brings lulz #OpBlitzkrieg

Update : Articles with moar better Englishs @ Hackers Against Neo-Nazis: Anonymous Takes on Germany’s Far-Right, Spiegel Online | Anonymous launches anti-Neo-Nazi site, Deutsche Welle, January 3, 2012.

…yeah so on may day 2011 some computer-talking guys did some hackery dackery doo on some nazi websites and called it #OpBlitzkrieg. (some of) the results of their investigations have now been published @ nazileaks, intended to act as a kind of repository on nazi activists. those targeted have included blood & honour, the npd, thor steinar and moar. previous hits include cheeky monkeys on the interwebs exposing nutzi hal turner as an fbi informant… (see also : Neo-Nazi sites hacked… again!, December 3, 2010)

a krap machinetranslation of zeit online says…

Nazi collects anonymous data leaks

In Anonymous activists gather personal data from NPD supporters and other rights. At the same time they cripple Web sites of the scene.

Parts of the hacker group Anonymous attack targeted the right scene. For several days, collects and publishes a sub-group that calls itself “Operation Blitzkrieg” on data – among other alleged NPD supporters, correspondence from right-wing forums and customer lists of fashion brand Thor Steinar and by mail order houses of the scene. On Monday, the hackers also placed several sites temporarily paralyzed, including the neo-platform media age, the DS and the delivery side of the NPD German newspaper voice.

Tweet with “# OpBlitzkrieg wishes all Nazis and especially Altermedia a good start into the new year!” The attacks began on Monday. The right-wing Web sites were not then available for a few more hours.

The attacks by Anonymous on the right scene, however, are not new. “Operation Lightning War” has been running for almost exactly one year. On 5 January some of the activists announced the first action against Nazis . As a reason they called their refusal to accept freedom and equality of all people, and their attacks on refugees and immigrants, on press and political opponents.

The new portal for a should be a platform for supporters via e-mail can submit data from the right scene – a kind of anti-fascists to Wikileaks.

Without a face

The name says it all – the Anonymous group acts as a movement without a visible hierarchy and faces. Actions of their followers dress up like a mask of Guy Fawkes. The 1605 had attempted to assassinate the King of England. That in turn inspired the authors of the comic series V – Vendetta show in the eighties, hidden behind her protagonist a Fawkes mask. He protested his actions against an oppressive and monitoring at the state, which in turn took up some Anons as a symbol for their own struggle.

Origin of the movement and the name is the image board 4chan . On the side, any unmoderated and uncensored pictures and leave messages, and specify its name. However, that hardly anyone is doing, so that most texts are marked with the name “Anonymous.”

Without hierarchy

Anonymous does not exist as an organization. It is much more an idea, a movement which wishes to everyone and everyone can use those. Coordination is also not right. The main instrument of this non-Coordinaton the Internet Relay Chat (IRC). In this free service to open any discussion channels and write in them with any number of other messages.

In changing channels there are possible targets discussed and coordinated attacks on websites. Since 2010, there is also a website to spread the messages and new promotions are announced. Currently she can be reached at In addition, information via Twitter and Facebook spread.

But no one has to show up in these forums and channels to be one Anon. When in doubt, it is sufficient to support public Anonymous, as the American civil rights activist John Perry Barlow is doing, or to participate in the attacks on servers. The software to Low Orbit Ion Cannon mentioned, there are free on the net.

Without a guide

There is no boss, manager, leader or the like. On the contrary, anyone who presents himself as such in the media or the Internet may assume, in the shortest time insulted by supporters of Anonymous or even become the target of attacks to be. The self-image is that of an ant colony. So Anonymous is an implementation of the idea of the Hive Minds, the swarm intelligence. In the mass, so the idea is to make a vast difference, so it should only take the result for the mass itself.

Nevertheless, there is no such thing as an operation level within the group. At least there are some people who act as an operator on IRC, so be careful with the observance of certain rules in the chats and punish offenses against it. You do not necessarily have anything to do with the planning of actions.

Anonymous simultaneously lays emphasis on taking responsibility for the actions that were coordinated by the network. Therefore, usually letters claiming to be written. However, the movement has no influence on “lone assassin” who use their names and will not have to.

Without a goal

Anonymous sees itself as a movement that fights for freedom and against censorship network. But beyond that there are no clearly stated objectives. Actions can be set against sects as well (is the oldest known one against Scientology) as against right-wing forums, credit card companies or managers of the entertainment industry.

