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Information on Georgia College and State University

February 14th, 2012

Information on Georgia College and State University

Georgia College & State University was chartered as Georgia Normal & Industrial College in the year 1889. The emphasis, during the time, was on career education. It was tasked with setting up young women for careers in educating or manufacturing occupations. In the year 1917 Georgia Normal & Industrial School, in line with cultural and economic changes inside the state, was authorized to supply degrees. The first degree was administered in the year 1921. The following year, the name was changed to the Georgia State College for Women.

The school has been part of the University System of Georgia since its beginning in 1932. The name was modified in 1961 to Women’s College of Georgia. In 1967, the College went co-educational and became Georgia College at Milledgeville. Later on, the label was shortened to Georgia College.

In 1987 an educational exchange formulated with the People’s Republic of China.

This educational exchange signaled a rebirth of international communication by way of learning overseas and student exchange programs.

By August of 1996, a change of name to Georgia College & State University was accredited by the Board of Regents. Additionally it authorized a new project as being the State’s Public Liberal Arts University. Although the official name is Georgia College & State University, the school likes to be called Georgia College.

At Georgia College & State University, the student to faculty rate is just about 17:1 with about 34 percent of classes having less than 20 students. Among the most well-liked majors at GCSU are Health Teacher Education, Nursing and RN Training, Marketing Administration, Business Administration and Management, and Psychology.

Some of the degrees and majors that are offered at GCSU comprise Legal Enforcement Administration, Accounting, Business Administration, International Business, Marketing Management, Psychology, Journalism and many others.

Georgia College & State University makes available student services such as women’s center, health insurance, health and wellbeing service, and non-remedial coaching. GCSU also provides campus security and safety services that include night time transport as well as escort service, 24 hour foot as well as vehicle patrol, lighted pathways as well as walkways, 24 hour emergency telephones, managed dorm access as well as student patrols.

GCSU provides its students with housing. Students can opt to live in either a high-rise apartment at The Village located on the West Campus, or at suite-styled residence hall at the Central Campus.

There are a number of sororities as well as fraternities under numerous councils. Student life at GCSU can involve useful opportunities to work in the media. The Georgia College & State University Student media consists of the Bobcat Media Productions/GCTV News that is a TV station/news program, a publication known as Colonnade, WGUR 88.9 radio, a journal of student research known as Corinthian and a useful journal called Peacock’s Feet.

Georgia College & State University’s Student Government Association (SGA) serves students by looking at their concerns, dishing out all things that are assigned by the school President to the student body, and encouraging understanding within the University.

The surroundings of the GCSU campus is urban with a campus of about 590 acres. It uses a semester-based academic schedule. The university has handicap services as well. So if you are considering attending a college in Georgia, you should give serious consideration to Georgia College and State University.


Sam Schlosser – I provide useful information on the Colleges and Universities in Georgia so that potential students can make an informed decision on which school to attend the Georgia College and State University

Student Computers

January 13th, 2012

Student Computers

A home computer or laptop has become very much of a necessity for the majority of students these days and most young people will have access to a PC or laptop at home. For those who are embarking upon a college or university education it is probably advisable to have a dedicated laptop that they will use solely for their studies. Not only will a typical further education student require constant access to the household’s computer but they may also be staying away from home and in this instance a laptop is more or less essential.

Thankfully the cost of computers overall has fallen considerably and as technology progresses then so the affordability increases. You really don’t have to spend the earth to get a good quality laptop and even budget ranges offer fantastic value when compared to what a machine with a similar specification would have cost 2 or more years ago.

What to buy – obviously your personal budget will be the main factor, as will the type of course you are enrolled upon.

For most instances a machine which can run office applications such as word processing and spreadsheets will be more than adequate. For those studying advanced subjects involving complex designs then a machine with a dedicated graphics card may be worth considering.

Before buying a computer it’s probably a good idea to look through the course prospectus to see what applications you’ll be using. There should be a list of computer programs involved in the coursework and you can check what the minimum requirements will need to be in terms of available memory and storage capacity.

A laptop with an advanced dual core microprocessor and 2 or 3GB of RAM memory will usually be sufficient for most applications.

Everyday Usage – it’s worth remembering that, although commonplace, a laptop computer is still a sophisticated and delicate machine and will need to be taken care of.

Also, it’s worth getting into good habits regarding battery maintenance and backing up the memory. Computers do get stolen and damaged so it’s essential that you adopt a regular back-up procedure at least once a week. Although this can become a hassle after a while you’ll certainly be grateful if the worst does come to the worst and you lose all your hard work.

Back-up options – Saving your work to a CD or DVD each month is a good practice to adopt. However, this kind of media back-up is notoriously unreliable, so it’s a good idea to have a secondary back-up option . This could be in the form of an external memory drive or may simply involve transferring files to a main PC. A handy way to back-up office documents is to send them to your own email account as an attachment. Not only is this a quick and simple precaution, it also puts your files on a remote server which you’ll be able to access from any computer.

Basic Software – as already mentioned this will depend to a large extent on the type of course you are studying. However, a basic office suite of applications will be essential. Word Processing, Spreadsheets and Presentation applications will be used often. There are free versions around which are very good or you may prefer to just buy a version of MS Office and put this on your computer. A graphics program may also be required and again there are free programs available. Some specialist applications such as PhotoShop or AutoCAD will be available with a student licence at a much reduced cost for a limited time.

An anti-virus and security program will also be essential; the paid for versions are usually best but again there are free options. Most importantly it is essential that these programs are updated regularly and a full scan carried out at least once a week.

Maintenance – modern laptops are generally maintenance free and will run for several years without any major problems. It’s a good idea to make sure the battery goes through a regular cycle of re-charge and discharge to ensure it performs at its best. Other than this it’s just a case of ensuring the laptop is kept in a suitably secure place and transported in a padded case to ensure it doesn’t get knocked about.

Modern laptop computers are extremely powerful educational tools and will serve you well throughout your time at college. If looked after correctly your laptop will not let you down and see you through college and into the start of your new career.

To see a recommended selection of student laptops please visit our site for construction students for a range of advice and information to help anyone studying for a construction related course at college or university. Construction