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We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.

JfJfP comment

January 2012
Letter to the Jewish Chronicle: JfJfP doesn't do 'gloating'...

Listen again

Fiona Wright in conversation with Abeer Baker and Anat Matar, editors of Threat: Palestinian Political Prisoners in Exile (Pluto Press).


Arab spring pushed Palestinians into wings says Fayyad on Davos stage

This time last year, delegates at the Davos World Economic Forum were watching TV coverage of the Egyptian uprising. This year, the new Arab leaders were on stage to reassure them that the new voters want jobs and an open economic system from their Islamic governments, not strict Islamic rule. PM Fayyad said the effect on Palestinians had been an international loss of focus on negotiations for their own state.

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‘All we care about is being good Zionists, being good citizens of Israel’ – US citizen Adelson


The American news channel NBC has uncovered a talk billionaire Sheldon Adelson gave to an Israeli group in July, 2010 when he said he wished he had served in the Israeli Army rather than the U.S. military—and that he hoped his young son will come back to Israel and “be a sniper for the IDF.” This surely gladdened the hearts of his audience if not loyal Americans.

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Israel sealed in against all outsiders

Laws that were originally (1954) intended as an emergency measure to prevent Palestinians returning have been made permanent to keep out North Africans – and anyone else who might spoil Israeli ‘purity’. The other side of locking Palestinians and Africans out, or up in the world’s largest detention centre, is that Israelis are immuring themselves in the cleansed space inside massive walls and barricades.

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The deal that could solve the West’s crisis with Iran

Peter Jenkins, Britain’s former representative at the International Atomic Energy Agency, says that the West should grant what Iran wants – to be treated as an equal partner in the nuclear non-proliferation treaty – in exchange for accepting IAEA safeguards over its nuclear enrichment programme. Last November, Palestinians at Gaza’s CPDS discussed the implications for them of the Israel/Iran conflict, 2nd

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Netanyahu’s billionaire buddy seeks to buy election for Newt

The race to win the Republican nomination for the presidential election has been transformed by the intervention of one man – casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson, fanatical supporter of all right-wing causes in Israel and now super-generous donor to Newt ‘Palestinians are an invented people’ Gingrich. It is Newt’s contempt for, and ignorance about, Palestinians that have attracted Adelson’s mega-bucks

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NGO Monitor attacks Heinrich Boell funding for +972 and Zochrot

Gerald Steinberg, head of NGO Monitor which attacks the funders of any liberal or critical NGOs which work in Israel, has attacked Germany’s Heinrich Böll Stiftung foundation for funding 972 ezine. Their funding, he says, ‘helps provide a platform used to demonize Israel’ and ‘the one-sided perspectives on the Arab-Israeli conflict.’ UPDATE Responses from +972 and the Heinrich Böll Foundation have now been published, and are posted here

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‘An asylum seeker froze to death in a Tel Aviv park tonight’

Despite a history of (selective) immigration, Israeli state and people are baulking at having to deal with an influx of refugees, mostly from Eritrea. They are not considered asylum seekers, nor given work permits, but end up sleeping rough or huddled into the poorest parts of cities, whose residents respond with racist hostility. Two reports from 972 plus a 2009 Guardian article explaining why so many flee Eritrea

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Israel, again, ranked as most militarised country in the world

Israel again tops the BCCI index of how ‘militarised’ the countries of the world are. The index measures the ratio of spending on the military and number of military personnel in relation to other forms of spending. It again points to how dependent Israel is, economically and politically on itsmilitary and on the USA. Other measures of military spending are given below the post from Tikun Olam to enrich the context.

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We must convince our people to believe in politics: Haneen Zoabi

This is a long, thoughtful interview with Balad MK Haneen Zoabi by Jonathan Cook and IOA. Amongst much else she explains why she is more hostile to leftwing than rightwing Zionists, why Palestinians must look to the new tools demonstrated by the Arab revolutions and the effect of Israel redefining itself as a Jewish rather than democratic state

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When stone-throwing lands you in solitary confinement

Threats, insults, shackled to a chair, hung upside down, deprived of sleep, solitary confinement – the punishments for throwing stones in Israel. But only if you are a Palestinian minor, who can be arrested and detained under military law. Stone-throwing adult settlers walk away free.

