RNC Political Director Exposed!

Lately, I never know what will happen when I call one of these gays responsible for gay bashing. But much to my surprise, Daniel Gurley, the NUMBER TWO POLITICAL OPERATIVE at the REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE completely confirmed for me on the phone that yes, he’s gay. Now, I know some readers have a tough time connecting the guy who manages all the money to the political hate…but could it be any clearer in this case? This man is paid, blogACTIVE readers, to supervise campaigns in the field and what a field day against gays he has been having! Unreal! You can read all about the phone call to Gurley in a well written article by John Byrne at Blue Lemur.

Amazingly, Gurley — a REAL Gurley man — joined the RNC in the dual roles of Deputy Political Director and National Field Director. Here’s what the entry said at Dan’s fraternity Alumni notes section:

Dan Gurley ’94 is the national field director for the Republican National Committee for the 2004 election cycle. He filled the number two political position at the RNC, assisting the re-election efforts of the Bush-Cheney ticket, along with targeted United States Senate, United States House and Governor races across the country.

Lucky for Dan, the undergraduates of his fraternity approved a clause protecting members based on their sexual orientation. Too bad his current employer has no such policy!




If you’re as amazingly shocked as I am, take a moment, Click here and write to DAN GURLEY, JAY BANNING and others at the RNC and tell them how you feel about gay bashing. Ask Dan Gurley how he can sleep at night knowing that he is one of the people responsible for the anti-gay attacks being thrown by his party!!. A copy of your letter will be sent to a bunch of folks at the RNC who should be educated about their hateful campaigns.

These are GAY people BASHING GAY PEOPLE to grab power! Please speak up today!


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