Arab-Israelis protesting in Jaffa on Land Day (Photo: Activestills)
The writer considers ways to reconcile democratic principles with the cultural identities of Jews and Palestinians (photo:Activestills)
Avigdor Lieberman (Sivan Hurvitz)
Pogue mahone, Lieberman! An anthem for the new year
By Yuval Ben-AmiPublished December 31, 2011
j14 protest (Photo: Activestills)
4 Ten most-read posts of 2011
By +972blogPublished December 30, 2011
2 +972 People of the Year: Bloggers’ picks
By +972blogPublished December 30, 2011
Screen Cap from Emily Schrader Video
11 Xmas weeper: Tied to ‘Stand With Us’, Perry, pro-Israel Christians
By Dimi ReiderPublished December 29, 2011