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Ben White defamed as antisemite – a screen for attack on Arab MK?

Ben White, a familiar name on this website for his blogs on Israel/Palestine, is openly defamed as an antisemite in Ynet news. He regards it as cover for the attack on Arab MK Hanin (Haneen) Zoabi. The use by an Israeli paper of the term that described the persecution and genocide of the Jews in the past to describe a journalist’s critique of Israel today is shocking. The ‘Jewish leaders’ said to accuse White of antisemitism are unnamed, but the Zionist Federation has complained to Amnesty saying Ben White justifies antisemitism.

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Demand for boycott of Israeli theatre company at Globe, London

The Habima theatre company has been booked by Shakespeare’s Globe theatre to perform The Merchant of Venice during the World Shakespeare festival and Cultural Olympiad. Israel’s Boycott from Within says the company has performed to Israeli-only audiences in the West Bank. The Globe says Habima are committed to ‘sensible dialogue’ between Israelis and Palestinians, it’s about words not nations.

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Anglican vicar smeared by association

The Church of England vicar, Rev Stephen Sizer, has been the regular target of criticism by the Jewish Chronicle, especially by blogger Jonathan Hoffman. Sizer is critical of many policies in Israel, a supporter of boycott campaigns and of inter-faith dialogue. He also made the mistake, common to web novices, of quoting from, thus linking to, sites which lead to other sites with antisemitic links.

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“The sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit.”

In the week of the UK’s Holocaust memorial day (Friday January 27th) Robert Cohen writes a letter to Anne Frank’s spirit, wondering what she would make of a cruel legacy in which ‘The Holocaust has been used to explain and justify every aggression’, Palestinians have been dispossessed and every criticism of these acts has been called antisemitic.

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British Jews refuse to talk to Abbas – after seeking Israel’s advice

Britains’s FCO pressed the country’s ‘Jewish community leaders’ to meet and talk with Palestine’s President Mahmoud Abbas on his visit to London last week The unnamed community leaders first asked Daniel Taub, the Israeli ambassador to London, for the Israeli government’s opinion – and chose the advice of the Israeli government (don’t talk) to that of the British government.

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Petition to Mr Netanyahu for the rights of Bedouin people

The indigenous peope of the Negev, the Bedouin, face massive displacement and dispossession by the Israeli state. JfJfP is committed to speaking up for their rights. One way anyone can do this is to sign the petition set up by Care2, an online network to help connect activists and causes. anywhere in the world.

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EU v USA and Israel: clash of civilizations or left versus right?

EU diplomats in Ramallah and Jerusalem have recommended that the European Commission make it illegal for member states to support Israeli settlements and that the EU should adopt a more “active and visible” implementation of its policy. 2) Such positions help explain the scorn and antipathy being shown by Israeli rightists and US Republicans to their ancestral European homeland.

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The mad mad world of trying to drive in a straight line in Israel (if you’re not Jewish)

In her account of one Christian family trying to reach Nazareth for Christmas, even Amira Hass admits defeat in trying to understand the rules which direct Palestinians, with the right permits, to spend the day driving in circles, never to arrive, on ‘general’s orders’

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Guardian readers take issue on antisemitism, Palestine and the right to protest

Guardian readers write in about anti-semitism versus criticism of Israeli policies, Palestine and the right to protest. Who keeps confusing these distinct positions? Not the LPO4, one of whom is defending her right to her beliefs at an employment tribunal (3rd letter plus last item)

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Ethiopian Jews march against racism in Israel

Ethiopian Jews, airlifted to Isael in several operations 1984-91, have long complained of discrimination against them in Israel. In this recent demonstration they won some high-profile support. Unlike Palestinans, who are semitic but, these days, rarely Jewish, Israeli Ethiopians are Jewish and may have their status enhanced by anti-racism laws (2nd item) – though not if they are Ethiopian or Sudanese ‘infiltrators’

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