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Abbas warns security chiefs be alert to Israeli provocation
Published Thursday 03/11/2011 (updated) 05/11/2011 16:08
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RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- President Mahmoud Abbas has instructed his security commanders to be alert and cautious of Israeli attempts to escalate tension, his political adviser Nimr Hammad said.

Abbas discussed developments on the ground with security commanders in light of threats by Israeli politicians and military officials and Israel's decision to withhold Palestinian tax revenue, Hammad told Ma'an.

Israel on Tuesday decided to cut off transfers of Palestinian tax revenues, depriving the Palestinian Authority of about $100 million, and threatening the salaries of about 180,000 employees.

The decision was announced after Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened his cabinet to discuss punitive measures to respond to UNESCO's admission of Palestine a day earlier.

Some 107 countries voted to admit Palestine to the UN cultural body, a move the Israeli government has described as a "tragedy."

The UN Security Council is currently considering Abbas' application to join the United Nations as a full member, and the president discussed this with security commanders, Hammad said.

The council is expected to announce its decision next week, although the US has already vowed to use its veto in the council to stop Palestine's admission to the world body.

Abbas told security chiefs that the application to join the UN was a legitimate political step in line with international law, but instructed them to be alert to Israeli efforts to escalate tension, Hammad said.

The president also told them not to be dragged into Israeli provocations, Hammad added.

Palestine's envoy to the UN Riyad Mansour recently complained to the Security Council over Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman public calls for President Mahmoud Abbas's removal

Lieberman's comments sparked outcry among Palestinian ministers, as well as the spokespeople for UN envoy Robert Serry and EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton.

The foreign minister appeared unperturbed by the complaints and repeated his remarks two days later.

Mansour told the UN council that Lieberman's statements constituted incitement and were "a clear threat against the life of (the president), whose commitment to peace is unquestionable."
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1 ) mohamed / somalia
03/11/2011 15:01
lieberman go to the hell.

2 ) Mel / USA
03/11/2011 16:36
Shame on U Isrl&D.C.; Your 1st resort to Arab freedom, is always violence,with more collective punishment/attrition of relatively defenseless native non-Jewish civilians,i.e.elderly,sick & children, by holding back-again- their wages for food,bills,meds. It's easy to see where our USadmin gets its wicked collective punishment tactics on we Americans too? It's time Intern.law froze all US tax-payer checks,to Israel(3 BILLION p.a.illegally) too.It's blood-money for Isrli wicked ethnic policies?

3 ) Julie / USA
03/11/2011 17:57
any success achieved by Palestinians has been, is, and will be punished by the Hitlerian regime of izrahell

4 ) When Abbas / Warns security chiefs
03/11/2011 19:38
to "be alert to Israeli provocation" he must mean for them to watch
the settlements being built, because there won't be any kind of
Israeli "provocation", other than what private citizen/"settlers" do.

5 ) IZZY / USA
03/11/2011 22:58

04/11/2011 08:04
to IZZY? what country are rockets being fired into? do u ever ask yourself y these "rockets' are fired in the first place? get ur facts straight! show me the boudaries of this country that is victim to 'rockets'....i could go on n on...

7 ) Julie / USA
04/11/2011 10:59
#5 Izzy, appears you're long overdue for a hoof trim.

8 ) the kenyaty / now in somali
04/11/2011 13:24
hey mo #1 where are you hidding?

9 ) Business / Israel
05/11/2011 04:56
To # 8: if mo is in somalia, then he is in hell. I guess he is inviting Lieberman for a visit. Nice of him. But Lieberman is doing fine where he is and Israel is doing fine too. We just seem to get stronger year by year. Really it is nice here. Those settlements are nice too! And Jerusalem is expanding - with all of our religious Jews having 9 and 10 kids, we need the space. The new light rail is fantastic. Julie and Shmuel and Mel seem upset about something though. Oh well, too bad.
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