The non-moving Earth 

& anti-evolution web page of

The Fair Education Foundation, Inc.

Exposing the False Science Idol of Evolutionism,
and Proving the Truthfulness of the Bible from Creation to Heaven...

Since 1973 - Online Since 1997

Marshall Hall, Pres.


 ***These are FOUNDATIONAL Creation TRUTHS which can not be separated!!***



"The world also is stablished that it cannot be moved." Psalm 93:1                                     "He...hangeth the Earth upon nothing." Job 26:7

Levitating Globe

"An electromagnet and computerized sensor hidden in its

display stand cause the Earth to levitate motionlessly in the air."

Could God have engineered something like that for the real Earth?

The Bible and all real evidence confirms that this is precisely what He did, and indeed:

The Earth is not rotating...nor is it going around the sun.

>>>The universe is not one ten trillionth the size we are told.<<<

Today’s cosmology fulfills an anti-Bible religious plan disguised as "science".

The whole scheme from Copernicanism to Big Bangism is a factless lie.

Those lies have planted the Truth-killing virus of evolutionism

in every aspect of man’s "knowledge" about the Universe, the

Earth, and Himself.

Take your time.

Check it all out.

Decide for yourself.

***Don't miss January's Bulletin: "Satan's Waterloo: The Fall Of Babylon" further down....

***ALL False Science and False Religion is held together by the weak, Bible-bashing, vulnerable Copernican Lie of a Rotating, Orbiting Earth***

***He who answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame unto him.  Proverbs 18:13***

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     Online Radio Station

Audio messages highlighting the main themes of this web page are now complete and online. GO>> HERE to access all titles in all Three Series:   

Series I - "Exposing and Destroying Evolution-Based False Science". In Four Parts.  [You will know that the Copernican Model is the keystone that is now holding up ALL False Science which is dependent upon the Big Bang Evolutionary Paradigm. ]

Series II - "Exposing False  Doctrines In The Christian Religion. In Fourteen Parts. [These exposures naturally follow the Series on the False Science exposures, as listeners will soon discover.] 

Series III - "The Bible's God Trumps All Other Religions". In Five Parts. [Here is vital information for everyone interested in Biblically guaranteed Global Developments as this Old Earth's History comes to its prophesied End in preparation for the promised Eternal New Earth.]

 ***Series II & III sessions are all under ten minutes duration***.


God alone can (and will!) force the Non-Moving Earth Truths of the Bible and Science onto the world stage. (HERE - HERE)

The Motto of all False Science: "Don't give up on a good theory just because it isn't true!"

 These issues address the most Foundational Truths that affect all mankind


 >>>Amazon is currently listing USED COPIES Of The Earth Is Not Moving for $89 (+ S& H!) (12-30-11)<<<

***Get your New Copy of the 3rd Printing of this life changing, fun to read book for $20.00 (free S & H)***

*** Are you interested in Testimonials? Sample some of these from readers here and abroad and see what you think:***

Testimonials>>>HERE       Order>>>HERE

Testimonials on The Truth About Evolution, 7th printing. Includes congratulations from the publishers of Darwin in London.  HERE - Order HERE

Go HERE to read about a dozen more books on major Church Doctrines which must and will be purified shortly after the coming Global Government is seated.


******************************************** January 2012 Bulletin *********************************************

Satan's Waterloo: The Fall of Babylon

Babylon is Satan's Empire built entirely on deception. Deception causes confusion.  "Babylon" means "confusion". "God is not the author of confusion."  Hence, when the Bible teaches about Babylon's Fall "one hour" after a Global Government is established, it is teaching that all deceptions which characterize and uphold Satan's Babylon are Revealed in that time frame (I Cor. 14:33; Rev. 17:12, 14-18; 14:6,7,8; 18:2,4.)

Nothing like this coming Global Event has ever happened before. The whole world is going to witness: a) Two categories of Satan's lies being supernaturally exposed; b) God's Truths come forth in a way that everyone on Earth will know which is which.

