
Upgrading the Blogosphere. One Blog at a Time.

2011 – Zemanta Year in Numbers

Posted by Tin Dizdarevic, under for fun, zemanta on December 31st, 2011

Our servers were quite busy churning out recommendations this year at incredible rate. So how many pieces of content did we have available to recommend? Glad you asked!

There are about 10 million articles and since we recently improved our image recommendations, there are 212 million images available for recommendations.

In 2011 we made the following:

  • 370 million related article recommendations

  • 397 million in-text links recommendations

  • 862 million images recommendations

This, in hand resulted in 1.31 million posts that were enhanced by Zemanta in 2011. A busy year indeed! Let’s see what happens in 2012. Happy New Year!

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Zemanta Best of 2011 – Meet The Team Posts

Posted by Tin Dizdarevic, under meet the team, zemanta on December 31st, 2011

Zemanta grew quite a bit in 2011 as we added new team members both in our Ljubljana and New York offices. We cornered some of the newbies to tell us a bit about themselves so that we can find out more about them and introduce them to everyone. Here are some of the most interesting answers we got:

Jure Vizintin – UXer Extraordinaire

Some of our users might have already met Jure as he’s been busy interviewing our users and finding out how they use Zemanta and showing them new cool ideas we’re working on.

How did you get involved with Zemanta?

Jure Vizintin - Meet The Team Casual FridaysThroughout the summer I was shoveling soil, cutting wood and pondering if I should ever return to the digital world or rather start some agriculture and landscape related business. And then Boštjan called me out of the blue and made such an interesting case with Zemanta, that I had to give it a try. So far it’s been a wild and inspiring ride.

Read Jure’s full interview.

Jure Ham – Man who needs no sleep – The Hamax!

One of the superstars that joined us over the summer is Jure Ham who’s already come out with some amazing work mostly on front-end improvements and some fun hacks, like this awesome Chrome extension!

What are some of the blogs that you follow that others may not have heard about? 


Some of the blogs that I frequently follow are The Skeptics Guide to UniverseReasonable Doubts and Merseyside Skeptics Society.

Read Jure’s full interview.

Major Tom Primožic – Backend Jedi

Tom gave up a career in financial mathematics to work as developer and decided to join our back-end team in our Ljubljana offices.

In a few sentences – Who are you? - Where did you go grow up?

Despite my English-sounding name, I’m a 100% true Slovene who was born in a small village and moved to Ljubljana in early teens. I was fascinated by computers as a kid, and when my uncle gave me a book about programming, I was hooked. After having finished my undergraduate degree in Mathematics in Slovenia, I spent one year studying Financial Mathematics in the UK, and while England was an interesting experience, I’m glad to be back home. Slovenia might be small, but it’s got some amazing landscape and is one of the only countries in the world where you can ski today and windsurf tomorrow.

Read Tom’s full interview.

Šam Šandberg – The NY Ljubljancan

Sam the Man moved from NYC to Ljubljana to join our development team, the first in this reverse recruitment scheme! He’s been busy working with our sales team on making our reporting system even more kick ass!

What are some of your other interests?

Blogs and bands aside, I’m also super passionate about technology, particularly open source software, service oriented architectures, and object oriented programming. My flavors of choice are PHP/ZendFramework, MySQL, Python (newly), and Android. I love playing around with exposed APIs and coming up with interesting mashups, as well as hacking out one-off projects overnight.

I was an active member of the New York Tech Meetup (over 17.000 participants with monthly meetups of 800 of the most active members), and am making the bridge between Ljubljana and New York City’s tech scenes. I actually found my position at Zemanta via the New York Tech Meetup’s community listserve, where another member happened to be a friend of a friend of Bostjan’s. Small world!

Read Sam’s full interview.

Jason Bhatti aka Bhattibytes

Prior to coming to the company, he studied Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and made his way around the world of social media working for KickApps and FlightPath. An avid snowboarder and gamer, he’s excited to bring his myriad experience and enthusiasm to the company.

How did you go from “mechanical and aerospace engineering” to “account executive”? Details please!

Being an account executive is a bit different then Mechanical Aerospace Engineering, but no less challenging.  I had a lot of family pressure in choosing my major at school, but it seems life had a better plan for me and I haven’t looked back.  I love working with technology and people, and I get to do just that working for Zemanta.  I also think its a great mix having the background in engineering and working in the technology industry.