Also, it is not really a political movement in the core. Originally it came to pranks – on behalf of unpleasant people, for example, lots to order pizza. The fun was in the foreground or in the jargon of network: the lulz. Are meant to laugh, especially in the sense of schadenfreude.

Only gradually is it in the past few years, something like a grassroots movement grow , where the fun but still looks to the fore. As TIME ONLINE readers BadLuck wrote in a commentary : “I Came For The Lulz, but now i fight for Freedom of speech and free for the interweb.” I came because of the fun, now I’m fighting for freedom of speech and a free network.”

For the participants, however, the actions can be quite risky in doubt, as some countries like the U.S., Britain and the Netherlands have begun to pursue criminal attacks by Anonymous.

On the other hand, the activists hope that volunteers check and evaluate the published data, are looking for some names that appear in several of the leaked lists. The site works so as a pillory. The attack on the various right-wing sites should not be thought of as an accompanying modified PR measure.

Provides in the right circles, apparently for a little restless. At age media [Altermedia] that “We should also mention that references are gratefully on the identity of the pseudo-anonymous-ticks were received and are often rewarded with bonuses such as severed fingers …” How serious was meant is unclear.

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Elves, pixies and ending civilization

The world becomes a sum of lifeless artifacts; from synthetic food to synthetic organs, the whole man becomes part of the total machinery that he controls and is simultaneously controlled by. He has no plan, no goal for life, except doing what the logic of technique determines him to do. He aspires to make robots as one of the greatest achievements of his technical mind, and some specialists assure us that the robot will hardly be distinguishable from living men. This achievement will not seem so astonishing when man himself is hardly distinguishable from a robot. ~ Eric Fromm, The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness, 1973

I recently watched the documentary film If A Tree Falls…, a film which documents the activities of the ‘Earth Liberation Front’ in North America.

For those of you coming in late, the ELF was a name first adopted by a handful of environmental militants in the UK in the early 1990s, barbarians who decided to sabotage various industrial projects they believed were especially harmful to the (natural) environment. Closely allied with and taking its inspiration from the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), in the mid- to late-1990s the term crossed the Atlantic and also began to be used by small circles of friends in the north-western United States.

In the US, the naughty elves’ efforts to monkey-wrench parts of the industrial Juggernaut brought them some small reward — in 2002, the FBI estimated that “the ALF/ELF have committed more than 600 criminal acts in the United States since 1996, resulting in damages in excess of 43 million dollars” — and sparked a massive effort by the US state to halt the movement and terrorise radical environmentalists into submission. Thus, having declared in 2001 that the ELF was Domestic Terrorist Enimy Number One, a so-called “Green Scare” was inaugurated by the FBI. Since that time, police campaigns like ‘Operation Backfire’ have been supplemented by numerous other punitive state actions, reinforcing existing efforts to curb the growth of social movements in opposition to capitalism, war, animal abuse and environmental destruction under the rubric of The War on Terror.

If A Tree Falls… focuses on the trials and tribulations of one elf in particular, Daniel McGowan. In June 2007 Daniel was sentenced to 7 years in prison. Currently, he is being held at a Communications Management Unit in Terre Haute, Indiana, having been found guilty of arson, property destruction and conspiracy and declared a “terrorist” by the US state. (Note that the term ‘eco-terrorism’ was apparently coined in 1983 by Ron Arnold in an article for Reason magazine. See : “Ecoterrorism”?: A Critical Analysis of the Vilification of Radical Environmental Activists as Terrorists (PDF), Rebecca K. Smith, Environmental Law, Vol.38, No.2, 2008.)

Daniel has thus become one of over a dozen people to be convicted of crimes of ecological passion, a majority of whom eventually agreed to become state informants (including Chelsea Gerlach, Jennifer Kolar, Stanislas Meyerhoff, Lacey Phillabaum, Suzanne Savoie, Kendall Tankersley, Darren Thurston and Kevin Tubbs) in order to lessen their sentences. On June 14, 2011 they were joined by former non-cooperating defendant Brianna Waters. In addition to Daniel, just a handful of alleged and convicted saboteurs — Nathan Block, Marie Mason, Eric McDavid, Jonathan Paul and Joyanna Zacher — remained ‘non-cooperative’ upon arrest and prosecution. Most recently, on December 20, Justin Solondz pleaded guilty to arson and conspiracy charges. A handful of other alleged saboteurs — Joseph Dibee, Josephine Overaker, and Rebecca Rubin — remain at large, and the FBI is offering a reward of up to $50,000 each for information leading to their arrest.