 Those two categories of lies which have given Satan virtual control over mankind's knowledge today are: a) False Science. b) False Religion. Both categories have many parts.  It seems humanly impossible that all those parts could be Revealed Globally in the "one hour" (Rev. 17:12-18: 2-3 months) time frame the Bible allots for Babylon's Fall.

 Yet, the God of the Bible--"Who has known all His works from the beginning of the world " (Acts.15:18)--has isolated and nursed one single Truth that is capable of bringing down ALL False Science and  ALL False Religion in that short time frame.

  That one single Truth--i.e., the very KEYSTONE of both God's True Science and of the Bible's Absolute Truthfulness--is something that has been observed every day and night throughout all history.  That single Truth is the East to West movement of the sun, moon and stars around our stationary Earth.  This East to West movement is confirmed by all non-theoretical science, and in over 60 Bible passages. [1]-[2]-[3]  

  Yet--based upon a mere mathematical model built entirely on assumptions [4]-[5]-[5b]--Satan has methodically erected his Big Bang Paradigm of 15 billion years of evolutionism. This contra-scientific and contra-Biblical mountain of Virtual Reality Deceptions [6] is now in the world's textbooks as the "secular" explanation for the Origin of all that exists. [7]

  So, not only has the whole non-Christian World been thoroughly deceived by Satan's Copernican-dependent False Science, so has the whole Christian Worldeven its self-described Bible-only Fundamentalists!! [8] Babylon's promised fall will change all that very quickly! There will be no way that any church can continue to ignore or alter God's promised exposure and destruction of the Bible-denying Copernican Lie.[9] That keystone of Satan's Big Bang Evolution Lie must fall first. [10]

 The Bible is clear: God's Judgment begins in the Churches. [11] HE has guaranteed the exposure of Satan's evolution Idol [12] which was made possible by the Copernican Lie and remains dependent upon it.  Thus, God's Revelation of the Copernican Lie will be Satan's Waterloo.  It is the one Biblical catalyst that can force the identification and separation of ALL of Satan's lies from God's truths. From Babylon's Fall to the last day of this old Earth's history [13] events will unfold as written over 1900 years ago.[14] It all begins with a "one hour" advent of the seating of the Satan-empowered Global Government (Rev. 17:12-18; 13:2b; etc.). [15]

Look for: "Without the Copernican Lie There Can Be No Big Bang Lie" in the February 2012 Bulletin.<<<


Achived Bulletins: HERE


Be Sure to Check these THREE Recent Short linkS:

"david icke et al" -  "Space SciencE" : Mass Hypnosis At WorK" - "KEPLER tELESCOPE LIES FROM NASA"

[The "Icke et al" link is also located in Subject Area #4 at bottom.]

[The ..."Mass Hypnosis" link is also located in Subject Area #2 at bottom.]

[The "Kepler Telescope" link is also located in Subject Area #2 at bottom}


Separate Titles Of One Page Links For All 2010 Bulletins Are Archived: HERE


Separate Titles Of One Page Links For All 2011 Bulletins

January - "Satan's Waterloo: The Fall of Babylon"

  "Jesus: Creator of Our Stationary Earth" - February

March - "Twelve Angry Men"

"NASA's Real Achievement: Establishing Extraterrestrial Evolutionism!!" - April

May - "New Earth, New Heavens, New Jerusalem"

"Does The Bible Teach That Jesus Will Return To This Earth's Surface? - June

"Jesus: King Now Or Coming King?  - July

August - "Martyr Scriptures Prove No Secret Rapture & No Millennium"

"The 7th Trumpet Time Frame Is The 1000 years of Revelation 20"  - September

October - "AGAIN: The Bible Facts Which Falsify All Millenialist Teaching"

"New Apostolic Reformation Dominionism I: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly"  - November

December - "NAR Dominionism's Good, Bad, & Ugly II: More Ecumenicism"

(Also Archived: HERE)


Separate Titles for One Page Links for 2012 Bulletins

January - "Satan's Waterloo: The Fall Of Babylon"

(Also Archived: HERE)



The Non-Moving Earth & Anti-Evolution Web Page Statement


All of the evidence that is required to expose and destroy the counterfeit Copernican Model of a rotating and orbiting Earth--and the entire evolutionary paradigm resting upon that counterfeit--is set out in this book (HERE& in scores of links on this web page.