Read Jason’s full interview.

Mateja Verlic – Dr. Mateja Verlic!

Mateja joined us over the summer to focus on European Union-related projects. Prior to Zemanta, she was Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Maribor and was mentor to Slovenia’s team at the Imagine Cup competition.

What is your role at Zemanta?

I have plenty of roles… officially I’m the first woman (sorry Breda, plants don’t count) and first PhD nerd employed, furthermore, I’m a Python newbie and … oh… researcher. I plan on becoming a good developer… and a friend? Coffee anyone? :)

Read Mateja’s full interview.

Gašper Šetinc – The Gape!

Gašper joined in the spring and has worked mainly on integrating new sources as part of our recommendations. To differentiate from Gasper K., Gašper S. is going by his nickname, Gape.

Team Google or Team Apple? Explain!

Disclaimer: I am a big Apple fan in terms of their products. But this is a question of team preferences and based on public appearance I would go with team Google. It seems a more natural, friendlier and geekish environment for a guy like me. I would still own an iPhone though :) .

Read Gasper’s full interview.


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Zemanta Best of 2011 – Power User Interviews

Posted by Tin Dizdarevic, under interview, point of view, power users, zemanta on December 29th, 2011

Throughout 2011, we got a chance to highlight some of our awesome users. The list ranged from professional tech bloggers to activists that were using their blogs and social media to help their causes. Below, you’ll find some great highlights from the interviews.

Tac Anderson

Tac is VP of digital consulting at Waggener Edstrom‘s Studio D Group. In our interview, we talked about the role of social media and blogging in marketing, mind-mapping tools and advice for bloggers. Here’s one of the questions from the interview:

What’s your opinion on the value and place of bloggers in the current media environment?

I think there are two ways to look at the value of bloggers. I may be rephrasing the question here, but  it’s more about the value ob blogging. On one hand, I feel like I get a lot of value through blogging, possibly more than my readers do. That’s because it’s almost part of my thought process now. I really enjoy the ability to express myself and taking some of these raw ideas, theories or concepts that I’ve been working on and writing them out in a blog post kinda forces me to think them through a little bit deeper.

On the other hand, there’s the value blogging adds to space – I’m not a news blogger, I don’t blog about necessarily current topics per se, that’s probably a whole different discussion point. But I think that bloggers like myself, who are perhaps more thoughtful, maybe add a different level of value in that they’re really talking about how things work. I don’t know if what I write is agreed with, but it’s a discussion. It sparks debate, it sparks thoughts. The value isn’t just in “hey, here’s what’s happening”. Where bloggers like myself try to add value is more in “what does it really mean” -  to you individually or you as an organization or to the industry. It’s “what is” versus “what could be”.

Read Tac’s full interview from this summer.


Kris Smith

Kris is a developer and digital strategist, author of Passive Syndication Markup Language (PasSML) for syndication at display level for web and mobile devicesand co-host of Croncast. Kris has been a friend of Zemanta for a long time and we finally were able to corner him this year for an interview.

You’ve been familiar with Zemanta for a while? Why are you a fan?

I’ve been a fan of Zemanta from close to the launch. At the time I was a professional blogger and I was working to build tools that would help me organize information better for articles. Zemanta came up in my research.

I became a fan instantly after installing the plug-in and writing my first article with it. The interface had the right amount of human touch and enough nerd power on the backend to deliver relevant results for images and links.

At that time I was writing 5 articles with 300 words or better per day. They were relatively short pieces that often had topics that I wasn’t knowledgable in and had a difficult time finding sources for information. Zemanta fixed that.

What made me an even bigger fan was the additional power it had to create keywords for the posts I was writing.

As a blogger sometimes you think you’re writing a post about one thing and when you see the keywords, you’ve found out that you’re really writing about another. It gave me a chance to edit in a way that I had never seen.

Find Kris’ full interview here.


Allison Boyer

After meeting Allison at BlogWorld LA in November we learned that not only is she a big fan of Zemanta but that she is using on her own blogs and champion the use of Zemanta on other blogs such as the official blog for BlogWorld. Here is an excerpt of her interview:

What do you blog about?

