January 2 2012

6 Israel building walls on its borders with Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon

4 Pro-Israel ‘lawfare’ group seeks to censor Twitter account for Hezbollah’s TV station

28 Again, ‘NYT’ ties anti-Zionism to white supremacism (apropos of Ron Paul)

10 Headlines from Israel

31 Linda Gradstein: ‘I’m not an Israeli citizen, but that being said, I’m part of Israel.’
Pat Carmeli

1 See Omar Barghouti on US speaking tour starting Wednesday

21 The ‘special relationship’ and the arms race

19 Power struggle has begun inside Democratic Party over nature of US-Israel relationship

24 Neoconservative responsibility for the Iraq war

16 Clark: There was no national debate over the policy coup by the ‘hardnosed’
Phil Weiss and Annie Robbins

January 1 2012

85 Arendt: Born in conflict, Israel will degenerate into Sparta, and American Jews will need to back away

December 31 2011

36 Happy New Year

35 Ron Paul challenges liberals on love of ‘big finance’ and ‘big-ass wars’

10 Memories of Gaza: when the victim is called the terrorist
Sarah Ali

7 Poolside, New Year’s Eve

18 Another mainstream voice challenges idea of war on Iran

151 ‘People who promoted the Iraq war ought to be so discredited that no one listens to them any more’

6 ‘Settlements in Palestine’ reports U.S. charities violate tax laws

128 Kampeas: Jewish neocons are more than 2 degrees removed from Bush’s decision to invade Iraq

1 Kept from their land by the Separation Wall, Palestinians risk losing their land due to Israeli ‘absentee’ laws

67 Real News Video: JNF ‘Judaizes’ expropriated land