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Gary Dobson and David Norris: Denied murder Notorious UK race murderers jailed

Two men convicted of the 1993 murder of a black teenager in London get life sentences for what the judge describes as a crime that "scarred the nation".

Bishop Zavala celebrating mass in 2005 LA bishop with secret family quits

Pope Benedict XVI accepts the resignation of a Catholic bishop from Los Angeles who admits he is the father of two teenage children.

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Market Data Wed, 4 Jan 2012 20:59 GMT


(min delay 15 mins) Marketwatch Ticker
Market Name Current Value Movement Change Percentage Change
Dow Jones 12429.47 + 32.09 0.26%
Nasdaq 2650.87 + 2.15 0.08%
FTSE 100 5668.45 - -31.46 -0.55%
Dax 6111.55 - -55.02 -0.89%
Cac 40 3193.65 - -51.75 -1.59%

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Clarke double century stuns India Michael Clarke celebrates reaching 200

Captain Michael Clarke bats through day two to score an unbeaten 251 as Australia take complete control of the second Test against India in Sydney.

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Martin Scorsese Scorsese to collect Bafta honour

Film-maker Martin Scorsese is to be honoured with British Academy's highest accolade, the Fellowship, at the Bafta Film Awards ceremony next month.

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Del sueño americano a la realidad mexicana

Miles de mexicanos han regresado de Estados Unidos huyendo del acoso de las leyes antiinmigrantes y la falta de empleo.





العراق: مقتل 4 واصابة 17 في سلسلة تفجيرات بمحافظة ديالى

سلسلة من التفجيرات المتتابعة تضرب اهداف متفرقة في محافظة ديالى شمال شرقي بغداد يوم الاربعاء، تسفر عن مصرع 4 اشخاص واصابة 17 بجروح.


'توافق اصولی کشورهای اروپایی در مورد ممنوعیت واردات نفت از ایران'

دیپلمات‌ها می‌گویند که دولت‌های اروپایی در مورد منع واردات نفت خام ایران به اتحادیه اروپا به توافق اولیه دست یافته‌اند، اما هنوز در مورد زمان اعمال چنین ممنوعیتی تصمیم نگرفته‌اند.


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Lower Mississippi Delta Mired In Poverty (GETTY) Mississippi blues

It is known as the poorest corner of the poorest state in America, and although the Mississippi Delta has seen some economic progress, it is not far from collapse.

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