Saturday, April 07, 2007


Bobby Zamora has just put West Ham 1-0 up at the Emirates Stadium against Arsenal. It won't last - I reckon a 1-1 draw after eleven minutes of injury time, and moaning session from Arsene Wenger on the touchline - but it's nice to see Zamora scoring for the Hammers, as he is one of those few players in the Premiership to play for his local team.

Ok, that's enough of me doing a bad impersonation of a videprinter. It was just furtuitous that I spotted that Bobby Z had scored his tenth goal of the season a nano-second after spotting on his wiki page the strange but true footie fact that Zamora, Jlloyd Samuel, Fitz Hall and Paul Konchesky were all released on the same day as apprentices from West Ham Utd.

Konchesky and Zamora are now back at Upton Park; Jlloyd Samuel is currently not getting at a game in Martin O'Neill's Aston Villa team 'cos O'Neill thinks Jlloyd is related to his old Notts Forest team mate Larry Lloyd, and Larry owes him a walnut whip from 1978-79; and Fitz Hall is currently at Wigan Athletic, praying that his career gets an uplift by re-signing for his first professional club, Barnet.

PS - There is no truth in the suggestion that Steve McClaren was the youth coach at West Ham at the time who let them all go but, if by writing this, the myth can kick off via the viral effect of random google searches, then that's just a bonus.