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  • Ending the Exile and Back to Roots in Sri Lanka

    by Dayapala Thiranagama 3 January
    Sri Lanka as a nation has not ended its own political exile even after wining the separatist war. Unless Sri Lanka resolves its critical issue of ethnic inclusiveness, she will be in political exile. There will be a day, the masses of this country will drag her out of this and make us a proud nation where all ethnic communities will enjoy democracy and freedom.

  • Caste and Politics in Regard to Anna Hazare

    by Gail Omvedt 1 January
    Anna Hazare’s “movement against corruption” has monopolized political and media attention now for several months. There has been a tendency for people on the left, with the notably exception of most dalits, to assume its progressive character and feel that they must participate. But there has been a dearth of solid analysis.

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