The service sector consists of the "soft" parts of the economy, i.e. activities where people offer their knowledge and time to improve productivity, performance, potential, and sustainability. The basic characteristic of this sector is the production of services instead of end products. Services (also known as "intangible goods") include attention, advice, experience, and discussion. The production of information is generally also regarded as a service, but some economists now attribute it to a fourth sector, the quaternary sector.
The tertiary sector of industry involves the provision of services to other businesses as well as final consumers. Services may involve the transport, distribution and sale of goods from producer to a consumer, as may happen in wholesaling and retailing, or may involve the provision of a service, such as in pest control or entertainment. The goods may be transformed in the process of providing the service, as happens in the restaurant industry. However, the focus is on people interacting with people and serving the customer rather than transforming physical goods.
For the last 30 years, there has been a substantial shift from the primary and secondary sectors to the tertiary sector in industrialised countries. This shift is called tertiarisation. The tertiary sector is now the largest sector of the economy in the Western world, and is also the fastest-growing sector.
Another example is the banking industry, which has gone through enormous changes in recent years. Using information and communication technology, banks have vastly reduced the number of staff they need. Many banks and building societies have merged to form much “leaner” businesses capable of extracting more profit from a wider customer base.
For example, public utilities are often considered part of the tertiary sector as they provide services to people, while creating the utility's infrastructure is often considered part of the secondary sector, even though the same business may be involved in both aspects of the operation.
In order to classify a business as a service, it is necessary to use classification systems such as the United Nations's International Standard Industrial Classification standard, the United States' Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code system and its new replacement, the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS), and similar systems in the EU and elsewhere. These governmental classification systems have a first-level hierarchy that reflects whether the economic goods are tangible or intangible.
For purposes of finance and market research, market-based classification systems such as the Global Industry Classification Standard and the Industry Classification Benchmark are used to classify businesses that participate in the service sector. Unlike governmental classification systems, the first level of market-based classification systems divides the economy into functionally related markets or industries. The second or third level of these hierarchies then reflects whether goods or services are produced.
Historically, manufacturing tended to be more open to international trade and competition than services. However, with dramatic cost reduction and speed and reliability improvements in the transportation of people and the communication of information, the service sector now includes some of the most intensive international competition, despite residual protectionism.
Since the quality of most services depends largely on the quality of the individuals providing the services, it is true that "people costs" are a high component of service costs. Whereas a manufacturer may use technology, simplification, and other techniques to lower the cost of goods sold, the service provider often faces an unrelenting pattern of increasing costs.
Differentiation is often difficult. For example, how does one choose one investment adviser over another, since they often seem to provide identical services? Charging a premium for services is usually an option only for the most established firms, who charge extra based upon brand recognition.
+Service output in 2010 (Nominal) | ! Rank | ! Country | ! Output in billions of US$ |
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+Service output in 2010 (PPP) | ! Rank | ! Country | ! Output in billions of US$ |
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Category:Industrial organization Sector, 3
ar:صناعة الخدمات ca:Sector terciari et:Teenindus es:Sector servicios eu:Hirugarren sektore fr:Secteur tertiaire gv:Yn trass rheynnag (tarmaynys) gl:Sector terciario id:Sektor ekonomi tersier lt:Trečiasis ūkio sektorius ja:第三次産業 pt:Setor terciário ru:Третичный сектор экономики simple:Service sector fi:Palvelusektori sv:Tjänsteföretag th:ภาคเศรษฐกิจขั้นที่ 3 uk:Третинний сектор економіки zh:第三产业This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
The following is a list of significant men and women known for being the father, mother, or considered the founders mostly in Western socities in a field, listed by category. In most non-science fields, the title of being the "father" is debatable.
