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We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.

JfJfP comment

Listen again

Fiona Wright in conversation with Abeer Baker and Anat Matar, editors of Threat: Palestinian Political Prisoners in Exile (Pluto Press).


Eyeless in Gaza

Joe Sacco interview by Rachel Cooke, Observer, Sunday 22 November 2009:

Colleagues laughed when a young journalist in Palestine announced his intention to tell the story of that region though cartoons. Twenty years later, Joe Sacco is one of the world’s leading exponents of the graphic novel form…

Israel critics pledge their backing for Goldstone


Under the heading “Israel critics pledge their backing for Goldstone” Leon Symons, reports in the Jewish Chronicle on the forthcoming full-page advert in the Times on Tuesday 2nd December

URGENT: Parliament debate on settlement goods next Wednesday


Phyllis Starkey MP has secured an adjournment debate on the labelling of Israeli goods on Wednesday 2 December 11-11.30am. Please ask your MP to attend, and argue not only for an end to the mislabelling of settlement goods, but for settlement goods to be banned.

The Settlement Freeze – What does it mean?


Peace Now presents an update on “Key facts about the Settlement Freeze Announced by the Israeli Government”

Israeli mother Addresses European Parliament


Dr. Nurit Peled-Elhanan is the mother of Smadar Elhanan, 13 years old when killed by a suicide bomber in Jerusalem in September 1997. Here is Nurit’s speech made on International Women’s Day in Strasbourg earlier this month [...]

UK calls for full settlement freeze

Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Crown Copyright

New FCO statement: “Britain continues to call for a full settlement freeze in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, including so-called ‘natural growth’ , in accordance with the responsibilities set for both sides in the 2003 Roadmap. Settlements are illegal.”

The Goldstone Report – an Unofficial Summary


OCHA has also provided an unofficial summary of the Goldstone Report as a guide for media use only. It runs to about 7 pages as opposed to the 571 of the original report…

Palestinian Trade Union Movement support for a BDS strategy


In reaction to reports alleging that a Palestinian trade union official has stated his reservations about the Palestinian civil society campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), the Palestinian trade union movement has expressed solid support for the global BDS campaign [...]

Human Rights Defender Mohammad Othman Receives his First Administrative Detention Order


After 61 days of detention for the purpose of interrogation by Israeli Security Agency officers, human rights defender Mohammad Othman received his first administrative detention order for a three month period, during which time Mohammad will be held without charge or trial…

A Provocative Move – Times editorial


“Mr Netanyahu appears to believe that the present stalemate is better than a resumption of any peace talks that limit settlements or weaken Israel’s control of the West Bank. Blaming the Palestinians for not resuming talks while demolishing Palestinian homes to make way for settlements will not increase Israel’s security, will not win international support and will further polarise politics in his own divided nation. Mr Netanyahu should think again.”

Israel’s Two-Tiered Justice System


Jonathan Cook writes: “An Israeli judge made an historic ruling last week when he decided that an Arab teenager needed “protection” from the justice system and ordered that he not be convicted despite being found guilty of throwing stones at a police car during a protest against Israel’s attack last winter on Gaza…”

More on the Dispatches programme


Anshel Pfeffer writes: “But the real problem with today’s Israel lobby, in Britain and the United States, is not with its finances and their lack of transparency but with its entire mind-set. The basic fact is that by its actions, the lobby is now causing Israel more harm than good. That’s the point Oborne almost totally missed…”
Plus: Martin Bright in the Jewish Chronicle…

What does Israel have against a Palestinian stadium?


Amira Hass, Haaretz: FIFA, the international soccer federation, has financed a Palestinian stadium near Ramallah as part of a larger program to promote Palestinian soccer. It is threatened with demolition by Israel before it opens…

Israeli minister plans to send troops into schools to boost conscription


The Israeli education minister has unveiled plans to take teams of senior army officers to high schools across the country to help teachers “foster the motivation” of pupils to serve in combat units following a decline in conscription rates.

San Francisco Film Festival aftermath


Will the Jewish Federation of San Francisco drive more people into the arms of BDS (boycotts, divestment and sanction)? Judith Butler, Ronnie Gilbert and Aurora Levins Morales respond Posted on November 16 2009 by Cecilie Surasky Here is an embarrassingly McCarthyite response to the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival’s decision to a) screen the film [...]

COMET on BBC World Competition – consider voting for its projet


Update re Comet-ME, a group of Israelis, Palestinians, and international volunteers.
“We were just informed that we did not make it to the three top finalists. Comet wishes to congratulate the winners and thank all who voted for us. Thanks a lot. On the other hand we have secured a grant that will us to continue the project in more communities in the South Mount Hebron area…”

Gush Shalom call on Ahava – press release, 17 November 2009


Gush Shalom Press Release: The Dutch Foreign Minister: products from the Palestinian part of the Dead Sea are not Israeli products and deserve no tax exemption. Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen ordered an urgent investigation to confirm unequivocally the origin of the “Ahava” cosmetics marketed in the Dutch market, so as to confirm that they [...]

Goldstone revisited


“David Shulman on Moshe Halbertal on the Goldstone Report on the NYRB Blog” – Don’t be put off by this title!

Hospitals are criticised for yielding to pressure over human rights lecture


Two hospitals in northwest England have been criticised for cancelling lectures on human rights after a campaign by a Zionist organisation to stop them taking place. The lectures were due to be given by a speaker from the Israeli charity Physicians for Human Rights-Israel.

Surgery okay delayed, Gaza patient dies


Samir al-Nadim, 25, a cardiac patient, scheduled to undergo surgery in Nablus month ago. He even had opinion from Israeli doctor indicating severity of his case. Authorization delayed, Al-Nadim leaves late for surgery, dies day later [...]