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Our motto: Ars longa, spectatores fugaces ("Art is forever, the audience comes & goes.")

Last updated 11/1/11

Ubu Projex Headlines

Ketchup Sale!
See Ubutique .
Get the last 3 Pere Ubu albums at a special package price of $20 + shipping.

Rocket From The Tombs Tour Dates
Ubutique stocks Barfly
• Rocket From The Tombs on Facebook .
• Rocket From The Tombs dedicated Blog site.

Updated Illustrated eBook Script to "Bring Me The Head Of Ubu Roi."
See below.

Get works-in-progress of the next Pere Ubu album, Lady From Shanghai.

Upcoming Shows.
See Calendar for more detail.
• 2pbs Sicilian dates Dec 21 & 22
RFTT Tour Update
The tour dates are set for the first exploratory US tour. Hopefully a longer US tour will follow after the worst of the winter. A European tour is in the works for May. No plans for the UK - too much trouble, no money and little interest.

The touring band lineup is:
David Thomas
Cheetah Chrome
Gary Siperko
Craig Bell
Steve Mehlman

Gary Siperko is a Cleveland guitarist who has toured extensively throughout Europe and the US with the Progressive Instrumental Garage / Punk Trio "MOFOS," and the Cleveland based Cow-Punk band "The Whiskey Daredevils."

The tour dates are:
Dec 7 Chicago, The Empty Bottle
Dec 8 Newport KY, The Southgate House
Dec 9 Cleveland, Beachland Ballroom
Dec 10 Pittsburgh, Thunderbird Cafe
Dec 11 Philadelphia, Kungfu Necktie
Dec 12 Brooklyn, The Bell House
Dec 13 Hoboken, Maxwell's
See Calendar Page for more detail.

Update to eBook of "Bring Me The Head"
The illustrated eBook has been updated to version 9.0 with more background text, format fixes, and additional dialog from a wider range of the many iterations of the script. Those who bought version 8.1 from, or who bought the dropcard , have been sent free download codes for the update, as is the policy at Those who bought the Kindle version need to contact Amazon for a free update.

Lady From Shanghai #4
The latest installment of demos from the next Pere Ubu album, Lady From Shanghai, is the September release at It is an album-length 11 song update. Some are nearly completeion, others have a way to go and there are some recent additions still in an embryonic state.

New news
We have updated the ways we deliver news about Pere Ubu & related bands. We no longer keep a mailing list & deliver news through it. This methodology was too labor-intensive, yielding haphazard output. News will henceforth be delivered from a dedicated blog site. At this site you can subscribe to email news, an RSS feed, or view online. It will also feed the Ubu Projex twitter account.

Ubu Communex Blog : email subscription, RSS & Twitter feed

Twitter account: @ubuprojex

Pere Ubu on Facebook

Note as well that has a Facebook page.

Rocket From The Tombs
The new album, Barfly , is scheduled for release September 13 on Fire Records and Smog Veil. The eleven new songs, produced by David Thomas at Suma, are: I Sell Soul, Birth Day, Anna, Butcherhouse 4, Romeo & Juliet, Sister Love Train, Love Train Express, Good Times Never Roll, Six And Two, Maelstrom, and Pretty. The band remains: David Thomas, Cheetah Chrome, Richard Lloyd, Craig Bell and Steve Mehlman.

Cds and the Smog Veil vinyl are now in stock at Ubutique .

The two songs released on 45rpm vinyl earlier this year, I Sell Soul / Romeo & Juliet , have been remixed for "Barfly" and "I Sell Soul" was partially re-recorded.

Videos for that single release are viewable at I Sell Soul and Romeo & Juliet .

A blog site for Rocket From The Tombs is up as well as an official Facebook page.

The Archimedes Quartet
The Archimedes Quartet is a project driven by method, mystery and miasma. Five years ago David Thomas described a bath tub epiphany to Peter Blegvad at a chance meeting outside an architectural college in Oxford. "Edison, Einstein, Eisenhower and Elvis - The Four 'E's Who Invented The 20th Century." This evolved, in the way of these sorts of conversations, into a Big Idea - a lecture / symposium slamdown to be refereed by Chris Cutler. A few emails were exchanged, words beginning with "E" were accumulated but, in the way of these things, the Big Idea withered on the vine.

Well, it's back and it's bigger than before and it's booked, Saturday, December 3 2011, at Cafe Oto, London. Only trouble is we still got no idea at all what the Big Idea will look like except it will be musical and bag lunches are advised.

That's the downside. The upside is that Blegvad and Thomas are inventive story-tellers, of the tall tale variety, very cool singers, and, in spite of a mutually shared tendency to over intellectualize, they are shameless entertainers. Egged on by the flamboyant rhythm section of Chris Cutler and John Edwards a concert of "Eureka!" moments is envisioned.