On the BlogWorld blog, we write cover all aspects of new media and online content creation. The site is a mix of news and opinion, with resource guides for beginners, weekly link round-ups, small business profiles, speaker interviews, videos, and more.

I also run a few of my own sites, including Blog Zombies. On Blog Zombies, I write about how to be a better, more profitable blogger by combining passion with monetization. In addition, I work with a number of clients to help them with their blogs. Some of the topics I cover for them include job hunting, education, insurance, and dating.

Read Alison’s interview here.


Ted Curran

At WordCamp in San Francisco over the summer, we found out about Ted Curran, a long-time Zemanta user and an instructional designer who blogs at TedCurran.net. Ted has been using Zemanta since 2008 and is a big fan.Here’s a snippet of his interview:

How does Zemanta help you blog better? 

Zemanta does a great job of recommending relevant tags, links, and images that make my blog posts richer and more informative for my readers. My favorite feature nowadays is the Related Articles– I love how Zemanta finds other articles online on the same subject matter I write about. This helps enmesh my blog posts in larger online conversations and helps me network with like-minded bloggers who care about these topics too. I’ve found them valuable as a reader, too, helping me broaden my understanding of the topics I write about. Now when I build WordPress websites for clients, I install the Zemanta WordPress plugin so they can easily add pictures and links to their posts.

Enjoy the full story here.


Todd Lohenry


Todd is a web entrepreneur, thought leader hurder, blog and content curation expert. He is a superstar Zemanta evangelist and our guest blogger, his interview was so in-depth that we had to publish in two parts.

What kind of feedback do you get from customers about Zemanta? How are they responding to using it?

Well,  you know I have to laugh about this sometimes, because Zemanta makes things so easy, I don’t think that my customers really appreciate it. What I have to explain to them sometimes, is “Now, you want to find an image”, you have to go to Google Image Search, and find an image, and look and see what is the best one, and then you have no indication of whether or not, you know, what is the status of these? Are they free? Are they Creative Commons? Can I license this? So even if I can find a good logo, it doesn’t mean I have the right to use it. And, you know, even if I do, so I go and I copy this and then I go back and then I have to add to the media library, and then I add the URL, and then I do this, and oh, that doesn’t work, I can’t do it. So you know, sometimes if I really want them to appreciate the elegance of Zemanta, I have to say, ‘“Listen, this would add five to ten minutes to every post, to do what Zemanta does in five or ten seconds.” Then some of them finally get that, some of them understand it, but you make it so easy that sometimes that they just don’t get that.

You can read part 1 and part 2 of the interview here.


Hope you enjoyed these tidbits from this year. We’re looking forward to connecting with more of our users in 2012. If you’re interested in being featured, do please let us know!

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Guest Blog Post: Zemanta puts the ‘cherry on top of the sundae’

Posted by Todd Lohenry, under guest blog post, power users, wordpress, zemanta on December 22nd, 2011

Image representing Zemanta as depicted in Crun...

Our good friend Todd Lohenry is back with another great post, this one on how he uses different tools, Zemanta among them to curate content.


It’s a sad dog that can’t wag it’s own tail now and again so it is with all humility that I tell you that my blog, e1evation, llc, has steadily ranked within the top 50 thousand websites in the US according to Alexa for the past few years. If you read my blog, you’ll quickly see that I’m no Seth Godin or Chris Brogan or Nilofer Merchant or Ron Tite – I do, however, have a couple of great tools that make me competitive…

The three tools that help me keep my rankings high are:

  1. Google Reader
  2. Windows Live Writer
  3. Zemanta

Google Reader is the way I ‘listen’ to the internet. It allows me to create a virtual newspaper with sections that map to my blog’s focus and I either create great content by connecting the dots I glean from Google Reader or I use Windows Live Writer to curate that content and incorporate it in my blog. Zemanta, though, puts the ‘cherry on top of the sundae’ for me by converting each post from a blob of text to an eye catching, content laden, Search Engine Optimization [SEO] magnet. You can see how I use them together here:

Let’s dig a little deeper! Not only are posts with images and related articles more appealing to readers, they are more appealing to Google:

