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Tribute to Redmond O’Neill
Britain’s anti-racist movement mourns one of its best ever campaigners More


Your vote can stop the BNP getting elected
There is a very real danger of the BNP winning seats in the Euro elections if not enough people vote. The time to act is now! Your vote could mean the difference between the BNP winning and losing. More


Boris Johnson shuts down anti-racist Rise festival
The National Assembly Against Racism condemns the decision by Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, to shut down the “Rise: London United Against Racism” Festival. More


One Society, Many Cultures
The world has entered the worst recession since the Second World War, if not a full blown depression. Only time will tell. However, one thing is well established: these are the conditions in which racism and fascism can flourish. More


Report warns that ‘white working class’ debate could be dangerous and harmful More

Stop the BNP in the European Elections More

10 years on from the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry More

Anti-racist campaigners call on government to end suspension of official links with MCB More

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