report to our members and supporters

Each summer we put together a visual diary for our members and supporters. Its a quick summary of what we have been doing over the past year, and covers some of our victories and positive outcomes.

FoE opening times over summer

Check here for details of when we are open over the Christmas - New Years break.

What is the real cost of Ted Baillieu’s wind energy policy?

In late August, the Baillieu government implemented new planning rules which  place large sections of Victoria off-limits to wind farm developments through the creation of No Go zones, and set in place a 2 kilometre ‘right of veto’, whereby a single household can block any turbines within 2 kilometres of their home.

It appears that this has already threatened up to $525 million in investment and up to 1,400 jobs.

The South Melbourne Commons

News and updates on the South Melbourne Commons project being developed in South Melbourne.

The Commons was officially opened on Saturday 10th December and the cafe and food co-op are both now operating.

We need new volunteers over the summer - please check here for details.



The Coalition government & the environment

The Victorian Coalition has now been in power for eleven months. Sadly, the news has been almost relentlessly negative on the question of environmental and climate change issues.

Check here for an assessment of their progress.

Ted Baillieu’s worst environmental decision yet?

Today’s announcement that coal mining will be allowed to continue at Anglesea is possibly the worst in a long list of bad environmental decisions since the Baillieu government was elected, according to Friends of the Earth.

coal seam gas operations in Victoria?

In the past few months, Environment Victoria has done a great job of raising community awareness about the threat posed to rural Victoria from a massive wave of exploration for coal.

Hidden in the detail of this story is the fact that some exploration licenses that have been issued are for coal seam gas (CSG) exploration, as well as for conventional coal.

It is not clear what the intentions of the state government are with CSG.

No new coal in Anglesea - Time to make the transition

While the Victorian government moves to close off wind development on the Bellarine and Surf Coast, they are doing nothing to halt open cut coal mining.

What energy source would you prefer in your back yard?

Victoria must ban new coal and CSG operations

We need to send a resounding message that the community does not want new coal or CSG operations in our state.

Please sign our petition to the Premier.