While the FBI naturally credits their own I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E. for the successful prosecutions, the film makes it plain that it was the decision by one member of the extended family, Jacob Ferguson, to betray his comrades that was the principal cause of the downfall of this particular clan of elves. Be that as it may, relying upon its ability to exploit such vulnerabilities is a tactic with obvious flaws, and the state has devoted considerable resources to the infiltration of police agents into radical circles and social movements. In the US, a small number of these agents, such as “Anna”, have gone public, while in the UK police have been both fucking over — and fucking — activists for some years, their actions now the subject of legal proceedings (cases which bear no small resemblance to that of Rob Gilchrist in Aotearoa/New Zealand; in which context, see also : October 15th Solidarity).

In addition to infiltration and disruption of (radical) social movements and social movement organisations, US governments and US government agencies have utilised the provisions of “anti-terrorist” legislation, in particular those relating to sentencing, to crush eco-saboteurs. Although not resulting from this enhanced judicial framework, perhaps the most egregious example of disproportionate punishment is Jeff ‘Free’ Luers, who in 2001 was sentenced to 22 years and 8 months imprisonment for setting fire to a number of vehicles with damages amounting to $30-40,000. (After a successful appeal against his sentence, Jeff was freed in December 2009.) The threat of life imprisonment for ecotage has placed enormous psychological pressure on those accused of such acts, and few if any actions have been claimed on behalf of the ELF since the Scare took hold. Still…

See also : North American Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network.

Finally, filmmaker Franklin Lopez will be touring Australia in January and February 2012 to promote END:CIV and to encourage further discussion on developing alternatives to and resisting the encroachments of industrial civilization on The Environment.

Or something like that.

You can listen to a recent interview with Franklin whenever Dr. Cam gets around to uploading it on to the interwebs… meaning: soon(ish).

See also : John Zerzan | Igniting a Revolution.

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Moaron Defamation

Strewth. Local scribbler Marieke Hardy got done for defamation after mis-identifying the author of a hate blog (

Writer Hardy pays up in legal row over wrong online shaming
Michelle Griffin
December 27, 2011

And it’s a pretty very hateful blog too, one inspired by a degree of personal malice that verges on the pathological.


Haters gonna hate, I guess.

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antifa notes (december 26, 2011) : nutzis are W E I R D Boxing Day edition

Somebody, presumably in the UK, has been following the illustrious career of neo-Nazi entrepreneur Wilf (Will) Browning rather closely. Of late, the former leader of Combat 18, owner of ISD (Ian Stuart Donaldson) Records and lead shouter guitarist in the band No Remorse has been busy making money by way of Iron Age Records, a black metal label. Apparently, Iron Age has been selling their merch and muzak through HMV, which is a significant advance on Browning and ISD’s usual outlets. (In November 2009, Browning — along with fellow nutzi Jon Denny-Mallen — was acquitted of distributing racist shite by a British court.)

In Australia, Combat 18 most recently made the news by way of former WA policeman Robert Critchley, who was convicted earlier in December of informing Perth members of the group that they were the subject of covert police surveillance. In September, the terror machine also apparently wheeled into action at a primary skool in Illawarra: “Children at Pleasant Heights primary arrived on Monday to find swastikas and Nazi slogans spray-painted on walls, doors and even drinking water bubblers. “Heil Hitler” was painted on one wall, with insignia of white supremacist group Combat 18″ (Primary school ‘tagged’ with Nazi messages, Ben Langford, Illawarra Mercury, September 8, 2011).

Still, while spray-painting the walls of a primary skool with neo-Nazi tags may be considered unpleasant, it’s not nearly as unpleasant as murder, and last week in the US a bonehead belonging to Blood & Honour was sentenced to life in prison for his role in the deaths of two homeless men. Skinhead Sentenced To Life For Murder Of Two Homeless Men In Tampa, December 21, 2011:

U.S. Attorney Robert E. O’Neill announces that U.S. District Judge Elizabeth Kovachevich today sentenced James Robertson (32, Tampa) to life in federal prison for the 1998 murders of two homeless men. Robertson was found guilty of two counts of murder in aid of racketeering by a jury on October 18, 2011.

According to testimony and evidence presented at trial, Robertson was a member of “Tampa Blood and Honour,” a hate group whose members espoused the belief that white persons of Aryan descent were the superior race. Tampa Blood and Honour members considered the homeless to be an inferior class, regardless of race. “Bum rolling” was a term used by Tampa Blood and Honour members to describe the activity of targeting and committing acts of violence against homeless persons.