Subject | Father/Mother | Reason |
Miniature wargaming | H.G. Wells | |
Shigeru Miyamoto | Creator of many successful Nintendo franchises | |
PlayStation | Ken Kutaragi | |
Role-playing game | Gary Gygax | Creator of ''Dungeons & Dragons'' |
Stealth game | Hideo Kojima | |
Video game | Ralph H. Baer | Inventor of the video game console |
Wargaming | Charles S. Roberts |
Subject | Father/Mother | Reason | ||||
Aerial warfare | Oswald Boelcke | The first to formalize rules of air fighting, which he presented as the Dicta Boelcke, also credited as being the first pilot to shoot down an aircraft. | ||||
Atomic bomb | Robert OppenheimerLeó SzilárdEnrico Fermi | |||||
Blitzkrieg | Heinz Guderian | |||||
Edward Teller | ||||||
Atomic submarine and "nuclear navy" | Hyman G. Rickover | |||||
Fourth Generation Warfare | William S. Lind | |||||
Jean-Baptiste Colbert | Built on the fleet of France inherited from Cardinal Richelieu. | |||||
Naval Special Warfare | Phil H. Bucklew | US Naval Officer and First Commanding Officer of Navy SEAL Team One | ||||
Naval tactical studies | Paul Hoste | Jesuit Professor of Mathematics at the Royal College of the Marine in Toulon; wrote ''L'Art des Armées Navales'' (1697) | ||||
Luftwaffe and Luftstreitkräfte | Oswald Boelcke | |||||
The Soviet Union's Hydrogen Bomb | Andrei Sakharov | |||||
William C. Lee | First commander of the parachute school at Fort Benning, Georgia. | |||||
Kazimierz Pułaski | Brigadier-general and commander of the cavalry of the Continental Army (1770s). | |||||
United States Navy |
! Reason
[[American Football">John Barry (naval officer) |
Subject | Father/Mother | ! Reason | |||||
[[American Football | Walter Camp | ||||||
Godfather, created the New York Cosmos soccer team and imported a number of well known international footballers to the team in an attempt to bring interest to soccer in the US. | |||||||
Angling | Izaak Walton | author of ''The Compleat Angler'' | |||||
Association football | Ebenezer Cobb Morley | ||||||
Charles William Miller | |||||||
Baseball | |||||||
Basketball | James Naismith | ||||||
Scot Breithaupt | |||||||
Eugen Sandow | |||||||
Harold Zinkin | Called so by Arnold Schwarzenegger during a press statement on his passing in 2004. Inventor of the modern exercise machines. | ||||||
James Figg | |||||||
James J. Corbett | |||||||
Jim Downing | Built a racecar a season before it became the basis of a new lightweight prototype class in . | ||||||
Canadian rodeo | coined the rodeo term ''Stampede'' and was world's first rodeo producer/rodeo stock contractor/rodeo champion in 1902 | ||||||
Wally Parks | |||||||
Don Garlits | Considered to be one of the innovators of drag racing safety. | ||||||
Eddie Hill | Regarded as the Forefather of Drag Racing. | ||||||
Kunimitsu Takahashi | |||||||
Modern figure skating | Jackson Haines | ||||||
The Football Association | Ebenezer Cobb Morley | Founder | |||||
rowspan="2" | James Richardson Spensley | ||||||
William Garbutt | Laying the foundations of skilled coaching in Italian football | ||||||
Freestyle BMX | Bob Haro | ||||||
Freestyle Motocross | Mike Metzger | Godfather | |||||
Funny Car | Dick Landy | ||||||
Frank Chirkinian | Personally responsible for much of the production conventions of modern golf broadcasting. | ||||||
rowspan="2" | Credited for introducing baseball in Japan | ||||||
Hiroshi Hiraoka | Credited for establishing the first baseball team | ||||||
Jogging | Jim Fixx | Founding father | |||||
Karting | Art Ingels | Developed the world's first kart (1956) | |||||
Lacrosse | William George Beers | Codified the sport | |||||
Mixed martial arts | Bruce Lee | Called so by Dana White, president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. For his experimentation into other styles and invention of Jeet Kune Do. | |||||
American motocross | Edison Dye | Introduced motorcross to American riders | |||||
NASCAR | Bill France, Sr. | Foundation of the sanctioning body for stock car racing | |||||
Road racing in the United States | Cameron Argetsinger | ||||||
Rugby union | A. G. Guillemard | William Webb Ellis |
Italo Santelli | |||||||
Florida Skateboarding | Bruce Walker | ||||||
East Coast Skateboarding | Vinny Raffa | ||||||
Skip Engblom | |||||||
Tony Hawk | |||||||
Snowboard | Jake Burton | ||||||
Supercross | Mike Goodwin | Organized the first supercross race | |||||
Modern surfing | Duke Kahanamoku |
Subject | Father/Mother | Reason | |
Aerodynamics (modern) | Sir George Cayley | Founding father of modern Aerodynamics. The first to identify the four aerodynamic forces of flight—weight, Lift (force) | |
[[Architecture | Imhotep | Built the first pyramid | |
Astronautics | Konstantin Tsiolkovsky | Robert H. GoddardHermann Oberth | |
Aviation | Book: ''Prodromo alla Arte Maestra'' (1670). First to describe the geometry and physics of a flying vessel. | ||
Thomas Tompion | |||
Clinical trials | James Lind | Conducted the first Scientific control | |
[[Computing | Charles Babbage | Inventor of the Analytical Engine which was never constructed in his lifetime. | |
Cybernetics | Norbert Wiener | ||
William F. Moran | Founder of the American Bladesmith Society | ||
Bob Loveless | Founder of the Knifemakers' Guild | ||
Photography |
Subject | Father/Mother | Reason | ||||||
Air conditioning | Willis Carrier | |||||||
