Not all of us can be just like us; some of us must be decorations in the desert or jungle. -- Rebecca Ore Rebecca?s Home Page CrossCurrents on LiveJournal Slow Funeral Gaia?s Toys Home





Forthcoming and News

Forthcoming, March 2009: Centuries Ago and Very Fast, Aqueduct Press

This collection is part of Aqueduct's Conversation Pieces series (as is a reprint of Alien Bootlegger). No cover yet, but it's already blurbed, by Pamela Sargent and none other than Samuel Delaney. 

"In Centuries Ago and Very Fast, Rebecca Ore reveals the gritty and often less admirable aspects of human life without flinching but also without cynicism. These earthy, lively, and compelling stories centered around a time-traveling immortal show inventiveness, combine cosmic scope with realistic detail, and will leave readers wanting more." — Pamela Sargent

"Witty, vivid, and very thought provoking, these interwoven narratives of
the most sophisticated of primitive lusts start with a gay caveman who
happens to have been around over fourteen thousand years. Finishing an
afternoon tryst with a Puerto Rican drag queen at the Chelsea Hotel in New
York, he and his new friend wander back to Greenwich Village to end up
smack in the Stonewall Riots of late June ’69. Then we go hunting (and
killing and dressing and eating and a few other things that might raise your
eyebrow) a mammoth. But that’s only the beginning. (Want to learn the
right way to celebrate the winter solstice?) Ore’s little book has intelligence
and charm. Really, you’ve just got to read this!"

— Samuel R. Delany, author of Tales of Nevèrÿon


News: Rebecca is a professional Guest at Gaylaxicon 2008 October 10-13.


Rebecca Ore:  A Map

Rebecca Blogs at EOS


Where to Find RO’s Books:

In Print:


Time’s Child

Accelerated Grimace (Published in the Magazine of Science Fiction and

        Fantasy, February 1998)


          Time’s Child 
          Alien Bootlegger
          Acid and Stoned Reindeer

A print copy of Clarkesworld issues can be obtained in chapbook form
         from Wyrm Publishing.             

Out of Print:


Poems via Serendipity Books, Berkeley, CA


Email me at  I often have extra copies for sale.


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