrorism Draws Sharp Human-/Right Criticism 2 Comments more...

Bank Transfer Day Saturday, be a part of it!

* | Go to and type in your zip code to find wonderful listings in your area. 0 Comments more...

NYC Labor Against the War 11.1: OWS Report: All Out With Oakland on 11/2

Michael Letwin, NYC Labor Against the War | >>PLEASE FORWARD AND REPOST WIDELY<< 1 Comments more...


A demonstrator at a March 5 union rally against budget cuts holds up a sign. more...

Occupy Wall Street — Occupy Everywhere

imc-nyc editors | Ongoing since 9/17/11: Occupy Wall St | How To | More at adbusters, AVAAZ and Global Revolution LIVE stream

Working on a roundup of coverage! Want to help? Email

Dispatches from the Newswire:

Daily Reports from NY Labor Against the War -- all by Michael Letwin: 10.1 First Dispatch | 10.2 Update | 10.3 Update | 10.4: Mass Worker Solidarity | 10.5 | 10.6: The Day After | 10.7 | 10.8: Rising Strong, Everywhere | 10.9: Freedom Rising | 10.11: Global Spring | 10.12: This is SO Not Over | 10.13: Stop Bloomberg: Defend OWS | 10.14: With the Whole World Watching, Bloomberg Backs Down | 10.15: The Whole World Is Moving | 10.16: We Can Win | 10.17: Another World is Possible | 10.18: From Tahrir to Times Square | 10.19: World In Revolt | 10.20: Global Spring | 10.21: 99% | 10.22: Occupy the Hood | 10.23: We Shall Not Be Moved | 10.24: Free Speech Movement

More Reports: Obama Machine Prepares To Hijack ‘Occupy Wall Street’ by Paul Joseph Watson | Fuel for Occupy Wall Street's Fire by workers action | 700 arrests as Occupy Wall St blocks Brooklyn Bridge by WSQT Direct Action Radio 90.5 FM in DC | Lobby Lawrence O'Donnell for accurate coverage of police misconduct by Ken | TODAY'S ARRESTS ON BROOKLYN BRIDGE

Solidarity Demonstrations: Occupy-LA Encampment Set to Start this Saturday by Occupy-LA | DC IMF protest solidarity with Occupy Wall st+Greece and Portugal

Commentaries: The Economy Sinks in a Deep Crisis of Meaning by Martin Greive | A Thousand Recipes for System Change by Josh Arthur | Five Things That #Occupy Wall Street Has Done Right by Mark Engler | Rage Against Wall Street Crooks by Stephen Lendman | Stagnation as a Trend-Life with Satiated Markets and Stagnating Economies by Norbert Reuter Past Features: Sept27: 9-24 police attack on Occupy Wall st -and macing cop | Sept25 | Sept21: OCCUPY WALL STREET! OCCUPY YOUR HEART! | Sept20: Police attack Occupy Wall street, 5 arrested, two wounded, one critical | Sept18: Thousands occupy Wall Street against wealthy banksters more...

Notice: This is a beta site. Limited features only until upgrade is complete. more...