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  1. @metalpam Dammit, now I want bread.
  2. RT @kate_sheppard: Genius ... Colbert segment on meteorologist v. climatologist divide: "science catfight."
  3. @DrGlennClock what what what? Ct scan?
  4. I've been playing a new game, called "rejected fellowship applications". I'm really good at it! Go me!
  5. The following comics are 100% accurate:
  6. Ok, White House. Keeping us off balance, eh? Drilling sad face: coal happy face: (via @mayboeve)
  7. RT @ZoeCaron: Wow. Women carry 2/3 of world's work hrs, get 1/10 of its income, & own <1/100 of its property
  8. yay!! Student loan reform AND more Pell Grants! / RT @MotherJones Obama Signs Student Loan Reform
  9. @depravedDyer Can't stop looking at (read: fondling) the RSC shipment. Embarrassment of riches.
  10. @hizKNITS Again? I guess it'll be in Berkeley in a minute. #SFbay #PleaseStopRaining #EvenDeltaSmeltHaveEnoughWaterNow
  11. RT @RichardGraves: What's Hot: Our Generation Screwed Over by Obama’s Offshore Drilling Plan: “Its like a kick in the face” says Jona... ...
  12. @drgrist Aw man, I love good graphical representations of data! And now I don't have to read the paper.
  13. @YarnHarlot Yes and no. The science is fairly unequivocal, but what we do with the science is a question of values. (this=my PhD thesis btw)
  14. I am so hilariously self-destructive sometimes.
  15. @YarnHarlot you could release the knitters....
  16. RT @rebeccay @Dem_Apples - Apple boycotts Fox News because of Glenn Beck (via @MotherJones)
  17. You know what makes everything better? Sock club day. Squeeeeee!!
  18. I am so unexpectedly perky this morning. I guess I must have missed that whole "having fun" thing.
  19. @avfkw ohhhhh Cleo! That's so sad! Poor sweetheart.
  20. Grading is killing me. It would appear that my students cannot write, read, or study for their midterms.