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Ron Paul's Foreign Policy Dies in Iowa

Ron Paul's foreign policy views were roundly repudiated by Iowa Republicans on Tuesday — 79 to 21, by the vote percentages.

Five Video Games You Loved as a Kid But Will Hate If You’re Dumb Enough to Play As an Adult

The old school era of 8, 16, and 64-bit gaming produced plenty of transcendent titles but don’t delude yourself: there was still plenty of crap.

Iowa Results: Mitt Romney Wins Iowa by Just 8 Votes

rEVOLution in Iowa?

From PJTV: VodkaPundit's Year In Blogs

Around the world in 448 seconds.

Progress: Canadian Senate Listens to Global Warming Skeptics

Global warming orthodoxy gets challenged in a first-of-its-kind hearing.

AMC's Hell on Wheels: Dark but Balanced View of U.S. History

Flawed, but far from shovel-ready television project.

Iran in Convulsion (the death spiral continues)

The hapless regime in Tehran proceeds towards collapse.

See Naples and Die

A review of Michael Ledeen's new book, Virgil's Golden Egg and Other Neapolitan Miracles.

A Playoff Atmosphere in Iowa

Celebrity sightings and Tatling from the Hawkeye State.

2012: Armageddon or the Blues?

The world always seems like it's going to hell when you're depressed.

Santorum Appears to Have Momentum Going into Tuesday Night

The final Des Moines Register poll shows the former Pennsylvania senator rising in Iowa. Also, PJ Media Is Going to Iowa.

The No News Stories of 2011

When you catch the news on CBS, NPR, or the NY Times, assume that it was prepped in such a way as to suggest the opposite of what really happened.

Obama's Political Blitzkrieg

The thing you have to admire about the Obama administration is its ability to fight furiously on several fronts at once.

Top 10 Funniest 'Right-Sided' Political Satire Videos of 2011

What's your favorite?

George Carlin Wasn't Funny: The Top Five Most Overrated Comedians

Pop culture contrarianism.

It’s Been a Tough Year for the Brady Campaign

Gun rights advanced across the country, and Brady's own statistics undermined their cause.

PJ Media Goes to Iowa

The road to 2012.

Support the Sacketts: EPA Suit Goes to Supreme Court

The Environmental Protection Agency halted their home's construction arbitrarily and unconstitutionally.

America Deserves Answers on the Obama Administration's Decision to Outsource the Next Generation of Light Attack Aircraft

Outsourcing national defense.

Hey, Hey Woody Guthrie — We Celebrate Your Music, But Not Your Politics

Yes Virginia (and the NYT): Guthrie was a Commie. Plus the Woody Guthrie-Solyndra connection, revealed.

Mullah Ron Paul

Ron Paul's defense of Iran's nuclear weapons program should surprise no one. (Update: Related thoughts on Ron Paul and Iran from Bryan Preston at the Tatler.

Demián Bichir Garners SAG and Spirit Nominations for A Better Life

Oscar next? (The story for A Better Life, now available on DVD, was written by PJ Media CEO Roger L. Simon.)

Could Romney Be the Next Reagan?

Optimism. Plus: New poll says Romney would beat Obama by six points.

'Tears for the Tyrant': North Korea Fights Hard to Prevent a Preference Cascade

Why the left mobilizes mammoth resources to keep dissidents feeling as isolated as possible.

Commander-in-Chief Ron Paul?

Presenting the definitive illustrated rebuttal to the jihadists' candidate.

Barack Obama Will Still Be President on January 19, 2017

Unless we jettison this freak show of Republican so-called candidates.

Tom Friedman vs. Israel

The New York Times columnist's record on the Middle East shows that he is not Israel's friend.

Who is the Real Ron Paul?

Or does it even matter whose face is behind the mask?

Can a Real Conservative and a Real Liberal Be Real Friends?

PJ Advice columnist Belladonna Rogers tells how the lion can lie down with the lamb -- at least sometimes.

The Naïve Dance in Egypt's Tahrir Square

Beautiful dreams often engender horrific realities.