Chronograph | ||||||||
Compact Disc | ||||||||
Compiler | Grace Hopper | |||||||
Konrad Zuse | Invented world's first functional program-controlled computer. | |||||||
Alan Turing | Was a secret code breaker during WWII and invented the Turing machine (1936). | |||||||
John von Neumann | Became "intrigued" with Turing's universal machine and later emphasised the importance of the stored-program concept for electronic computing (1945), including the possibility of allowing the machine to modify its own program in useful ways while running. | |||||||
Invented the digital computer in the 1930s | ||||||||
Computer Program | Ada Lovelace | Recognized by historians as the writer of the world's first computer program which was for the Charles Babbage Analytical Engine, but was never complete within either her or his lifetime. | ||||||
Ekranoplan | Rostislav Alexeev | |||||||
Helicopter | Igor Sikorsky | Invented the first successful helicopter, upon which further designs were based. | ||||||
Internet | Vint CerfBob Kahn | |||||||
Instant noodle | Momofuku Ando | Inventor of the instant noodle, also founder of Nissin Foods to produce and market them. | ||||||
Japanese television | Kenjiro Takayanagi | |||||||
Jet engine | Frank Whittle | |||||||
Karaoke | Daisuke Inoue | Inventor of the machine as a means of allowing people to sing without the need of a live back-up. | ||||||
Laser | Charles Hard Townes | |||||||
Lightning prediction system | Alexander Stepanovich Popov | The first lightning prediction system, the Lightning detector, was invented in 1894 by Alexander Stepanovich Popov. | ||||||
Marine chronometer | John Harrison | |||||||
Microprocessor | Marcian Hoff Masatoshi Shima | |||||||
Mobile phone | He is the main brainchild of hand-held phone and with the help of Motorola team he developed the first handset in 1973 weighing in at two kilos. | |||||||
Vinod Dham | The original Pentium (P5) was developed by a team of engineers, including John H. Crawford, chief architect of the original 386, and Donald Alpert, who managed the architectural team. Dror Avnon managed the design of the FPU. Dham was general manager of the P5 group. Some media sources have called him the "father of the Pentium". | |||||||
Chuck Peddle | Developed the 6502 microprocessor, the KIM-1 and the Commodore PET | |||||||
Programmable logic controller | Dick Morley | |||||||
Radio | Alexander Stepanovich Popov Lee De Forest Guglielmo Marconi Jagdish Chandra Bose Nikola Tesla | |||||||
Radio (Radio broadcasting) | Reginald Fessenden David Sarnoff | Fessenden is credited as the first to broadcast radio signals on Christmas Eve, 1906. Sarnoff proposed a chain of radio stations to Marconi's associates in 1915. | ||||||
Radio (FM radio) | Edwin H. Armstrong | Obtained the first Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license to operate an FM station in Alpine, New Jersey at approximately 50 megahertz (1939) | ||||||
Radiotelephony | Reginald Fessenden | |||||||
SGML | Charles Goldfarb | |||||||
Telephone | Antonio Meucci | Alexander Graham Bell | See Invention of the telephone | |||||
Television | Philo T. Farnsworth |
Vladimir Zworykin |
John Logie Baird | Co-Inventors of the Electronic Television. Farnsworth invented the Image dissector while Zworykin created the Iconoscope, both fully electronic forms of television. Logie Baird invented the world's first working television system, also the first electronic color television system. | ||
Tokamak | Lev Artsimovich | |||||||
Fazlur Khan | Invented the tube structural system and first employed it in his designs for the DeWitt-Chestnut Apartments, John Hancock Center and Sears Tower. | |||||||
World Wide Web | Tim Berners-Lee | |||||||
Visual Basic | Alan Cooper | |||||||
XML | Jon Bosak |
Subject | Father/Mother | ! Reason | |||||
Lan Kwai Fong | Allan Zeman | Noted for turning a small square of streets in
! Reason
| [[Henry Ford">Central, Hong Kong |
Subject | Father/Mother | ! Reason |
[[Henry Ford | Noted for introducing a simple and affordable car for the ordinary American masses. | |
American Interstate Highway System | Dwight D. Eisenhower | |
Gene Berg | ||
Hot rod | Ed Winfield | |
RJ DeVera | Influential for popularising the import car scene in the mid-1990s. | |
Kustom Kulture | ||
Monster truck | ||
Mountain bike | Gary Fisher | |
Rotary engine | Felix Wankel | |
Cyrus Avery | ||
Tailfin | Harley Earl | |
Traffic safety | William Phelps Eno | |
Frank W. Cyr | ||
Father or mother of something Father or mother of something, List of people known as
ar:آباء العلوم fa:فهرست افراد دارای لقب پدر یا مادر در یک زمینهThis text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
Series | Entourage |
Name | Johnny Chase |
Alias | Johnny Drama |
Portrayer | Kevin Dillon |
Hometown | Queens, New York, New York |
Relatives | Vincent Chase (half-brother), Rita Chase (mother) |
Occupation | Actor |
Significantother | Single }} |
Jonathan "Johnny" Chase is a fictional character on the comedy-drama television series ''Entourage''. He is played by Kevin Dillon. He is often addressed by other characters as Johnny Drama or Drama, but it is not made clear whether this is just a nickname or whether he actually has used the name Johnny Drama as a stage name.
The character is based on Mark Wahlberg's cousin's friend, Johnny Alves.
