- published: 28 Dec 2012
- views: 167821
Jungle Cubs is an animated series produced by Disney for ABC in 1996. It was based on their 1967 feature film The Jungle Book, but set in the youth of the animal characters. The show was a hit, running for two seasons in syndication before moving its re-runs to the Disney Channel. The show was broadcast on Toon Disney, but was taken off the schedule in 2001. The show did air in the United Kingdom on Disney Cinemagic and in Latin America until it was removed. The show's theme song is a hip-hop version of the classic song, "The Bare Necessities" performed by Lou Rawls.
The animal stars of Disney's 1967 animated film The Jungle Book were regressed to cubs for this syndicated animated series. Jungle Cubs suggested that when they were younger, both the good and antagonistic animals lived together in relative peace.
Each of the characters were given distinct characteristics which reflected their future personalities as seen in The Jungle Book; this creative idea further tied the show in with its film predecessor. Uptight Bagheera, free-spirited Baloo, headstrong Shere Khan, wild Prince Louie, neurotic Hathi, and hypnotic Kaa all returned from the film, putting aside their differences to live and learn together. The show gave a female elephant named Winifred a prominent role; she was (Colonel) Hathi's wife in The Jungle Book.
Jungle Cubs Theme Song
Jungle Cubs - Take your sweet, sweet time HD 720p
First cutscene from the JungleCubs DVD.
Jungle Cubs - The Bare Necessities (Song) [NTSC]
||ℛεᴛʀᴏ|| Jungle Book Cubs ||Opening|| HD
Jungle Cubs - Jungle Cub Love [NTSC]
Third cutscene from the JungleCubs DVD.
The Jungle Cubs- Akela and Leah become the cubs friends
Jungle Cubs Second Opening
Jungle Cubs - When We Find Our Treasure [NTSC]
Jungle Cubs Season 2 Intro [NTSC]
Me Chasing The Jungle Cubs For Lunch Part 1
Jungle Cubs intro Multilanguage
Jungle Cubs - Kaa's Song [NTSC]
Villain Defeats: Dholes (Jungle Cubs)
Jungle Cubs - Kaa's Nightmare (with hidden Mickey)
The Jungle Cubs - Shere Kahn Fandub
Disney - Jungle Cubs intro (Russian)
Final cutscene from the JungleCubs DVD
Jungle Cubs - Jungle Cub Love
Watch it in HD 720p! Lyrics: Why rush to face the future, take every day in stride. Life's one long lazy river, boys relax, enjoy the ride. Each moment's filled with magic, so many sides to see. Hey and if you run, you'll miss the fun Bud. Take a tip from me. Take your sweet-sweet time, Watch the world unwind . Let's do our growing up, naturally. Oh yeah. You gotta have rain and sunshine, the blossom on the wine. That's natures grand design. Take your sweet-sweet time. Don't worry 'bout tomorrow, today's the day that counts I'll practice blowing trumpet. And I'll perfect my pounce I like hanging loose, drinking jungle juice And swinging from the trees. Huhuhuhu. I'll learn to use these baby blues, just put your trust in me Take your sweet-sweet time, Watch the...
I thought I'd go ahead and upload every song from Jungle Cubs in NTSC format because they're all in PAL I believe. Either way, they're here. :P I love how this is in the style of the original Bare Necessities. What a fine way to end the series! From the episode "Sleepless in the Jungle". Lyrics: You mean the bare necessities Ol' mother nature's recipes That bring the bare necessities of life Wherever I wander Wherever I roam I couldn't be fonder Of my jungle home Don't spend your time filled with doubt On the things you can't do nothin' about Yeah, that's it Lou, come on, let's shout it Let's go along not thinkin' about it Bare necessities The simple bare necessities Forget about your worries and your strife (Oh yeah!) I mean the bare necessities That's why a bear can rest at ease To...
All your Nostalgic needs are HERE! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD8DB00CD5CE81798 I have took it into my hands to make a playlist of every opening of every great Cartoon / Anime from the 80s to Mid 20s! Sit back relax and don't forget your tissues. I do not claim copyrights on any of these videos, nor do i make any sort of profit from them! These copyrights go to their correct producers.