Rick Perry to 'Reassess' Campaign (Update: He's Staying In)

Rough night for the Texas governor; good night for Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney.

Building a Better Burrito with Healthy Immigration

If immigration enforcement means longer waits at Chipotle Mexican Grill, we may want to rethink the law.

The Politics of Projection in the West

Western liberals applaud the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood but warn of fascism from popular right-wing parties in Europe.

The Top Ten Must-See Films of 2011

A few titles exploded to the top of the screen, in a year otherwise loaded with big-budget bombs.

As the Caucuses Begin and End, Newt Gingrich Plots Revenge

'Romney boated'

Iowa 2012: The Undecideds (Update: Latest Perry Ad Added)

Conversations with Iowans on the fence.

Video: Rick Perry on the Race, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul and the Road Ahead

Assails the "mindset of the insider."

Video: Gov. Bobby Jindal — 'Rick Perry Is the Proven Conservative We Need in Washington'

Baton Rouge comes to Des Moines

Video: #OWS Loons Try to Disrupt Romney Speech in Iowa, and Fail

OWS owned. (Read Bryan's other posts here and here, and stay tuned throughout caucus day for PJ Media's reports from on the ground in Iowa.)

Yes, Ron Paul Is a 9/11 Truther

Methinks the candidate doth protest too much.

How to Confront the Anti-Israel Fixation of the Left

PJ Advice Columnist Belladonna Rogers on how to challenge the Israel-bashers and how to tell when their efforts to delegitimize Israel are based on anti-Semitism.

How the Sausage Gets Made in the MSM

Pay no attention to the cameraman just behind the curtain.

Graduates: We're Not Paying for Your Dumb Career Choices Anymore

You didn't prepare to make a living, and only you can fix that.

Return of the Locust: Living with an Arsonist for New Year's

Welcome to L.A. in 2012: Jim Morrison's old house was on fire; I've got my garage door shut and the lights on.

Has the Conservative Elite Really Failed?

To send frightened and angry people in search of enemies to blame is a fair definition of political evil.

The Tyrant in His Trap

Assad’s totalitarian stranglehold over his citizens has completely evaporated.

How P.C. Redefines and Distorts the Definition of Child Abuse

Child abuse started out as fractured legs and broken skulls, and has ended up as assaults on self-esteem.

Axioms for 2012

Amid the uncertainties, there are a few things of which we can be sure.

Privatize the Schools

Government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem.

Obama's National Security 'Not Top 10' of 2011

Making the Carter administration look brilliant!

Ten 2011 Examples of Major Media Malfeasance

It will get even worse in 2012.

The Power of Positive Campaigning

Going negative in a multi-candidate race has a tendency to backfire on the attacker.

Is Ron Paul a Racist?

His reasoning for ignoring Iran's threats boils down to a form of racism.

Meet Your SEIU Babysitter and the Left's Scheme to Unionize Everything

The union has one eye on your children, and the other on your wallet.

The Iron Lady, The Grocer’s Daughter, The Candidate of Character

Meryl Streep's new biopic of Margaret Thatcher is a reminder that we all eventually grow frail, but accomplishments of character endure.

America's Two-Front War

The rich are hesitant to work more, the poor are hesitant to work more.

The 10 Biggest Failures Of 2011

From Righthaven to Charlie Sheen's meltdown to Occupy Wall Street, 2011 was a year of epic fail for much of the left.

Gingrich Didn't Go Far Enough in Criticizing Americans' Work Ethic

It's not just poor minority parents who fail to instill good work habits in their children.

Nanotech Fear Peddlers Are Back, Insisting 'Here Be Monsters'

Get ready for the anti-nanotech Luddites in 2012.

It Ain’t Over 'Til It’s Over

Gingrich the historian should take heed the advice of Britain's Harold Wilson: a week is a long time in politics. (And don't miss Bryan Preston at the Tatler: "What Do We Want? Sinless Perfection! When Do We Want It? Now!")