In the first season of ''Entourage'', Drama has not had a serious acting gig for three years. Instead, he is Vincent's chef and fitness consultant, often watching out for his brother and making sure he eats right. His personality is alternately macho and warm-hearted, pompous and insecure. His acting range is limited by a wooden style, but he constantly brings up bit roles he has played over the years in such movies and television shows as ''Barbershop'', ''Melrose Place'', ''Nash Bridges'', ''The Commish'', ''A Different World'', ''Pacific Blue'', ''Full House'', ''21 Jump Street'', ''Beverly Hills, 90210'', and ''Star Trek'' as well as a national television commercial for herpes drug Valtrex, and tries to give acting advice to his brother. He starred as Tarvold in the fictional science fiction series ''Viking Quest'', which spawned his catchphrase "Victory!". In the episode "Drive", Drama reveals he is a Razzie Award winner.
He is always looking to capitalize on Vincent's success, which pays off with a supporting role in a film called ''Queens Boulevard'', a bit part in another film ''Medellin'', and an appearance in a flashy Chinese commercial that Vincent does. Although he occasionally finds his little brother's charity emasculating, he almost never turns it down. While it would seem that he is nothing more than a leech, Johnny cares deeply for his brother and the rest of the group, springing to their help when needed. Johnny is a member of the union Screen Actors Guild (SAG).
Drama lands a role as the "older Irish brother" in ''Five Towns'', an Edward Burns television pilot; Burns felt he owed Drama because Drama turned down a role in Burns' successful real-life film ''The Brothers McMullen'', forcing Burns to play it himself. The pilot was picked up in the episode "The Resurrection". After the ''Five Towns'' pilot performed very well, Drama effectively resumed a successful career and bought out a $1.5 million condominium. He was mistakenly offered a lead role in ''Rush Hour 3'' by Brett Ratner when Ratner's assistant misread the credits in Drama's show and picked Drama instead of his younger co-star. Drama still however was able to coerce Ratner to give him a role as a French bus driver. During the hiatus of ''Five Towns'', Drama followed Eric, Vince, and Turtle to the ''Medellin'' set and successfully secured a role in the film as a military leader who infiltrates Escobar's compound in the movie's climax. However, before this, Drama stirred up trouble by claiming to have received a handjob from the film's lead actress (portrayed by Sofia Vergara), who director Billy Walsh was infatuated with. It is unclear whether this handjob actually occurred, as Turtle finds it unbelievable, coupled with Drama's tendency to exaggerate his macho image, particularly on camera. In the Season 4 season finale, while at the Cannes Film Festival in France greeting the large fan base and cult following of ''Viking Quest'', Drama meets and becomes involved with Jacqueline and begins a long distance relationship with her after he gets back to LA. Drama increased his profile in France inadvertently by having sex on the beach with Jacqueline for three hours. In the end they stop after he sees a large crowd and his friends and brother cheer him on.
Drama claims to be Irish and Chilean, and may be part Japanese. In "Gary's Desk", Drama along with Turtle and Vincent have their own offices in Eric's company, The Murphy Group.
Though it is never shown that Drama is fluent in multiple languages, he has quoted words in Spanish, French, Yiddish and Hebrew.
In the Season Five finale, Johnny becomes the co-owner of a Queens bar with Turtle's cousin Ronnie. Ronnie them had the bar renamed "Johnny Drama's". After that he became a partner with the owner who had to settle a gambling debt problem.
In Season Six, ''Five Towns'' is still filming and is still a successful show. This changes for Drama when he threatens ''Five Towns'' NBC network executive Dan Cokley after he suspects Cokley is trying to sleep with Turtle's girlfriend, Jamie Lynn Sigler. Cokley decides that instead of firing Drama, he will convince the writers to torture and humiliate Drama's character on ''Five Towns''. Drama soon decides that he has enough of his character getting bad scenes and tries to get out of his contract on ''Five Towns'' and sign on to star on ''Melrose Place 2009'' after ''Melrose Place'' producer Phil Yagoda offered him to audition for a role. Drama had been fired from the original ''Melrose Place'' series in 1993.
In the season finale, after Drama's agent Lloyd Lee resigns from his secretary position at Ari Gold's agency to accept an offer from Gold's rival, Adam Davies at the Terrence McQuewick Agency, where Gold was fired from in 2005. Drama becomes unstable after hearing Lloyd's departure. Ari and Lloyd compete to get him out of his ''Five Towns'' contract and onto ''Melrose Place 2009''. Drama is impressed by Ari's capability, so he verbally agrees to make Ari his permanent agent. However, an impassioned speech by Lloyd convinces Drama that he should remain with Lloyd who is more sincere and concerned for Drama. At the first ''Melrose Place 2009'' audition, Drama fears rejection and has a mild heart attack and mental breakdown, urinating in his pants. Drama then eventually decides that he is an actor and must redo the audition. He does well at the audition, but he is turned down by the network for being "too old". Phil Yagoda then notifies Drama that the network decided that he is ready to have a series created for him and offers an exclusive holding deal, which Drama had never had before. Delighted, Drama and Vince head to Italy to film Vince's new movie. His quote is now at least $100,000 (per episode) higher than it was on ''Five Towns'' for which he made $75,000 per episode.
