Communist Workers of Iran

Republic of Councils is the only form of Workers' State

On Iran

Current Struggles of the Working Masses and Its Short-comings

What we are seeing today, throughout the world, from Tunisia to Wisconsin, From Cairo to Madrid and Paris, From Tehran to Changchun, is the reaction of the workers to the intolerable conditions that have been forced upon them violently by world capitalism, marking a new upheaval of the proletarian mass struggle.
The uniformity seen in these struggles is yet another proof of the above mentioned cause and effect relationship between the world capitalist crises and the upheaval of the struggles of the working masses. These struggles are almost, always fueled and ignited by the unemployed youth, and later, grow to a massive participation of the working masses of all ages and strata. Their initial independence from all type of bourgeois lines and organizations is manifested by its populist forms. No classical parties or trade unions can claim leadership of these struggles. However, due to the absence of a true proletarian line, its organizations and parties, they fall in to anarchy in nature. Which, in return, due to their inabilities to form the structures necessary to gain specific results and protect its achievements, it opens the door to liberal reformists to fill this vacuum.


Letter to an authoritarian government. Communiqué from VOCAL»

To: Mr. Marco Tulio Lopez Escamilla, Minister of Public Safety of the State of Oaxaca CC: Mr. Gabino Cue Monteagudo, Governor of the State of Oaxaca. As the indigenous people of Oaxaca that we are, ancestral inhabitants of these lands for thousands of years before your ancestors came from Spain to plunder our wealth, which [...]

In Cherán “we got fed up with keeping our heads down”»

Source: Angry White Kid/ Gloria Muñoz Ramírez, La Jornada/ Translated by Scott Campbell/ Cherán, Michoacán, May 27. In the face of government indifference and/or complicity, close to 20,000 community members have organized themselves for the past 42 days against illegal loggers who are supported by gangs linked to organized crime. Patrols, barricades of sandbags, trunks [...]

Statement from the Communal Autonomous Council of San Juan Copala»

Source: Angry White Kid Translated by Scott Campbell To the indigenous peoples and peoples of the world To the honest, independent and alternative media To the international, democratic, solidarity and revolutionary social organizations To the struggles built from below and whose origin is to the left, committed to the emblematic changes to which we are [...]


Source: OSAG By Members of the La Otra Support Committee of the Caravan Translated by Scott Campbell TO THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD TO THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL MOVEMENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS TO THOSE IN SOLIDARITY WITH THIS JUST CAUSE The Triqui people of the Autonomous Municipality of San Juan Copala in Oaxaca, Mexico, make a call-out [...]


Source: OSAG written by the Oaxaca collective, translated by Nancy Davies Monday May 23, 2011 10:28 – Updated the same day at 5:17 PM The Peoples Mixe, Zapoteco, Mixteco, Chatino, Cuicateco, Wixárika, among other indigenous peoples, as well as diverse civil and social organizations, meeting the 20th and 21st of May 2011 en Capulálpam de [...]

Teachers Call for Strike in Southern Mexican State»

Source: OSAG By: Nancy Davies OAXACA, Mexico – SNTE teachers union members have voted to go on an indefinite strike starting Monday in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca, a move that affects 1.3 million students, union leaders said. The decision to go on strike was made Saturday after SNTE Local 22 members decided that [...]

The displaced decide to return to our community: Caravan of the Color of Blood»

Source: Angry White Kid Translated by Scott Campbell TO THE PEOPLES OF MEXICO AND THE WORLD TO THE DEMOCRATIC ORGANIZATIONS TO THE OTHER CAMPAIGN TO THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES Compañeras, compañeros: Those who are speaking to you, issuing a call for solidarity, are the children, elders, women and men who on January 1, 2007 declared the [...]

May Day 2011: The Deepening World Crisis Calls for a Real Class Struggle!»

Source:Internationalist Communist Tendency On this occasion more than ever our focus is not on a workers’ day of celebration but on the attacks on workers The world crisis which has produced enormous economic devastation in the financial sector and the real economy in the last few years has not finished inflicting its evil consequences on [...]

Copala: A Year of Impunity»

Source: El Enemigo Común April 27, 2011, marks one year since the armed ambush against the caravan carrying humanitarian aid to the men, women, and children of the autonomous municipality of San Juan Copala, who had been under a siege imposed by the PRI paramilitary group UBISORT for several months. In the attack, Bety Cariño [...]

The Revolutionary Socialists of Egypt’s Statement of Success!!!»

Glory for the fallen fighters! Victory for the Revolution! Taking place right now is the greatest popular revolution in our country’s history and the whole Arabic world. The Sacrifice of our fallen brothers and sisters, has made the revolution successful and based upon that success, we have torn down every boundary of fear that we [...]