Those who read the book and some or all of these links--and listen to the Audios--will quickly realize that this is no idle claim. Rather--as will become evident with each subject listed--there is abundant hard proof that both the Copernican Counterfeit and the Big Bang Evolutionary Paradigm that is built upon it are factless frauds from start to finish.

Indeed, the diligent reader (and listener) will be astonished at the level of demonstrable hi-tech fraud, baseless assumptions, occult mathematics, etc.,--all part of a Satan-empowered, anti-Christ religious Cabal--that has been at work over many centuries implanting the incredible evolution myth about the origin of the Universe, the Earth, and Mankind.

On this web page the Bible is not used to prove anything scientific. Instead, the scientific facts--along with proof of high tech fraud, and historical and religious facts-- expose the false science of the Pharisee Religion's Universe and certify the Biblical Universe..


                               So, Welcome!                          

Think of this as a "crash course" for people everywhere of all ages who are ready to test and see how Kabbalist evolutionary mythology has deceived the world...and what it will mean to every living person when that deception is exposed.


(Marshall Hall, BS cum laude, MA + 2 years:...Advanced International Studies Ph.D. Program)


This Important Recent Link :KABBALIST "SUPERSTRING" PHYSICS (3 pgs)  Is now in Subject Area #4 below....




(To any amongst millions who want the Evolution Lie exposed and removed from the schools, the information in this model (and on this web page) remains posted for use by any legislature, school board, individual, or court that wants to initiate a Constitution-based challenge which cannot lose.... )


Canadian Geocentrist, Bernie Brauer, is now featuring his material and that of several Geocentrist Activists at:

Geocentric Architect refutes the dominant Plate Tectonic Theory as well as NASA's claims at:



***Note: Parts I, II, III of "Sola Scriptura" are linked in Subject Area #8***

***Part IV (below) includes a famous Kabbalist's statements that Satan is  g'd***

Sola Scriptura - IV

Kabbala Phariseeism or Bible Christianity?

    HERE 7 pgs - [In Subject Area #8 also]


***For Seventeen 1-3 Page Links From 2008, Go: HERE***

******For 77 Audios on False Science, Doctrines, & Religion in 2009, Go: HERE***

***For Twelve One Page Bulletins in 2010, Go: HERE***



The Global Warming Obsession Rests on Acceptance of Billions of Years of Evolutionism

HERE  6 pgs -   [In subject Area #3 also]


Exposure of "Evolution Science" as a Contra-Scientific

Religious "Creation Scenario" Will Divide the Populations of the World

HERE  7 pgs  [In Subject Area #8  also]


 THIS NEW FORMAT has Twelve Separate Subject Areas.

(The Number of Pages is shown in color for each subject.  Ex.: 1-3 pgs  4-6 pgs  7-9 pgs ....) 

(New Reader?? Time limitations?? In the Subject Areas below there are 51 links with 1-3 pgs; 27 with 4-6 pgs; 35 with 7-9 pgs....)

So, Please Fasten Your Mental And Spiritual Seat Belts

and Choose Any Link From the Subject Area Menu....



Subject Area Menu

1 - Factless Copernican Model 5 - True Science Confirms Bible Geocentrism 9 - A Few Examples Of Ineffable Design
2 - NASA & The Evolution Circus 6 - Teaching Evolution Now Unlawful in USA 10 - Real Solutions For Troubled Islam
3 - Computer Generated Deception 7 - Spiritual Decoys Are Hidden Destroyers 11 - Roman Catholic Misc.
4 - Evolution's Secular Disguise 8 - No Excuses Left For Churches 12 - Doctrine Purification Series

For those who would like to see the "Links in a Series" together (e.g.: seven links on "Kabbala"; seven links on "Size & Structure of the Universe", etc.), you can scroll through the Old Format (HERE) and you will find them lined up sequentially. 

(Previous Monthly Bulletins from 2/1/01 to 12/31/05 are Archived HERE along with New Bulletins dating from January, 2010.)

COPYRIGHT 1997-2012 - The Fair Education Foundation, Inc.