In Season Eight, Drama does voice acting for a successful animated series called ''Johnny's Bananas'', an urban comedy where all characters are primarily apes and monkeys. His co-star is Andrew Dice Clay, and the show was created by Billy Walsh.
Vince and Drama share the same last name. They ''appear'' to have the same mother in the episode "Aquamom" when Johnny calls himself her "first born". However, Drama calls Vincent's mother "''your'' mom" in the episode "My Maserati Does 185". However, this could possibly be explained as him referring to her informally as mom if she was a main mother figure in his life.
Drama may be simply very close to Vince's mother, Rita Chase, due to the fact that the line in "My Maserati Does 185" about their shared father is a definitive genetical statement said in a genuine sense. This means that Rita may not actually be Drama's biological mother, but either his stepmother and/or adoptive mother, with Vince and Johnny having the same biological father, who was an alcoholic and left the family when both were relatively young.
Rita Chase may indeed be Johnny's biological mother. His line in "Aquamom", along with the fact that "Aquamom" came ''after'' "My Maserati Does 185" may support this theory. This creates, what Entourage creator Doug Ellin has referred to as an auto-perspective angle in which the audience can assume one or the other in reference to Johnny's actual parentage.
During Season Six, Johnny mentions his insecurities to the executive producer of ''Five Towns'' saying, "It could be my own insecurity about feeling my mother loved Vince more than she does me", alluding that Johnny's mother is Rita. It is believed that Johnny was born shortly after his parents left high school, thus explaining the age gap between himself and Vince.
Drama is at least nine years older than Vince.
Year | Title | Role | Notes |
- | ''Miami Vice''| | Cocaine Informant | guest star |
- | ''The New New Love Boat''| | Merrill Stubing | pilot never aired |
1987 | ''Barfly (film)Barfly'' || | Extra | uncredited; 3 days' work |
1988 | ''License to Drive''| | Unknown | |
1988 | ''227 (TV series)227'' || | Building Inspector | guest star |
1989 | ''A Different World (TV series)A Different World'' || | Drunk Frat Guy | guest star |
1989 | ''Booker (TV series)Booker'' || | Dead Body | guest star |
1990 | ''Cop Rock''| | Singing Felon | guest star |
1991 | ''L.A. Law''| | Mute Clerk | guest star |
1991 | ''Beverly Hills, 90210''| | Eddie | Donna Martin>Donna's stalker |
1991 | ''Point Break''| | Stoned Surfer #5 | uncredited |
1993 | ''NYPD Blue''| | Dead Body | guest star; Kevin Dillon actually guest-starred in three episodes of ''NYPD Blue'' as a police officer. |
1993 | ''Melrose Place (1992 TV series)Melrose Place'' || | lead guest star | |
1993 | ''Amongst Friends''| | Kid in Trunk | |
1994 | ''The Crow'' | ||
1994 | ''Full House''| | Jesse Katsopolis>Uncle Jesse's Tough-Guy Nephew | guest star |
1994 | ''The Commish''| | Bulimic Pedophile | guest star |
1994 | ''227''| | guest star | |
1994 | ''Concrete Heat''| | starred with Andrew Dice Clay. Cancelled after one week | |
1994–1995 | ''My So-Called Life''| | guest star; Drama mentions a stunt in which he falls down a flight of stairs | |
1995 | ''Cornelius and Son''| | recurring guest star | |
1995 | ''Last One Left''| | Taxi Driver | guest part |
1996 | ''Beautiful Girls (film)Beautiful Girls'' || | stand-in | Fired for fighting with Matt Dillon |
1997 | ''Pacific Blue (TV series)Pacific Blue'' || | Officer Ross Harper | recurring guest star |
1997 | ''Viking Quest''| | Tarvold | Drama's first lead role; co-starred with Vanessa Angel |
1998 | ''Kissing a Fool''| | Cubs Fan | |
1998 | ''Star Trek: Voyager''| | Klingon | guest star |
1999 | ''Nash Bridges''| | Retarded Brother | guest star; "Season 3, Episode 7" (actual airdate: October 31, 1997) |
2001 | ''7th Heaven''| | High School Swimmer With Alopecia | |
2002 | ''Barbershop (film)Barbershop'' || | Customer | uncredited; scenes cut from film |
2003 | ''The Practice''| | Law Clerk | guest star |
2004 | ''Law & Order: SVU''| | Dead Body | guest star |
2004 | ''Crossing Jordan''| | Bank Robber | guest star |
2004 | ''Head On''| | Thug | appears with his half-brother Vince |
2004 | ''Jimmy Kimmel Live!''| | Himself | surprise appearance on the show with Vince |
2005 | ''Queens Boulevard''| | Bookie | small bit-part with Vince |
2005 | Chinese energy drink television commercial| | Un-named role | cameo appearance>cameo with Vince |
2006 | ''Gotcha!''| | Himself | target of a prank involving Chuck Liddell, in the pilot episode of Paulie Shore's celebrity hidden camera show (a la ''Punk'd''). |
2006–2009 | ''five towns#Popular cultureFive Towns'' || | Quinn | Drama's second-ever lead role. About five Irish brothers who "run" the five towns of long island. Produced by Edward Burns, who also directed the pilot. Has shot at least 87 episodes. Currently airing on NBC. Left the show after three seasons. |
2007 | ''Rush Hour 3''| | French Bus Driver | Scenes cut from film |