Specifically, in the early morning hours of September 13, 1998, Robertson and three other members (Kenneth Hoover, Charles Marovskis, and Cory Hulse) of Tampa Blood and Honour murdered two homeless men – Mr. Alfred Williams and Mr. Richard Arseneau. Mr. Williams was murdered in downtown Tampa, Florida, under the Crosstown Expressway, in the vicinity of Meridian Street. Robertson and the other Tampa Blood and Honour members severely beat Mr. Williams with, among other things, a tire-iron. Mr. Arseneau was also murdered in Tampa, near the intersection of Interstate 275 and Fletcher Avenue. The murder occurred in a wooded lot located east of 320 East Fletcher Avenue. Robertson, along with the same three Blood and Honour members, also beat Mr. Arseneau to death. As a result of the beating, Mr. Arseneau sustained massive head injuries, at least some of which were caused by a hatchet. According to the medical examiner, the cause of death for both victims was blunt force trauma to the head.

Also in October, another member of the Master Race was exposed in a British tabloid (Joanne Butcher, Walker Nazi worshipper exposed as paedophile, Sunday Sun, October 23, 2011):

HATE filled Nazi nut Michael Cowen strutted the streets as a tattooed hardman… But today the Sunday Sun exposes him as nothing but a vile paedophile.

A worshipper of Hitler and the far right, the hulking 43-year-old strutted around as a henchman for extreme organisations.

His North home was a sickening shrine to the Nazis with displays of Swastikas, an SS flag and even a cannister of Zyklon B – the cyanide gas used to kill millions.

But behind this swaggering macho image hid his other horribly twisted obsession – a hateful passion for the abuse of little boys and girls.

For Cowen had a horrifying picture library of tens of thousands of indecent images of youngsters stored on his computers.

The secret stash of shame was discovered after he ordered extremist CDs by racist “Blood and Honour” rock groups.

Undercover officers intercepted them on their way to Cowen’s home in Losh Terrace, Walker in Newcastle’s East End.

The disks included bands with names like Ethnic Cleansing and Hate Crime, and featured tracks such as “Freezer Full of ****** Heads”, “Multicultural Take Over” and “Make Them Die Slowly”.

Also in the stash were CD sleeves, with pictures of human remains, beaten and battered bodies, and people who appeared to have been shot, as well as swastikas…


In Melbourne, national socialist black metal (NSBM) is being reinvigorated by way of Jack Gareth Sansom’s label and promo ‘White Noise’, which organised a gig at The Tote in December. Sansom works in close collaboration with local neo-Nazi skinheads, and to celebrate Hitler’s birthday in April the Australian Blood & Honour and Hammerskins’ franchises will be holding a gig in Brisbane. Aryan Supermen from around Australia (and even overseas) can order B&H merch and neo-Nazi agit-prop — including Freezer Full of N****r Heads — from 9% Productions, online or at the gig.

Also expected to be in attendance at Hitler’s birthday party are the handful of Aryan ladies belonging to the Australian chapter of Women for Aryan Unity. In summarising their activities for the year 2011, WAU write that “[a]long with one of our sisters in the USA we have taken over the Adopt A Bruder program (which provides financial support to the remaining incarcerated former members of Der Bruder Schweigen or The Order as they were more commonly known)”. You may remember Der Bruder Schweigen from such political assassinations as that of DJ Alan Berg in June, 1984. Happily, WAU “are truly honoured to be a part of this program and to provide such support to men who gave up everything for our folk.”

See also : nutzis are W E I R D : David Lane’s Ashes (February 13, 2009).

Dear Leadership Crisis

In the US, Dear Leader’s recent tragic death seems to have exposed rifts among the former General Secretary and golfing expert‘s tiny handful of followers. Better (or worse) yet, one mob has accused the other mob of being subject to neo-Nazi/anti-Semitic/white nationalist/white racialist influence. Thus one of my favourite micro-parties — the completely batshit Rural People’s Party — has been accused by another micro-sect — the North American Juche-Songun Ideas Study Group — of being controlled by nutzis, the main villain in the piece being one Joshua Caleb Sutter. See : ON RECENT ATTACKS AGAINST US AND EXPOSING THE TRUE ENEMIES OF SOCIALISM : AGAINST JOHN PAUL CUPP, JOSHUA CALEB SUTTER, AND JAMES PORRAZZO.

Apart from anything else, this may explain why the RPP has failed to update its website since December 2009.