“Businesses leveraging content marketing campaigns for SEO should consider including photographs on their article pages, PR Newswire recently reported. The use of images optimized with captions and other tags that include related keywords provide more SEO opportunities. The captions and other metadata included with the photographs increase SEO, while effective use of the pictures will give a website higher quality feel. When a prospect lands on a page and sees a compelling photograph, they are a more likely to have a positive perception of the website, increase the company’s authority as a news provider. Brafton has reported that content pages with images have 94 percent higher page views than those that only have text. Moreover, labeling the photograph with an appropriate title tag will increase the likelihood that it appears in various Image Search tools offered by search engines, according to PR Newswire. In general, images should follow the same best practices for SEO as other forms content. Any instance of keyword stuffing in a photo title or caption will negatively impact search ranking and the overall quality of the website.” Source: Images can help content marketing, SEO campaigns | e1evation, llc

Zemanta helps me enforce this critical aspect of blogging by adding 4 control panels that help me put the finishing touches on my posts:

  1. Media Gallery
  2. Related Articles
  3. In-text Links and
  4. Metadata tags

Because Zemanta is available in both the free and hosted versions of WordPress, my only question to you is why aren’t you using it like I am? Questions? Feedback?

Todd Lohenry is owner of e1evation, llc, and he’s the guy to call when you want to become and be known as ‘the expert’. He blogs at e1evation, llc and Power Tools for Thought Leaders

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Happy Blogging and Happy Holidays from Zemanta!

Posted by Tin Dizdarevic, under zemanta on December 19th, 2011

Happy holidays from the Zemanta team!


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This Week in The Blogosphere – Travel to Ljubljana, Content Marketing is Hard Work, Sharing Posts on Google+

Posted by Tin Dizdarevic, under blogosphere, zemanta on December 16th, 2011

We’ve changed the format of This Week in the Blogosphere a bit this week. Hope you enjoy it! We’re starting off with a piece on Ljubljana, it’s a beautiful, exciting place and we ‘re  happy to call it home. Did we mention that we’re looking for a JavaScript Guru?

Other stories on the list cover the importance of comments, complexity of content marketing, news on Blogger and Google+ and another reason on why not to depend too much on Google Image Search


10 reasons to travel to Ljubljana   Dec. 13, 2011

Article Thumbnail When I found cheap airfare from Istanbul to Ljubljana, I didn’t find many other travelers who’d been there or even say for sure which country it’s in. The tiny of country of Slovenia is slightly smaller than New Jersey and its capital city isn’t known for much other than being difficult to spell and pronounce (say “lyoob-lyAH-nah”).



Should You Comment On Blogs To Generate Traffic?   Dec. 16, 2011

Article Thumbnail The answer to this question is a bit more complicated than a simple yes or no. Why? It all depends on how you go about commenting and what your underlying goals are. There are a lot of reasons people comment on blogs and many of them won’t provide the amount of traffic that you thought they were going to and may waste your time instead.



Content Marketing is Hard Work: 4 Tips to Make it Easier   Dec. 15, 2011

Article Thumbnail Content Marketing is Hard Work: 4 Tips to Make it Easier Content marketing is the wave of the future for ad agency new business but you will need to make preparation to consistently deliver quality content if you are going to have success. I’ve recently written my 650th blog post article.



Do You Have The Ability to Be Remarkable?   Dec. 13, 2011

Article Thumbnail There are two blogs that I tend to read on a daily basis – Jay Baer’s Convince and Convert and Seth Godin’s blog. I love both with utmost intensity. They always have excellent content that makes you move mountains to get where you need to go. I was reading Seth’s blog today and he made a point about remarkable work that is worth repeating:



Sharing Blogger Posts on Google+ Has Never Been Easier   Dec. 13, 2011

Article Thumbnail Google has added a new feature for Blogger users who have connected their blog with their Google+ account, making it easier to share a post with their Google+ friends, too. After you publish a post on Blogger, you’ll see a box containing a snippet from your post.



Are Google Images Exposing US Secrets?   Dec. 12, 2011

Article Thumbnail Google Satellite Images May Have Captured US Military Secrets Updated: Monday, 12 Dec 2011, 6:08 AM MST Published : Monday, 12 Dec 2011, 6:08 AM MST YUCCA LAKE, Nev. – Google may be compromising national security by allowing anyone to search for the names of military bases and zoom in to see airstrips and possibly even top-secret military drones.


Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments! Have a great weekend!

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