2007 | ''Medellin''| | U.S. Army General | cameo; appears alongside Vince |
2008 | ''The View (U.S. TV series)The View'' || | Himself | The cast of ''Five Towns'' made an appearance as special guests on the show. |
2011 | Johnny's Bananas| | TBA (lead role) | lead role; in development |
Category:Entourage (TV series) characters Category:Fictional actors Category:Fictional American people of Irish descent Category:Fictional Hispanic and Latino American people Category:Fictional American people of Japanese descent Category:Fictional characters from California Category:Fictional characters from New York City
fr:Johnny ChaseThis text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
Name | Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher |
Birth date | December 03, 1973 |
Residence | Holland, Ohio, United States |
Citizenship | United States |
Other names | "Joe the Plumber" |
Occupation | Commentator/correspondent Former plumber's assistant |
Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher (; born December 3, 1973), is a resident of Ohio, United States who gained significant attention during the 2008 U.S. presidential election. As an employee of a plumbing contractor, he was given the moniker "Joe the Plumber" after he was videotaped questioning then-Democratic candidate Barack Obama about his small business tax policy during a campaign stop in Ohio. The Republican McCain-Palin campaign later applied "Joe the Plumber" as a metaphor for middle-class Americans. He subsequently published a book about his experiences, and has appeared as a motivational speaker and commentator.
Obama responded with an explanation of how his tax plan would affect a small business in this bracket. Obama said, "If you're a small business, which you would qualify, first of all, you would get a 50 percent tax credit so you'd get a cut in taxes for your health care costs. So you would actually get a tax cut on that part. If your revenue is above 250, then from 250 down, your taxes are going to stay the same. It is true that, say for 250 up — from 250 to 300 or so, so for that additional amount, you’d go from 36 to 39 percent, which is what it was under Bill Clinton."
Obama also said, "It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance at success, too… My attitude is that if the economy’s good for folks from the bottom up, it’s gonna be good for everybody. If you’ve got a plumbing business, you’re gonna be better off [...] if you’ve got a whole bunch of customers who can afford to hire you, and right now everybody’s so pinched that business is bad for everybody and I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody."
After the debate, Wurzelbacher did not declare his vote for either candidate. He expressed concern that Obama's plans were "one step closer to socialism." Obama's running mate Joe Biden argued that 98% of small businesses take in less than $250,000 a year in income and thus wouldn't be subject to higher taxes under Obama's plan. McCain stated that Wurzelbacher would see higher taxes under Obama's plan.
Wurzelbacher held a press conference at his home on the morning of October 16, following the debates, where he refused to express support for either candidate. "I'm not telling anybody anything" about which candidate he prefers, he said, adding, "It's a private booth. I want the American people to vote for who they want to vote for."
On October 16, Wurzelbacher appeared on ''Your World with Neil Cavuto'' on Fox News. Neil Cavuto asked if Wurzelbacher was persuaded by Obama's plan. Wurzelbacher said that he was not and that he was more frightened upon hearing it. Wurzelbacher suggested that Obama's plan was socialist in nature.
That same day, Wurzelbacher also appeared on ''Good Morning America''. Diane Sawyer asked him if he was taking home $250,000 now, Wurzelbacher said with a laugh "No, not even close." Sawyer asked Wurzelbacher, "And the McCain camp, some people have said did they contact you and tell you that you were going to be a major part of this, and had they contacted you before that encounter with Senator Obama?" Wurzelbacher answered, "Oh no, no, no one's contacted me as far as if I was going to be on the debate or as far as my name being used. No. I have been contacted by them and asked to show up at a rally. But, other than that, no. I just happened to be here and Barack Obama happened to show up."
On November 2, Wurzelbacher appeared again on ''Your World with Neil Cavuto'', where he expressed concern that Barack Obama's tax plans would go down "a slippery slope" and eventually raise his taxes. Wurzelbacher also questioned Obama's patriotism saying "there's too many questions with Barack Obama, and his loyalty to our country."
The McCain-Palin campaign's senior strategist Steve Schmidt said that John McCain's strategy in the final weeks of the presidential campaign was based primarily around his differences with Obama on economic issues, which they would continue to highlight through the story of Joe the Plumber.
