Occupy Everywhere this Thursday #D15; Jesse Jackson to visit; an East London church shows how to Occupy Everywhere


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Occupy London releases schedule for Occupy Everywhere, including visit of Jesse Jackson to St Paul’s this Thursday at 3pm Launches new Occupy toolkit for communities around the UK; Invites you to get creative and get involved Check out All Hallow’s Church in … Continue reading

Occupy Everywhere: D15


Occupy Everywhere on December 15th. Get creative!

We are everywhere — and we need YOU! Occupy spaces in your own communities, and come play with us if you can on December 15th . . . playing in the streets is serious business.

Make yourselves visible, start your own actions! Occupy your street corners, libraries, schools, and offices. Host general assemblies in backyards or community centers. This is how we grow and go forward. Occupy everywhere.


We want to help you Occupy Everywhere. We have some carefully produced guidance for you below. This is how we have been Occupying throughout the UK. There will be more to come. Join us.

Occupy London hereby present A Toolkit with which you may proceed to Occupy Everywhere on 15 December 2011

Download (PDF, 8.58MB)

Occupy London asks St Paul’s – which side are you on?


On Tuesday 7 December, just before representatives from Occupy London were due to meet the FSA’s CEO Hector Sants, the City of London Corporation delivered a set of documents to the legal team representing Occupy London. [1] These documents were … Continue reading