The red-brown aspect on the political spectrum has a fascinating history, parts of which are ably documented by Kevin Coogan in his monumental 1999 study of the fast life and crazy times of Francis Parker Yockey, and some others in Martin A. Lee’s 1997 book The Beast Reawakens (the Anti-National Translation and Who Makes the Nazis? blog/sites also contain lotsa useful infos). In Australia, elements of the red and the brown have been trailing various foreign dictators and authoritarian regimes for some time. While an honourable mention must be given to the relationship between the ALP and Mubarak’s regime, of particular note — tho’ seemingly, and very sadly, absent from the fray in recent years — is the career trajectory of national socialist Robert Pash, co-founder of conspiracy zine New Dawn. Pash “acknowledges he flirted with extreme-Right politics as a teenager but says he abandoned those beliefs more than 15 years ago. Today [sic], Pash is director of the Libyan Arab Cultural Centre in Melbourne, and New Dawn‘s editor, David Jones, describes his political roots as pro-Arab Left” (‘The plot thickens’, Richard Guilliatt, The Sydney Morning Herald, May 24, 1997). In 1989 (‘New-age nazism’, Matthew Kalman and John Murray, New Statesman, June 23, 1995):

…[Duncan] Roads [publisher of Nexus zine] visited Gadaffi in Libya. According to Australian journalist David Greason, he is a close friend of the rightwing Libyaphile Robert Pash. Pash was the Australian contact for the “Aryan Nations” network in the late 1970s. In the late 1980s, he was the Australian distributor for Gadaffi’s Green Book, and was in contact with the National Front, acting as a conduit for their attempts to make political common cause with the Libyan regime. Alan Myers, of Australia’s Green Left Weekly, says that Pash is also part of the Australian League of Rights, the ultra-right anti-Semitic organisation, of which Donald Martin is the British arm.

In the 1990s, Pash moved from Libya to North Korea, and the “Libyan Arab Cultural Centre” became the “Australian Association for the Study of the Juche Idea”. Moar blah on Pash’s divers political passions can be found in Denis Freney’s scurrilous tract ‘Raiders of the Left Ark’ (in which the GLW also gets a guernsey). Of course, Gaddafi’s influence also extended to the far left, and in particular Gerry Healy’s sect the Workers’ Revolutionary Party, a party probably most famous for attracting the support of the * of stage and screen Vanessa Redgrave. In the 1980s, the WRP allegedly made a nasty habit of seeking financial support from Arab regimes, in exchange for both mad props in the WRP press and infos on their opponents…

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Rest in Peace Bruce Bloody Ruxton

First Kim Jong-Il.

Now Bruce Ruxton.

Bruce Ruxton, former head of the Victorian RSL, has died aged 85
The Australian
December 23, 2011

BRUCE Ruxton, the former president of the Victorian RSL, died this afternoon at a Queensland nursing home. He was 85…

Mr Ruxton had been suffering from the early stages of dementia slipped into a coma several days ago and died about 3pm today in a Queensland nursing home, the Victorian RSL’s current president David McLachlan announced.

Mr Ruxton was Victoria’s longest-serving RSL president, presiding over the organisation for 23 years, Mr McLachlan said.

He was a veteran of World War II, serving in Borneo and Japan.

In 1975 he received the MBE, he was awarded the OBE in 1981, the AM in 1996, and in 1997 the Chevalier of Order of Merit from Jacques Chirac. He also received the Legion d’honneur…

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Long live Kim Jong-Il! Long live Kim Jong-Un!

I was going to update the Trot Guide but world-historical events have intervened as Dear Leader departs.

Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the Korean People’s Army, passed away from a great mental and physical strain at 08:30 December 17, 2011, on train during a field guidance tour.

The WPK Central Committee and Central Military Commission, DPRK National Defence Commission, Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly and Cabinet released a notice on Saturday informing the WPK members, servicepersons and all other people of his passing away.

Index of consumer sentiment of Australia fell by 8.3 percent in December from 103.4 points in November to 94.7 points, its lowest level since August, an economic organization of the country said on Dec. 14.

Wet tears may never dry.

Defend North Korean Deformed Workers State!
Onward to Communism!

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antifa notes (december 18, 2011)

Muslamic Rayguns

Oops. I got this message from the recently-deported (and now seemingly returned) Englishman — and leader of the Australian Defence League — Martin Brennan in October, but only read it now:

Oi you stupid hippy left wing muslim sharia loving cunt, hasn’t Brookie told you i am returning on the 6th November…hope to see you at the airport with…wait…fucking TWAT written on your forehead…luls…God save YOUR>>>Queen you tosser!!! NFSE!

How rude.

