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 Tematea jQuery UI Dialog - Basic modal

The information on the TEMATEA website will not be affected by this review. Please be advised, however, that content may be out of date and the information provided incomplete. In the course of this review, we would welcome feedback on the use and navigability of this website.

For more information on MEAs, please also visit www.InforMEA.org.

visits for all languages since
October 11, 2007

© 2005-2008 Tematea Project | Powered by Drupal
design|development Studio van Son Brussels

UNEP and IUCN are currently reviewing TEMATEA

The information on the TEMATEA website will not be affected by this review. Please be advised however that content may be out of date and the information provided incomplete. In the course of this review, we would welcome feedback on the use and navigability of this website.

Database currently being Updated

The content of the TEMATEA database is currently being updated, and a new module is under development. Please note that new content is being added daily, which might lead to the website and/or its database not working properly. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience. Once the upload process is finished, the database will be open for a peer review.

Contact & Comments

We welcome your comments here. A peer-review form will soon be online.

Site status

Tematea is currently best viewed in Firefox 2/3 or Internet Explorer 6/7. Optimization for Safari will follow soon.

Welcome to Tematea!

The TEMATEA Project on Issue-Based Modules supports a better and more coherent national implementation of biodiversity-related conventions following a two-track approach:
The Issue-Based Modules are web-based tools that provide a logical, issue-based framework of commitments and obligations from regional and global biodiversity-related agreements.
The use of the Issue-Based Modules is further supported at the country level to promote national cooperation and communication across sectors and conventions.
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'Putting the pieces of the puzzle together'

TEMATEA is designed for everyone involved in the implementation of biodiversity related commitments, be it at the level of central or local government, an NGO or the private sector.
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What can Tematea do for you?

By structuring provisions of different instruments on specific key topics, the Issue-Based Modules facilitate coherent and coordinated action at the national level. They also reinforce cross-sectoral understanding and cooperation, emphasizing the relevance of biodiversity to other sectors.
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