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744,368 people in 228 countries* speaking 181 languages power Drupal.
39.743148 -104.994804
DrupalCon Denver
March 19‐23, 2012
53.4000000 -6.2000000
41.3000000 -96.0000000
35.5000000 -80.9000000
45.3000000 19.9000000
-35.3000000 149.1000000
48.2000000 16.4000000
-27.5000000 153.0000000
40.7000000 -74.0000000
-27.5000000 153.0000000
29.7000000 -95.4000000
49.2000000 -123.0000000
48.2000000 16.3000000
52.4000000 4.9000000
39.7000000 -105.0000000
36.0000000 -86.8000000
43.6000000 13.5000000
48.2000000 16.4000000
26.9000000 75.8000000
48.2000000 16.3000000
Community Spotlight: Jess (xjm)

Jess (Drupal.org username xjm) is a Drupal developer, core contributor, module maintainer, and mentor, and just plain all-around awesome! Read more

Trainings Announced for DrupalCon Denver

Drupal 7.10 released

DrupalCon Denver Scholarship Deadline is Tomorrow and Sprint Lead Applications Now Being Accepted

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dreditor__default [Internal use page for the dreditor project]
FAQ - Basic Setup Guide
Clean up core initative
Simple RDF: Granular RDF publishing
Configuring Easy Social

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og_migrate module error
How to create my own search engine.?
Image styles not working on ubuntu server
How to links to internal links with IMCE + WYSIWYG
How to write a module that displays the content list ????

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Fix form validation on settings handler. ...
Fix @file in OG-UI. ...
Fixes condition evaluation issues because of missing variable type casting. ...
Issue #1390728 by serialjaywalker: entity_hook_info() does not define hook_entit...
Issue #1359492 by loganfsmyth: fix usage of static variable in entity_ui_control...

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