Otherwise, the ADL in its various permutations seems to have been pretty quiet of late, and it remains to be seen if Brennan can fulfil his promise of whipping the convicts into shape. As for the English Defence League, EDL News provides a summary of their adventures in 2011 here, while Malatesta provides another account of the shenanigans associated with the EDL splinter group the Infidels here, from which the following is drawn:

One of the continuing difficulties faced by the far right is their complete inability to agree on anything for very long. Massive fallouts and accusations of ‘grass’ and ‘backstabbing’ (with the occasional ‘nonce’ thrown in) are frequent on their internet forums and it seems that the Infidels are no different. In case you don’t know, the Infidels split off from the English Defence League because of Mr Tommy’s ‘pro-Zionism,’ multicultural racism and being over-friendly to the gays. The Infidels boldly declared their fascist agenda on Facebook and had their first ‘National’ demo in Leeds which was a piss poor turnout as evidenced by the photos posted on the net of them gurning whilst holding beer cans in the drizzle and being outnumbered by plod. This was bizarrely deemed a ‘success’ which was subsequently soured by internal criticisms over the fact that they looked like a bunch of beer swilling racists. Which is what they are. Following the demo some ended up in the Slug And Lettuce for a cup of tea and a bun whilst others headed off to the Hourglass Bar for something a bit more exotic. For ironically, the Hourglass is a gay bar and rumours that there is now a Gay Division in the homophobic Infidels are untrue…

Closer to home, the more intellectual Islamophobes belonging to The Q Society recently played host to US activist/”outspoken researcher and bestselling author on Islam and Jihad” Robert Spencer. So too did ABC Queensland. Elsewhere, the Irish journalist Colm O’Broin (Islamophobia and Antisemitism: Same message, different minority., Middle Class Dub, October 31, 2011) compares Spencer’s account of Teh Evil of Islam to the Nazi Julius Streicher’s protrayal of The Jew in the wildly popular Nazi tabloid Der Stürmer. Of Spencer’s guest spot on the ABC, Jeff Sparrow asks “Would a peddler of hatred against any other minority have been treated that way?”

Speaking of Islamophobia, Mattias Gardell provides an excellent account of “the rise of a militant anti-Muslim far right in Europe” in ‘Terror in the Norwegian Woods’ (Overland, No.205, Summer 2011). Gardell has also written (in passing) on the subject of NSBM (National Socialist Black Metal), some of whose practioners were last week (inadvertently) given a platform at The Tote Hotel in Collingwood. In this case, the gig — Hellraiser IV — was organised by a local neo-Nazi called Jack (sometimes Gareth) Sansom, a relative newcomer on the local metal scene who employs the White Noise label to promote neo-Nazism.

White Noise

Of the term ‘White Noise’, Anton Shekhovtsov (Apoliteic music: Neo-Folk, Martial Industrial and ‘metapolitical fascism’, published as Anton Shekhovtsov, ‘Apoliteic music: Neo-Folk, Martial Industrial and “metapolitical fascism”’, Patterns of Prejudice, Vol.43, No.5, December 2009) writes:

The term ‘White Noise’ originates from White Noise Records, a label that released Skrewdriver’s single ‘White Power’ in 1983. Skrewdriver was a British band that openly promoted revolutionary ultra-nationalism through their records, and their performances sometimes turned into riots of neo-Nazi skinheads. Skrewdriver’s late leader Ian Stuart was a member of the British National Front (NF), while the band itself was closely associated with both the NF and the British National Party (BNP). In fact, Skrewdriver might be considered ‘the musical wing’ of the NF, as it raised funds for the organization and helped recruit new members. Moreover, in 1987, Stuart founded the Blood & Honour network that promoted ultra-nationalist bands, organized their concerts and served as a nexus for neo-Nazi skinheads in Europe and the United States. Since Skrewdriver played a type of Punk Rock music known as Street Punk or Oi!, the term ‘White Noise’ originally referred to Punk Rock acts that propagated extreme right-wing ideas. Currently, due to the generic variety of bands that play at Blood & Honour concerts, one can apply this term to any aggressive rock music that is imbued with an openly fascist or racist message.

