If you would like to contribute towards the political work we do, you can make payments online, by standing order, or by cheque.
Standing Order
Download the JfJfP Standing Order Form.
Pay Online
Donate to JfJfP either using a credit card or from your own PayPal account if you have one.
Set up a regular payment of £5 per month by clicking the Subscribe button.
Or, to make a one off payment of your choice, just click the Donate button below.
Alternatively, please make your cheque payable to JfJfP and send to P.O.Box 46081, London W9 2ZF.
Donations for charitable purposes should go to the British Shalom-Salaam Trust. These may be gift-aided which gives an additional 28%. Please make your cheque payable to BSST and send to P.O. Box 39378, London SE13 5WH.
(If you have trouble with this BSST website link please e-mail BSST here.)