Financial crisis

Redefining markets in a democracy

George Papandreou

In the aftermath of the global economic crisis that began in 2008, Greece found itself at the centre of a sovereign debt crisis in Europe. This latest crisis has highlighted systemic flaws that are shaking the fundamentals of the European Union. These developments have had implications for the whole world.

First of all, these developments demonstrate how right we were when we called for decisive action to be taken by the governments of Europe and globally...


SI denounces Syrian defiance of growing calls to cease violence

28 November 2011

Syria continues to ignore international calls to end an eight-month campaign of violence against its own people.

The 22-member Arab League, which has taken a clear stand against the ongoing violence and repression of the Syrian people at the hands of the Assad regime, voted on Saturday to freeze Syrian assets and place an embargo on investments in an unprecedented move after Syria failed to comply with the League’s demands to allow an observer mission into the country...


SI supports Tahrir Square demands for civilian rule

23 NOVEMBER 2011

Egyptians are again in the streets as thousands of people gather in Cairo’s Tahrir Square for a fifth day to denounce the country’s slow transition to democracy.

The protests, which erupted last weekend, have since spread to the city’s streets, with Egyptians continuing to vent their anger at the country’s ruling military council, led by Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi...


We are all indignados

18 OCTOBER 2011

A feeling of unrest is sweeping the world. In recent days and weeks we have seen thousands of citizens from all walks of life gather in cities around the world to peacefully express their demands for fundamental change. This growing movement by indignados, outraged citizens protesting, has been characterised by the diversity of those taking to the streets to march, protest and occupy. The demonstrations have spread to the major financial centres, from the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York to protests in the City of London and at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt. Thousands have marched in the streets of Santiago, Tokyo and Cairo... 


Cameroon: in search of true democracy

20 OCTOBER 2011

Presidential elections were held in Cameroon on 9 October 2011, with twenty three official candidates, among them John Fru Ndi, leader of the main opposition party, the Social Democratic Front, SDF, an SI member, with the results expected to be announced by the Supreme Court in the next few days.

The Secretary General of the Socialist International, Luis Ayala, was present for these elections, following an earlier visit to Cameroon with a delegation of the Socialist International in August this year to make the case for the holding of free and fair elections in that country...


Parlamentarians from SI parties at IPU Assembly in Bern

17 OCTOBER 2011

In conjunction with the 125th IPU Assembly in Bern, the Socialist International held a meeting of parliamentarians from parties belonging to the International. The parliamentarians, among them representatives from Africa, Europe and Latin America, gathered, as they have done at previous IPU Assemblies...


Opposition gathers pace in Syria 


Hundreds of opponents of the brutal regime of Syria's President Bashar Al-Assad have come together in Damascus in a bid to unite the country’s opposition groups and pave the way for democracy. After five months of violent unrest across Syria, leading anti-government figures attended an assembly a short distance from the Syrian capital on Saturday...


Making the case for meaningful agreements at COP17

07-09 December 2011


The President of the Socialist International George Papandreou, the SI Secretary General Luis Ayala and the South African Minister of Home Affairs and member of the SI Commission for a Sustainable World Society Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma took part in a series of special meetings on 7-9 December during the high-level segment of the COP17/CMP7 summit in Durban...

SWS Commission

SI Commission and environment ministers set priorities and targets for Durban

30-31 October 2011


The Socialist International Commission for a Sustainable World Society and environment ministers from member parties of the International met in Johannesburg, South Africa on 30-31 October 2011, to discuss the social democratic priorities for the COP17...

Special Committee on the Arab World

The spirit of Crete: democracy and freedom for the people of the Arab nations

28-29 October 2011


Latifa Perry

The Special Committee on the Arab World of the Socialist International established at the SI Council held in Athens on July 2011 held its constituent meeting on the island of Crete on 28-29 October 2011 hosted by the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK), under the main theme, “For a new society of rights and freedoms: winning the transition to democracy in the Arab world...

SI Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean

Committee convenes in Porto Alegre

24-25 October 2011


Latifa Perry

Gathering in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil, hosted by the Democratic Labour Party, PDT, the Socialist International Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean recently held its second meeting of the year, on 24-25 October...

SI Asia-Pacific Committee

Strengthening democracy and pursuing sustainable and fair economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region

07-08 October 2011


‘Combining economic growth with environmental responsibility: the dual challenge of development’ and ‘Advancing social democracy in the Asia-Pacific region’ were the main themes on the agenda of the recent meeting of the Socialist International Asia-Pacific Committee, which took place in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, on 7-8 October, hosted by the SI the member party in that country, the Mongolian People’s Party...


SI Presidium at the UN: For a common strategy out of the crisis

23 September 2011


Latifa Perry

The fourth annual meeting of the SI Presidium and Heads of State and Government from the social democratic movement took place at the United Nations Headquarters on Friday 23 September, in conjunction with the general debate of the United Nations General Assembly...



Meeting of the Committee on Economic Policy, Labour and National Resources, Rabat |
9-10 JANUARY 2012

SI Council meeting, San José |
23-24 JANUARY 2012


Parliamentary elections |

Parliamentary elections |
15 JANUARY 2012

Presidential elections |
22 JANUARY 2012

Member Party Congresses

Labour Party, Congress, Den Bosch |

Spanish Socialist Workers' Party, Seville |

Social Democratic Party, Tokyo |

commission on Global Financial Issues


The Way Forward 
on the Global 
Financial Crisis

XXIII Congress

Athens Council

Arab world - Middle East peace - nuclear energy

1-2 july 2011


The Council of the Socialist International met in Athens on 1-2 July 2011, hosted by the Panhellenic Socialist Movement...