I thought I'd go ahead and upload every song from Jungle Cubs in NTSC format because they're all in PAL I believe. Either way, they're here. :P From the episode "Splendor in the Mud". Lyrics: It's nearly clear When you're snout to snout There's a certain sorta something Worth talking about Your heart starts marching to a lovey-dovey beat Causin' palpitations to your four left feet Don't wanna dance with danger But you can't say no You're goin' out on a limb To let your feelings show I think that (?) cupid's got you all mixed up You're head over heels in jungle cub love Jungle cub love I can't concentrate Jungle cub love Is my head on straight? Your military mind's been reduced to mush No strategy can amply combat this crush They say never surrender But give it up, kid You started flir...
I thought I'd go ahead and upload every song from Jungle Cubs in NTSC format because they're all in PAL I believe. Either way, they're here. :P From the episode "Treasure in the Middle Jungle". Lyrics: Anything you're looking for Tell me, what's your pleasure You can have it all and more (Hoo-hoo!) When we find our treasure We'll fulfill our wildest wishes Live a live of leisure Hold the key to happiness When we find our treasure They'll be sweet hors d'oeuvres That'll lose their nerve (Woah!) And submit to being munched And a big buffet That won't run away When asked to stay for lunch How the reggae file Will make me smile With a bit of spit and polish And the learning tree Will bestow on me A degree of higher knowledge I'll make the primates peel my grapes, okay? When I'm the swi...
I thought I'd go ahead and upload every song from Jungle Cubs in NTSC format because they're all in PAL I believe. Either way, they're here. :P Lyrics: Look for the bare necessities The simple bare necessities Forget about your worries and your strife I mean the bare necessities Old mother nature's recipes To bring the bare necessities of life Wherever I wander Wherever I roam Y'know I couldn't be fonder Of my great big home Don't spend your time lookin' round For things you want that can't be found When you find out you can live without it You'll go along not thinkin' about it Look for the bare necessities The simple bare necessities Forget about your worries and your strife I mean the bare necessities That's why a bear can rest at ease To bring the bare necessities of life
I thought I'd go ahead and upload every song from Jungle Cubs in NTSC format because they're all in PAL I believe. Either way, they're here. :P From the episode "The Great Kaadini". Lyrics: I am master of this all The ground so low, the trees so tall Everything that I desire I hold it in my hand Creatures scatter in my wake They tend to call me Mr. Snake A hunter mighty brave and strong I have but one demand I gotta eat Bird, fish, or mammal If it's got a pulse Count me there Eat! Insect or camel At this point I really don't care So simply look into my eyes You see they're twice the normal size And now that you are in my spell My wish is your command
I only recently realised just how long my fave voice actor (Jason Marsden) has been in my life, I was watching this series when I was 6...So I just had to have a go at fandubing some more of his work!! I love everything about Shere Kahn!! He is SO COOL XD Watching the jungle cubs makes me regress back in to a 6 year old!!! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did doing it!!! =D
You know, I'm more prefer original version, but I'm pretty proud of this. =)) Lyrics: Лишь только, повседневные, Насущные потребности Внимания достойны твоего. Что думать нам о вечности? Умей прожить в беспечности, Ведь в мире лучше нету ничего! И, чтоб я не делал, куда бы не лез, Вокруг мой любимый, тропический лес. Не беспокойся напрасно, Ведь всё устроено прекрасно! Брось суетиться и торопиться, Лишнее в жизни не пригодится! Повседневные, насущные потребности, Внимания достойны твоего! К чему грустить о вечности? Медведь живёт в беспечности И больше он не хочет ничего!
Link to first cutscene: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Jm17iZ8_Yy4 Link to second cutscene: http://youtube.com/watch?v=UB-2wIeXQw8 Link to third cutscene: http://youtube.com/watch?v=_Rt6hU58g08 Karaoke at the end, so sing along ppl. Now in stereo (if you watch it in high quality).
Canzone che gli amici dedicano al loro amico Haiti ed alla sua ragazza, perchè evidentemente non sanno farsi gli affari loro XD Tutti i diritti riservati alla disney