US Rep. David Dreier

TAKE ACTION: Rep. David Dreier is Outed…Latest Roy Cohn Award Winner refuses to answer developing questions. Papers involved in “cover-up”


Poor David Dreier. He spent sooooo many years hiding his gay life from the radical right and just a few years after he attains the Chairmanship of the powerful House Rules Committee — the youngest person ever to do so, and perhaps the first gay man — is now: BUSTED!

If you live in Washington, you’ve probably have already read Kitty Kelley’s new book on the Bush clan,The Family. It shows that the President’s mommy was not as sharp as some might have thought. On page 491 Barbara Bush laments that her daughter’s “relationship” with David Dreier is not going anywhere. Ms. Kelley, who is always proven right in the end, quotes Bar as saying that Dreier “Never laid a hand on her.” Hmmmm… David “dated” Bo Derek too and that seemed to fizzle out. The real question on the minds of insiders in Washington is how did Dreier’s Chief of Staff, Brad Smith, feel about all of this?

There’s no need to recount Dreier’s homophobic record, you can scroll down to see the votes in the post from Tuesday. This guy is, as my mom used to say, “really something else, a real piece of work” I don’t know what he is, but how this man shares beds with men and then votes like this against gay and lesbian Americans is just, hmmmm, SCHROCKING!

I have called the papers involved in the cover-up of Dreier’s 24 year voting record and how it conflicts with the life he led. To read the complete story, check out the very thorough and complete record at THE RAW STORY.

Others step up with information

Dr. Janice Nelson, a medical school professor in Los Angeles, has come forward on the record to Raw Story with knowledge of Dreier’s secret relationship with his Chief of Staff Brad Smith. Dr. Nelson, who had kept secret information about the Congressman’s relationship even as she ran against him in 2000, has decided to come forward because she too had experienced media silence during her own campaign.

“America is fed up with media that care little with reporting the truth and more about reader manipulation,” I told the publisher of one of these papers. Now you can tell these publishers and editors how YOU feel. Take Action Today!




Readers of please TAKE ACTION by clicking here to write a note to the editors of the papers involved in the coverup of this man’s voting records and his secret gay life. How, in 24 years, not even one of these papers ever raised so much as a peep, must make you wonder. ALL of these papers are owned by ONE publisher, Dean Singleton, a notorious right winger who went so far as to violate the basic ethics of journalism by donating to the campaign of noted homophobe Sen. Wayne Allard (lead sponsor of the Federal Marriage Amendment).

Now, get this… Dreier is CO-CHAIR of Californians for Bush! This gay man is supporting the candidate that even Christopher Barron (Log Cabin Political Director) admitted is worse than Kerry on gay issues!

more as it develops…..send those emails now…Thanks!

UPDATE: Dreier was the focus of a story by Doug Ireland in this week’s edition of LA Weekly. Over at his blog, Direland, Doug confirms for readers that he has confirmed Dreier’s sexuality with another US Congressman and leaves absolutely no doubt as to Dreier being gay:

I have not the slightest doubt that the outing campaign initiated by Mike Rogers’ and supported by Raw Story’s reporting is accurate in exposing Dreier. I first heard that Dreier was gay back when he first came to Congress over two decades ago and I was Washington correspondent for New York Magazine–in those days, Dreier was much more active on the gay social scene than he was later as he mounted the Republican food chain. Moreover, in the course of reporting this story, I talked to a gay Member of Congress who has observed Dreier in gay behavior and is 100% “sure,” as this member told me, that Dreier is gay. And, clearly, Dreier’s demagogic political homophobia justifies reporting the outing campaign targeting him.




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