It is crucially important to highlight two features of White Noise. First, this type of music is characterized by overt racism or revolutionary ultra-nationalism. White Noise bands do not veil their messages and some of the bands’ names—not to mention the albums and song titles—speak for themselves: Race War, Totenkopf, Final Solution, Jew Slaughter, Legion 88, Konkwista 88, Angry Aryans, Brigada NS, RaHoWa etc. Second, White Noise is associated with either direct violence against an Other or the political cause, however marginal, that inspires it. It is quite often the case that White Noise musicians do not conceal their membership in revolutionary ultra-nationalist groupuscules, larger organizations or even electoral parties. As mentioned above, Skrewdriver worked alongside the NF, while the Romanian band Brigada de Asalt (The Assault Brigade) is an integral part of the neo-Nazi organization Noua Dreaptă (New Right), presumably backed by the Romanian radical right-wing Partidul Noua Generatie (New Generation Party). A large number of White Noise bands appear on the so-called ‘schoolyard’ CDs compiled and released by the radical right-wing Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (National Democratic Party of Germany) for free distribution among German youth.

Surprisingly, the term ‘White Noise’ does not seem to cover Black Metal bands that promote ultra-nationalist ideas. In this case, journalists and scholars use the term ‘National Socialist Black Metal’ (or simply NSBM) to refer to the same White Noise socio-political message when it is disseminated by Black Metal music.

Probably the best account of the early evolution of black metal is Kevin Coogan’s 1999 article on ‘How Black is Black Metal?’; Who Makes the Nazis? site further explores fascism and marginal subcultures, including NSBM.

Gimme That Old Time Fascism

Last week (December 13), 50-year-old fascist Gianluca Casseri went on a shooting spree in the Italian city of Florence, killing two and wounding several other Senegalese immigrants before commtting suicide. Casseri was allegedly involved in the fascist (squatted) social centre network known as Casapound. (Oddly enough ‘Casapound’ was for a period of time the nom de guerre of local fascist activist Luke Connors.) The movement has recently been linked to members of the Italian Parliament and to Blood & Honour, the Australian franchise of which works in close collaboration with Sansom’s White Noise (see : Alfio Bernabei, Italy: Blood and Honour fascists form potential parliamentary link, Searchlight, November 2011). In any case, in the aftermath of the murders Italian police have arrested a few muppets belonging to some bizarro fascist cult known as Militia, and there’s been the usual tut-tutting about racism.

According to a report in Der Spiegel (‘A Big Leap in Right-Wing Currents’: Italy Killings Underscore European Extremism Problem, Annette Langer, December 15, 2011):

…Casseri has… become a hero of the right-wing extremist scene in the country, praised as a true Italian and a “white hero” worthy of renown and respect on the racist website Casseri “cleaned up,” a task for which he deserves thanks, a statement on the website read.

A support group on Facebook entitled “Gianluca died for us” has already been “liked” by more than 6,000 users. Comments include this one: “Florence was only the beginning. We’ll clean up all of Italy.” A “fascist delirium” has broken out in the country, daily La Stampa wrote on Wednesday.

For right-wing extremists, the reasons behind the killings are obvious. The situation has long been unbearable, the multi-ethnic society ticking “like a time-bomb about to explode,” anti-Semitic website NonConforme wrote.

Old-school fascism in Italy has been replaced by even more radical and dangerous symbols of neo-Nazism, said right-wing extremist expert Ferrari. “In the last 10 years we’ve observed a big leap in right-wing currents across Europe,” he told SPIEGEL ONLINE.

Perhaps the closest contemporary Australian equivalent to Casapound is the tiny student grouping Nationalist Alternative, whose activities are regularly promoted on the Stormfront Down Under forum. The glee with which Casseri’s crimes have been received by Stormfront users finds its echo in the reaction by some to the recent tragedy off the coast of Indonesia. Taking particular delight in the deaths is local boy Mitch Johns, whose excitement at the news of possibly hundreds of dead asylum seekers is commemorated by The Anti Bogan blog in its 500th post.

Kids these days eh?

Finally, while there’s been a good deal of public wailing and gnashing of teeth over the apparent string of murders committed by neo-Nazi militants in Germany, in the Ukraine the murder of another young (17-year-old) anti-fascist in mid-November appears to have gone relatively unnoticed.

Same old same old…

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Support Indonesian punx!

From the Department of Fear of a Punk Planet:

State authorities in Aceh in Indonesia have (again) declared war on punk, arresting 64 at a gig, shaving their heads, removing their clothing, and forcing them to attend a camp for ‘re-education’.

Indonesian punks detained and shaved by police
Associated Press
December 14, 2011

Indonesia’s Aceh punks shaved for ‘re-education’
Karishma Vaswani
BBC News
December 14, 2011

(And on the other hand…)

In the meantime, real crimes are being committed in Lampung and Kulon Progo.

See also : NoiseBombSounds // hidup biasa // FendhiAnarchoi69.

