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Thursday 5 January 2012 Home
Mick Hume
Official anti-racism: the new nationalism?
Once the establishment preached the doctrine of race and nation - now the elites have redefined racism as ‘a secular sin’.
Brendan O’Neill
Lawrence case: the elephant in the room
The double-jeopardy rule survived the Dark Ages, but it could not survive the New Labour years.

Patrick Hayes
Down with feminist fearmongering!
Feminists are exploiting the ‘exploding breasts’ panic in the name of having a pop at cosmetic surgery.

Wednesday 4 January 2012
Brendan O’Neill
Lawrence verdict: this isn’t justice – it’s politics
The cultural elite has exploited and politicised the murder of Stephen Lawrence to a degree that would have made Machiavelli blush.

Nathalie Rothschild
The Iowa caucuses: politics as spectacle
The Republican showdown at Iowa confirms how much spin and personality now dominate US politics.

Patrick West
When instrumental music strikes a false chord
When music is used as a weapon, a shopping aid or an educational tool, we lose sight of its ability to move us.

Tuesday 3 January 2012
Tim Black
The Syrian uprising: it isn’t all about us
The vanity of those calling for the West to intervene is matched only by the navel-gazing of those who claim to be opposed to intervention.

Rob Lyons
Welcome to the Nagging Health Service
Some health fanatics want everyone from GPs to hospital porters to lecture to us about our lifestyles.

Brendan O’Neill
Using tabloid tactics to slay the tabloids
The Guardian's retraction of the Charlotte Church story brings to 40 the number of anti-Murdoch articles it has had to correct.

Thursday 29 December 2011
Frank Furedi
The year when the word ‘progressive’ lost all its meaning
After the events of 2011, radical humanists will have to fight hard to reclaim the p-word.

Brendan O’Neill
How protest became a prisoner of the media
Once, radicals used the media to try to spread their ideas. In 2011, the media class used radicals to spread its ideas.

Mick Hume
Bleak midwinter of the economy
Things went from bad to worse for capitalism, yet big questions about the crisis were frozen out of debate.

Tim Black
Making sense of a rollercoaster year
Whether we were cheering uprisings or challenging nuclear panic, spiked cut to the chase in 2011.

Patrick Hayes
The worst 10 assaults on freedom
From bans on songs and leafleting to war against gossipy tabloids, 2011 was a bad year for free speech.

Rob Lyons
Reasons to be fearful? Top 10 panics of 2011
It was a turbulent year across the world, yet petty fearmongers still grabbed their share of the headlines.

spiked writers
The cultural highs and lows of the year
spiked contributors offer their choices of the best and worst films, albums, plays and exhibitions of 2011.

Friday 23 December 2011
Issue No.51
December 2011

Big trouble in Obamaland
The White House isn’t
corrupt - it’s just clueless

by Sean Collins

Welcome to December’s review of books
Books editor’s note
A fresh-faced look at growing old
by Jennie Bristow
Alan Partridge: funny but infuriating
by Tim Black
Pop culture’s retromania
What’s up with the docs?
An ode to parenthood
Therapy as a way of life
Prejudice dressed up as stats
Thursday 22 December 2011
Brendan O’Neill
The most important history lesson of 2011
From the Japanese tsunami to the economic crisis, many believe mankind is ‘dwarfed by phenomena beyond our control’. But we aren’t.

Tom Slater
On the road
movie - again

An Argentinian take on the well-trodden road-movie genre is hugely uneventful - but it is worth staying till the end.

David Bowden
Young, gifted
and screwed up

Two films about an alcoholic writer and troubled painter suggest we’re more interested in artists’ pain than their art.

David Perks
Let’s celebrate the search for the ‘God particle’
The attempt to understand the fundamental laws of nature is a project that everyone - not just scientists - is a part of.

Wednesday 21 December 2011
Mick Hume
Velvet Revolution: no script for a democratic uprising
Playwright-turned-president Vaclav Havel owed his status as anti-Communist rock star more to the West than to the Czech people.

Neil Davenport
The rioters weren’t poor automatons
Those who have concluded that the August rioters were simply reacting to deprivation are deluding themselves.

Saleha Ali
Another Christmas, another ‘ethical gift’
Charities urge us to shop till Third World poverty drops, but ‘ethical consumption’ only makes Westerners feel good.

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5 January 2012
Lawrence case: the elephant in the room
5 January 2012
Official anti-racism: the new nationalism?
The new parenting catfight: Tiger Moms vs Fun Slobs

22 December 2011:
On the road
movie - again

22 December 2011:
Young, gifted
and screwed up

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