After the final presidential debate, McCain and his running mate Sarah Palin frequently repeated the charge in campaign speeches that "Joe the Plumber" would pay higher taxes under Obama and Biden's plan, although according to tax analysts neither Wurzelbacher nor the company he works for would actually be subject to higher taxes under Obama's tax plan. Obama's "spread the wealth around" quote was later used by the McCain campaign, comparing the Democrat's policies to socialism. McCain said, "[Obama] wants government to take Joe's money and give it to somebody else." Obama said in a campaign rally on October 24 that McCain was "not fighting for Joe the Plumber. He's fighting for Joe the Hedge Fund Manager... He likes to talk about Joe the Plumber but he's in cahoots with Joe the CEO." Obama then promoted a plan for middle-class tax cuts and "asked for a show of hands at the rally in the Richmond Coliseum from those making less than $250,000. Nearly all of the 13,000 people raised their hands."
Aides to the McCain-Palin campaign said on October 24 that they would "spend heavily" on a new TV advertisement invoking Wurzelbacher's nickname. The ad would feature "several different people looking into the camera and saying, 'I'm Joe the Plumber.' One man accuses Obama of wanting to use the man's 'sweat to pay for his trillion dollars in new spending. McCain also ran several other commercials with this theme.
Earlier in the day, at a rally in Defiance, Ohio, McCain thought that Wurzelbacher was supposed to be in the crowd and called for him to stand up. When it became clear that Joe wasn't in attendance, McCain ended the silence by telling the whole crowd instead to stand up, stating, "You're all Joe the Plumber."
In August 2011 The Toledo Blade reported that Wurzelbacher is considering challenging Marcy Kaptur in 2012.
ABC News reported on October 16, 2008, that there was a judgment lien against Wurzelbacher for non-payment of $1,182 in owed Ohio state income taxes dating to January 2007, but "no action has been taken against him outside of filing the lien." Barb Losie, deputy clerk of the Lucas County Court of Common Pleas, said that "there is a 99 percent chance [Wurzelbacher] doesn't know about the lien, unless he did a credit report or was ready to pay his taxes." While on ''Hannity & Colmes'', Wurzelbacher stated that he was unaware of the tax lien prior to it being reported in the press, and thought he was being attacked because of his question to Obama.
In November 2008, Wurzelbacher was hired for a series of commercials reminding people to convert analog television to digital. Wurzelbacher was hired to help consumers understand the DTV transition in the United States through a series of videos designed to explain the changeover.
In November 2008, Wurzelbacher began promoting his book ''Joe the Plumber: Fighting for the American Dream''. Co-written with novelist Thomas Tabback and published by PearlGate Publishing of Austin, Texas, the book addresses Wurzelbacher’s ideas concerning American values. In particular, Wurzelbacher criticizes John McCain and states that he did not want him as the Republican presidential nominee. According to the ''Toledo Blade'', Wurzelbacher criticized McCain as a candidate, saying that the election was "the lesser of two evils." On December 10, 2008, it was reported that Wurzelbacher also criticized McCain for voting for the $700 billion Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, also known as the bank bailout. When it comes to taxation, he does not consider himself to be a supporter of either party.
In January 2009, Wurzelbacher began work as a motivational speaker and commentator. His first assignment was to comment from Israel on the fighting between the Israeli Defence Forces and Hamas, focusing on the Israeli experience of the conflict. On February 26, Wurzelbacher spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference, where he led a panel titled "conservatism 2.0". On February 27, he spoke at the Washington, D.C. American Tea Party protest in Lafayette Park. In March, Wurzelbacher attended two conferences in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, first speaking to the "Conservative Young Professionals of Milwaukee," and then at the “Defending the American Dream Summit." On April 15, he spoke at the Michigan Tax Day Tea Party in Lansing. On May 6, 2009, Wurzelbacher appeared at a campaign event on behalf of New Jersey Gubernatorial Candidate Steve Lonegan. In May 2009, ''Time'' magazine reported that Wurzelbacher was quitting the Republican Party. On September 19 he spoke at a Tea Party protest at Veteran's Park in Milwaukee.
On February 13, 2010 Wurzelbacher attended a political event for Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Sam Rohrer. Speaking to a reporter afterwards, Wurzelbacher said that "McCain was trying to use [him]", and accused McCain of having "really screwed [Wurzelbacher's] life up".
In Wisconsin, on February 2011, he spoke at a counter-demonstration, during protests against governor Walker's attempts to abolish collective bargaining rights of some public employees.
On March 5, 2009, on behalf of Joe Wurzelbacher, Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit in a U.S. District Court in Columbus charging that Jones-Kelley and fellow ODJFS employees Fred Williams and Doug Thompson improperly searched "confidential state databases" in an attempt to retaliate against Wurzelbacher's criticism of then-presidential candidate Barack Obama. The lawsuit claims that "officials of the State of Ohio violated Mr. Wurzelbacher's constitutional rights," and that "Wurzelbacher suffered emotional distress, harassment, and embarrassment as a result of the search." Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, stated that "no American should be investigated for simply asking a question of a public official." The lawsuit seeks unspecified punitive damages. On August 4, 2010, the U.S District Court in Columbus dismissed the lawsuit on the grounds that the state database search didn't amount to a constitutional violation to the right to privacy. ''Judicial Watch'' stated it will appeal.
