economics as if people mattered.


about TOES | TOES books | support  | contact us 

TOES promotes economics which incorporate the sustainable use of natural resources and the productive engagement of all people in the development of their communities and societies. It addresses the disarray in conventional economics by helping to bring such economic thinking into line with late twentieth century realities.

Those who support and work with TOES are convinced that promising and constructive alternatives are available and are being developed and implemented all over the globe. TOES builds on a considerable tradition of theory and practice. An economics constrained by respect for the natural world and human dignity is possible. It is the goal of TOES to promote its further conceptualization and to encourage its elaboration in practice. TOES' major ongoing activity is a yearly forum/exposition held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the world's leading industrial countries - the US, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Japan. TOES also publishes books, occasional newsletters, and maintains contact with TOES-related colleagues in other countries.


Trent Schroyer's Interview with Zack Lyde

G8 Met in the Most Polluted Zip Code in U.S.

Antiglobal Protesters Try New Tactics: Tea and Pudding As Georgia Girds for G-8, Groups Show Gentler Side; Anarchists Fixing Homes? 

TOES 2004 Experience in Georgia | Brunswick [2004] Events

TOES Tour: South India



In the Media...

US Movement for Debt Cancellation Outraged by G-8 Failure on Debt

Infamous 'Miami Model' of Protest Clampdown, Coming to a Town Near You by Christopher Getzan | The Miami Model: An Indymedia Production

G8 Protestors Victorious in Training World Eye on Corrupt Policies

Economist, Activist, Writer, Professor Robert Span Browne dies at age 79

Read about the Brunswick 10

Shoot to Kill Ordered at the G8 in Georgia

The following stories were reported by Tennessee Independent Media Center at TOES:

Globalization's Impact - Enslavement of Our Ancestors, Reenslavement of Our People

Revitalizing the Cultural Commons

The Movement to Abolish Corporate Personhood

Revitalizing the Global Commons- Who Controls Information in a Globalized World?

From the G8 to Africa to You

Environmental Racism: Stories from the Gullah Geechee People

Ending Corporate Rule in a Globalizing World

Past TOES Gatherings

Related Links

G8 Summits

G8 Links


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