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Nazis @ The Tote. Again.

On Saturday, December 10 The Tote Hotel (Johnston St, Collingwood) played host to Hellraiser IV, an ‘extreme Melbourne metal showcase’ featuring Iconic Vivisect, Order of Orias, Sanguinary Misanthropia, The Seaford Monster and headliners Perseverance. ‘Hellraiser IV’ was organised by a local promoter called White Noise, an explicitly neo-Nazi record label and promotion that organised previous metal gigs (including Order of Orias and Sanguinary Misanthropia) and also manages the headline act, Perseverance, and released its first album, The Fading Light (2011). (White Noise also organised Hellraiser III @ the East Brunswick Club, October 4, 2009.)

Established in 2008, White Noise was initially a metal promotion with no explicit political agenda. In December 2009, Gareth Sansom was interviewed for the Metal Obsession site by Taigen Gould (inter alia, the guitarist in local neo-Nazi band Ravenous):

White Noise Productions is a Melbourne-based event management company, run by local musicians, for local musicians with no administrative body taking a hefty cut from events that they run while giving the opportunity for high class management for individual bands and artists, both signed and unsigned within the industry. Now with 16 gigs under its belt and two more within months, White Noise Productions is known for hosting big Australian names of the local scene, such as Embodied, Urgrund, Order or Orias, Vrag, Iciclan and even international Anno Domini Mortus.

In the subsequent period, White Noise (Gareth/Jack Sansom) has openly adopted a neo-Nazi perspective, promoting bands associated with and events organised by the local franchise of the international Blood & Honour network and the bonehead gang the Southern Cross Hammerskins.

You may remember the Southern Cross Hammerskins from such reportage as Victorian neo-Nazi used as medic in Afghanistan (The Age, March 23, 2011):

Kenneth Stewart, 36, has worked as a military-trained paramedic, accompanying aid workers around Afghanistan. His Facebook page shows a swastika flag in his room in Kandahar, and another picture shows him surrounded by Afghans he refers to as ”my nignogs” with a friend adding the comment ”it’s lovely to see a white man back in control of the subhuman”. On Stewart’s Facebook page he regularly makes disparaging comments about Afghans, Aborigines, Jews and others.

Sansom’s other band is Waffenbrüder. It played the Ian Stuart Donaldson memorial gig in October 2011 and is releasing its debut album, This Time The World, in January. In addition to Waffenbrüder, Sansom also distros neo-Nazi agitprop (principally NSBM) via War Doctrine.

Note that the White Noise promotion has undergone several incarnations on MySpace and Facebook: one of the latest appears to have been deleted since Saturday. A screenshot of the page reveals the nature of the promotion and its commitments, including to the notion that there should be six million more Jews murdered…

As for White Noise, Stiff Little Fingers done it best:

See also : Mecca-Cola for Sweetman? (January 24, 2006).

Posted in Anti-fascism, Collingwood, Music, State / Politics, That's Capitalism! | Tagged , , , , , , | 6 Comments

War on Clothing #occupymelb #omel

Victoria Police and Melbourne City Council workers narrowly averted a terrorist attack yesterday morning when they were forced to publicly strip a young woman @ OccupyMelb of her clothing, thereby denying another angry violent liar her ”little self-indulgent moment in the sunshine”. According to one professional protester armed with a camera:

The individual in question was part of the Occupy Melbourne protest and was dressed in a protest costume made from a converted tent. The significance of the costume was to [highlight] restrictions placed on protesters staging a 24/7 protest in Flagstaff Gardens.

The protester was surrounded by at least 4 Melbourne City Council officers and 8 Victoria Police officers.

Her movement was restricted by the formation of officers surrounding her and she was subsequently restrained as officers proceeded with aggressively removing her costume.

At each stage she declared that she did not consent or feel comfortable with the actions of the council and police officers, stating that this was a sexual assault. “This is not consensual.”

Her requests and declarations were ignored as officers continued to rip and [jostle] her costume and person. A knife was requested and used by MCC officers as the protest costume was cut from her body. The remaining severed costume was violently torn from her while the protester herself was [discarded], [left] semi-naked and crying on the ground as Victoria Police and MCC officers walked away with the costume.

No effort was made to assess her health or [well-being] after the incident.

I says: if she didn’t want to be stripped in public of her clothing by a large group of armed men and women, she should have stayed at home.


Posted in !nataS, Broken Windows, Sex & Sexuality, State / Politics, That's Capitalism! | Tagged | 7 Comments