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Monday 9:20pm; repeated Wednesday morning 12:25am watch on iView

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Junk grammar from ABC1
"Honestly, who writes this stuff? I expect a better quality from the (my?) ABC. "Party into the New Year with ..." Read more »

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Latest Episode

Media Watch This Space, 9 December 2011

The Oz vs the OPI

The Oz vs the OPI

Media Watch will be back on air on Monday 6 February, 2012.

In the meantime you can still enjoy past episodes , the doghouse and some recent stories posted over summer on Media Watch this space .

Don’t forget, if you see anything in the media over summer that you think Media Watch should know about, please send us a tip off .

Thank you to all for your support in 2011. We look forward to a great 2012.

The Media Watch Team
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Special Episodes

Episode 11, 25 April 2011
Media Watch Special: Interview with Greg Hywood

Media Watch special interview: Jonathan Holmes speaks with the man who's taken on what many people reckon to be the toughest job in the Australian media, the CEO of Fairfax Media, Greg Hywood. more »


Episode 34, 27 September 2010
Defusing an explosive story

Channel Seven's explosive investigation into New Delhi's Commonwealth Games security sent shockwaves around the world. more »


Episode 28, 16 August 2010
The Place Of The National Broadcaster

Where should the ABC sit within the changing media landscape? more »
