Archive for June, 2008

June 30th, 2008
by John B

Why are the Lib Dems bothering to oppose Labour, when the Tories are the real enemy?

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June 25th, 2008
by John B

What’s your personal inflation rate?

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June 23rd, 2008
Quote of the political season
by John B

“On [the internet] if someone gets up with a hangover after drinking 8 pints, the blame lies with the goverment and Gordon Brown” - commenter Eatonrifle on HYS

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June 21st, 2008
by John B

Intimidation, power, class and race

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June 17th, 2008
Fuel foolishness and the disutility of dissing utilities
by John B

There’s a lot of debate in left-wing-commentaryland at the moment about electricity and gas prices, ‘fuel poverty’, and how these relate to the profits made by energy companies.
The problem is, the debate is nonsense: UK utilities are losing out from high energy prices - and utility bills are currently far too low in any case. [...]


June 13th, 2008
by John B

Guide to self-loathing. “First they came for the braying toffs…”

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June 11th, 2008
by John B

Good news about New Zealand’s decriminalisation of prostitution - mysteriously hushed up by the mad puritans (conservative and feminist alike) who favour locking people up

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June 5th, 2008
by John B

A superb demolition of this kind of emotivist nonsense about wonderdrugs that don’t work

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June 4th, 2008
by John B

London’s poor in “not trusting Etonian buffoon” shock

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June 4th, 2008
Lies and damn lies about statistics
by John B

The mysteriously popular Coppersblog has a piece up claiming - in line with its general tabloid nonsense agenda - that crime statistics are nonsense, that crime is rocketing, and that we’ll probably all be stabbed by the end of the week.
Reasonably disgustingly, it uses the murder of Arsema Dawit as a “OMG, evil teen stabbings” [...]


June 3rd, 2008
by John B

A no-go area challenge from Jamie and John B

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