This blog tracks the work-in-progress.

eBook Download Dropcards
Credit card sized, plastic dropcards with download code for the Illustrated Script to "Bring Me The Head Of Ubu Roi" are now available from Ubutique.

Jane Scott is gone
The icon of Cleveland rock music, Jane Scott , died early on July 4. She was 92.

Living Room Concerts
The first three Living Room Concerts on the west coast were successful on all levels and so the series will continue. Those who have expressed interest will be contacted soon. Thanks to the hosts for enjoyable and well-organized events: Dan Carbone, Duane Capizzi and Pierre Gonzalez.

Final Solution at the Beacland March 19
There a clip on YouTube .

Best of 2010
The UK's The Independent selected Pere Ubu's "The First & Last" concert (Feb 25, The Garage, London) as one of the best of 2010 .
"Pere Ubu's delivery of their first and last albums back-to-back involved one of the year's most extraordinary performances from singer David Thomas, clearly taking his title role in Ubu Roi to enraged new extremes as he vented his drunken fury on all and sundry - to the audience's evident delight."

Living Room Concerts
Based on the delightful experience of Lilley Live in Copenhagen recently David Thomas is offering a new product, Living Room Concerts, wherein he gives a solo performance in... your living room. Click here for more details.

eBook of Bring Me The Head Of Ubu Roi
Hearpen publishes its first iBook/eBook, the illustrated script to Bring Me The Head Of Ubu Roi . It's available at in both iBook/ePUB and PDF formats. Also available thru Amazon's Kindle server.
Follow Ubu Projex news on Twitter: @ubuprojex

Pere Ubu on Facebook

News feeds via email subscription, RSS or online thru Ubu Communex. is the only source of best quality audio downloads for Pere Ubu and related bands. on Facebook

New at
When It's Too Late To Die Young
Rocket From The Tombs live, 2003

Buyer's Guide to Pere Ubu
For those wondering what to buy first, next or last.

Press Center
A good place to find information concerning Pere Ubu, David Thomas, Special Projex and other sources on the site.

Pere Ubu Studio Albums
Historical Era:
The Modern Dance (1978)
Dub Housing (1978)
New Picnic Time (1979)
The Art Of Walking (1980)
Song Of The Bailing Man (1982)
Terminal Tower (1975 - 1981)
Datapanik In The Year Zero (Box Set)

Fontana Years:
The Tenement Year (1988)
Cloudland (1989)
Worlds In Collision (1991)
Story Of My Life (1993)

Modern Era:
Raygun Suitcase (1995)
Pennsylvania (1998)
St Arkansas (2002)
Why I Hate Women (2006)
Why I Remix Women (2006)
"Long Live Père Ubu!" (2009)
Lady From Shanghai (Demos)

Pere Ubu Live Albums
* - Denotes download only.
The Shape Of Things (1976)
Pirate's Cove* (1977)
390° Of Simulated Stereo* (1977 - 79)
U-Men Live At Intersate Mall* (1978)
One Man Drives While The... (1978 - 81)
I Walk The Line (1981)*
The Art Of Talking* (1982)
Waltz Across Texas* (1989)
Waltz By The Sea* (1989)
London Texas (1989)
Paradiso - Part 1* (1991)
Paradiso - Part 2* (1991)
Apocalypse Now (1991)
The Late Show* (1992)
A Ghost Town Goes Where You Want To Go* (2006)
Light It Up!* (2007)
Oh, Pennsylvania...* (1998 - 02)
The Annotated Modern Dance* (2010)

David Thomas Albums
* - Denotes download only.
Winter Comes Home (1982) *
EREWHON (1996)
Monster Box Set
Mirror Man (1999)
Bay City (2000)
Surf's Up! (2001)
18 Monkeys on a Dead Man's Chest (2004)
A Map Only Tells Me...* (2008)
Mirror Man Act 2* (2009)
Let's Visionate!* (2009)
How's Things In Your Town?* (2005)
I Remember Mars* (1996)
David Thomas and The Holy Soul* (2010)

Rocket From The Tombs
Barfly (2011)
I Sell Soul / Romeo & Juliet (2010)
The Day The Earth Met... (1975)
Rocket Redux (2004)

Theatrical Productions
Mirror Man
Bring Me The Head Of Ubu Roi

Festival Productions
Disastodrome 1998
Disastodrome 2003

Other Recordings
Wait For It - Tom Herman
Jimmy Bell's Still In Town - 15-60-75
The Inward City - 15-60-75

Other Pages Of Interest
David Thomas and two pale boys
Other web sites
Unlikely Releases
News Archive
European Taxes
Where nowhere is
Accusations of Paranoia

Fan Input:
iPod Ubu
Geography Lessons

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