On October 14, 2009, the ''Columbus Dispatch'' reported that, "A former contractor for the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police has been charged with rummaging through state computers to retrieve confidential information about 'Joe the Plumber.'" The State Highway Patrol has stated that, "this individual has also used a law-enforcement computer network on Oct. 16, 2008 to access personal information about Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher."
Category:People associated with the United States presidential election, 2008 Category:Ohio Republicans Category:People from Lucas County, Ohio Category:1973 births Category:Living people
ar:جو السباك de:Joe der Klempner es:Joe el fontanero fa:جو لولهکش fr:Joe le plombier it:Joe l'idraulico ka:სანტექნიკოსი ჯო nl:Joe the Plumber ja:ジョー・ザ・プラマー pl:Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher ru:Водопроводчик Джо sv:Joe the Plumber uk:Сантехнік Джо zh:管道工乔This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
name | Kevin Nealon |
birth date | November 18, 1953 |
birth place | St. Louis, Missouri, U.S. |
origin | Bridgeport, Connecticut |
medium | Stand-up, television, film |
nationality | American |
active | 1984–present |
genre | Satire/political satire/news satire, observational comedy |
subject | American politics, American culture, current events, pop culture, mass media/news media, everyday life, marriage |
spouse | Linda Dupree (1989–2002)Susan Yeagley (2005–present) 1 child |
notable work | Weekend Update anchor on ''Saturday Night Live''Gary Potter in ''Happy Gilmore''Doug Wilson in ''Weeds''Glenn Martin in ''Glenn Martin, DDS'' |
website | }} |
Nealon's ''SNL'' characters include Mr. Subliminal (or Subliminal Message Man), Franz (of Hans and Franz) along with Dana Carvey, Mr. No Depth Perception, the anchor of Weekend Update (where his catchphrase was "That's news to me"), and many others.
In 1991, he starred in the holiday movie, ''All I Want for Christmas''. More recently Nealon has appeared in the movies ''Happy Gilmore'', ''Anger Management'', ''Little Nicky'', ''Daddy Day Care'', ''Good Boy!'' and ''Grandma's Boy''. In fall 2005, he appeared in an episode of ''Curb Your Enthusiasm'', where he played himself (Season 5, Episode 4).
Nealon had a recurring television role on the 2002-06 CBS comedy ''Still Standing'' playing Ted Halverson, the Millers' competitive and religious neighbor. He has also appeared as a patient in a mental institution on the first season of ''Monk''. "Deja Vu" is an episode of ''The Outer Limits'' television show. It first aired on 9 July 1999, during the fifth season. Nealon played Dr. Mark Crest. Nealon has an ongoing supporting role as Doug Wilson on the show ''Weeds'' on Showtime.
In 1994, Nealon hosted the 13 part series ''Amazing America'' on the Discovery Channel.
In 2002, Nealon Hosted The Conspiracy Zone on The New TNN for 26 episodes plus an unaired pilot.Nealon appeared as a couples counselor on the sitcom, ''3rd Rock From The Sun''. He had a small cameo appearance in the 2008 film ''Get Smart''.
Nealon also hosted the ''World's Funniest Commercials'' on TBS. In a performance similar to Bob Saget, Nealon tells corny jokes in between each funny commercial. In 2008, a book authored by Nealon chronicling his experiences during his wife's pregnancy called ''Yes, You're Pregnant, But What About Me?'' was released.
Nealon played Stuart Pearson in the adventure comedy movie ''Aliens in the Attic''. Shooting took place in Auckland, New Zealand.
Nealon is an old boy for Connecticut Yankees RFC.
On February 22, 2006, Nealon contributed a story to the ''New York Times'' about being wiretapped by Hollywood private investigator Anthony Pellicano, who has been indicted on racketeering and conspiracy charges. It was also revealed in a separate court case on February 27, 2006, that investigators working for the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus may also have targeted Nealon for wiretapping.
He has been a vegetarian for 18 years due to animal cruelty and the health benefits. He lives in the Los Angeles area.
He is an avid golfer and poker player and also plays banjo and guitar.
In 2001, Nealon played on ''Who Wants To Be A Millionaire'' for his charity. The final question he faced, worth $125,000, was about Barbie dolls. He used his 50:50 and Phone-A-Friend, but he answered the question wrong, walking away with $32,000.
Category:1953 births Category:Actors from Connecticut Category:American comedians Category:American film actors Category:American stand-up comedians Category:American television actors Category:American television writers Category:American voice actors Category:American vegetarians Category:Living people Category:Actors from Missouri Category:People from Bridgeport, Connecticut Category:People from St. Louis, Missouri Category:Poker commentators Category:Sacred Heart Pioneers football players
de:Kevin Nealon es:Kevin Nealon fr:Kevin Nealon id:Kevin Nealon it:Kevin Nealon nl:Kevin Nealon ja:ケヴィン・ニーロン pl:Kevin Nealon fi:Kevin Nealon sv:Kevin NealonThis text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
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