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Photos/Video: Anti-War New Years Eve 2012-Boston
1 A First Night 2012 Boston 002.jpgBoston, Mass.-Dec.31, 2011:
About 50 peace, Occupy Boston, and Palestine activists held a standout protest in the midst of Boston's New Years Eve 2012 festivities.
An info table was set up and anti-war stickers were passed out to New Years revelers.
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03 Jan 2012 | Filed under: News / War and Militarism
PEACE AND FIRE:Diversity of Tactics in the Egyptian Revolution (Jan-Feb 2011)
“There were a great number of women that were on the front line hurling stones at the police and pro-Mubarak thugs.” revolutionary Sama El Tarzi told Al Jazeera.
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11 Dec 2011 | Filed under: Commentary / Occupy Boston
Boston Police Mount Operation to Confiscate Sink
Hours after lawyers for the city of Boston argued in court that the Occupy Boston camp should be shut down because of unsanitary and unsafe conditions, Boston police intercepted and confiscated a sink which was to have been used to make the camp more sanitary.
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02 Dec 2011 | Filed under: News / Occupy Boston
video/photos-Native American Day Of Mourning-Thanksgiving Day 2011
6397319413_a58f3d867d_o.jpgPlymouth, Mass.-Thanksgiving Day-Nov. 24, 2011:
The 42nd annual National Native American Day of Mourning took place in Plymouth, Mass. on "Thanks-taking" Day.

More Photos:
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25 Nov 2011 | Filed under: News / Human Rights
Boston Anarchist Bookfair (November 11-13)
boston-a-bookfair_8x11.jpgBoston Anarchists have become a favorite scapegoat of Mayor Menino and the chief of the Boston Police Department. Come see what all the fuss is about in a weekend of resistance to authoritarianism, oppression, and capitalism! We will host workshops, presentations and vendors from all over New England and the U.S. In addition, we will present the first ever Boston Anarchist Film Festival! You don't have to be an anarchist to attend-- this event is about sharing, listening and collaboration. Come explore the possibilities of collective liberation!
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08 Nov 2011 | Filed under: News / Education : Environment : Gender : Globalization : Labor : Media : Organizing : Politics : Race : Social Welfare : War and Militarism
Photos/Videos:Occupy Boston March In Solidarity With Occupy Oakland
occupy boston-oakland solidarity Nov 2 2011 020.jpgBoston-Nov. 2, 2011:
Hundreds of Occupy activists marched through downtown Boston in solidarity with Occupy Oakland and against police brutality.
more photos:

video(corporate humour from "Vermin Supreme"):

video of march:
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08 Nov 2011 | Filed under: News / Occupy Boston
Scott Olsen Cannot Talk, General Strike Nov. 2nd!
Key unions are on board and will shut down construction sites and the Port of Oakland
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30 Oct 2011 | Filed under: News / Environment : Human Rights : Labor : Politics : Social Welfare
Banner Drop Downtown
100_0889.JPGActivists dropped a banner at a downtown parking garage Wednesday morning to protest Mayor Menino's recent statements concerning anarchists.
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26 Oct 2011 | Filed under: News / Occupy Boston
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